Verse Locator

 Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youth

Chapter [ Sarga ] 1


Divine sage Narada arrives at the hermitage of sage Välmiki in order to enlighten him and keep him informed of his duty to author the epic poem Ramayana. In the dialogue between these two sages, Valmiki solicits from Narada about most virtuous person on earth, Rama. Narada while eulogizing Rama, gives an outline of Ramayana, truly highlighting those aspects that are keynotes in this epic, like virtuosity, generosity, morality, chastity and the like. Here starts the first verse in bala kanda:

Verse Locator
tapaHsvaadhyaayanirataM tapasvii vaagvidaaM varam |
naaradaM paripaprachchha vaalmiikirmunipuN^gavam || 1-1-1
1. tapasvii = sage, vaalmiiki = Valmiki, paripaprachchha= questioned, naaradam= with Narada, tapaH + svaadhyaaya + niratam= meditating and immersed in Vedic readings, vaak+vidaaM= among the knowledgable of words, varam= the best, muni+puN^gavam= sublime among sages. 

Sage Valmiki inquired thus with the Divine sage Narada, who always takes pleasure in ascetic meditation, devout study of Vedas and who is acclaimed as an august sage of higher learning.

Verse Locator
konvasmin saamprataM loke guNavaankashcha viiryavaan |
dharmajJNashcha kR^itajJNashcha satyavaakyo dR^iDhavrataH || 1-1-2
2. kaH+nu= who, asmin= in this, saamprataM= present, loke= world, guNavaan= with high attributes, kaH= who is, cha= also, viiryavaan= valiant, dharmajJNaH+cha= virtuous too, kR^itajJNaH+cha= faithful [to his own vow]also, satya+vaakyaH= true to his word, dR^iDha+vrataH= and determined in his deed.

" Who in this world, at present, is that great person with high attributes, valiant, virtuous, thankful, and also true to his word, and determined in his deed. "

Verse Locator
chaaritreNa cha ko yuktaH sarvabhuuteshhu ko hitaH |
vidvaan kaH kaH samardhashcha kashchaika priyadarshanaH || 1-1-3
3. chaaritreNa+cha= good conduct also, kaH= who, yuktaH = possessing, sarva= to all, bhuuteshhu= beings, kaH= who, hitaH= benign, vidvaan= scholar, kaH = who, samarthaH+cha= able one also, kaH= who, cha= also, eka= one , priya + darshanaH= pleasant to look at.

"Who has good conduct of high order, benign to all beings, scholar with adorable ability and admirable personality, and who is pleasant to look at."

Verse Locator
aatmavaan ko jitakrodho dyutimaan ko.anasuuyakaH |
kasya bibhyati devaashcha jaataroshhasya saMyuge || 1-1-4
4. aatmavaan= courageous, kaH= who, jitakrodhaH= controlled his ire, dyutimaan= non-emulative, anasuuyakaH = not jealous, kaH= who, jaata+roshhasya= if angered, saMyuge= in battlefield, kasya= by whom, devaaH+cha= even gods,  bibhyati= are afraid.

"Who is that courageous one, who has controlled ire, who is non-emulative, non-jealous and by whom, even the gods are afraid, when angered in a battlefield."

Verse Locator
etadichchhaamyahaM shrotuM paraM kautuuhalaM hi me |
maharshhe tvaM samartho.asi jJNaatumevaMvidhaM naram || 1-1-5
5. etat= this, aham= I, ichchhaami= am wishing, shrotuM= to listen, me= my, kautuuhalaM = inquisitiveness, paraM+hi= is high, maharshhe= Oh! Sage, tvaM= you, samarthaH+asi= are competent , jJNnaatum= to know about, evaM+vidhaM = this kind of, naraM= man [with godly qualities].

"I wish to hear all about him from you, as my inquisitiveness is high. Oh! Great sage of eminence, you are competent to know about that Man [with all the godly qualities]. "

Comment: Valmiki wanted to know about that man - a man with godly qualities; this is the possible link for Rama becoming a god incarnate. Sage Valmiki's thinking aloud about the qualities of his prospective hero of this epic are the very opening questions put to an Omniscient Sage Narada.

Verse Locator
shrutvaa chaitattrilokajJNo vaalmiikernaarado vachaH |
shruuyataamiti chaamantrya prahR^ishhTo vaakyamabraviit || 1-1-6
6. trilokajJNaH= perceptor of the three worlds, naaradaH= Narada, etat+ vachaH= this word, vaalmiikeH= of Valmiki,  shrutvaacha= listened (and), iti= said, "shruuyataam= let it be listened",  aamantrya+cha= (and)beckoned Valmiki, prahR^ishhTaH= appeased at heart, vaakyam+abraviit= spoken the sentence.

Sage Narada, the perceptor of all the three worlds, listened to the words of Valmiki. Then Sage Narada said with an appeased heart, duly beckoning Valmiki to listen attentively, "listen thus...."

Comment: The perceptor of three worlds, where the three worlds are 'bhu loka', this world, 'bhuvar loka', the intermediary heaven, 'suvar loka', the heavens themselves. In addition, they mean, heaven, earth, and hell.

Verse Locator
bahavo durlabhaashchaiva ye tvayaa kiirtitaa guNaaH |
mune vakshyaamyahaM buddhvaa tairyuktaH shruuyataaM naraH  || 1-1-7
7. mune= Oh! Sage Valmiki, bahavaH= many, durlabhaaH+ cha+eva= impossible to get, guNaaH= virtues, kiirtitaaH= described, tvayaa = by you, naraH= man, yuktaH = having, taiH= those (virtues), shruuyataam =  be listened, ahaM = I, buddhvaa = will know, vakshyaami = (and) tell you.

" Oh! Sage Valmiki, those many virtues, cited by you are impossible to find in a single individual. But, I will tell you about such a man, who has all these attributes, listen...." said Narada.

Verse Locator
ikshvaakuvaMshaprabhavo raamo naama janaiH shrutaH |
niyataatmaa mahaaviiryo dyutimaan dhR^itimaan vashii || 1-1-8
8. prabhavaH= born, ikshvaaku= in Ikshwaku, vamshaH= dynasty,  raamaH + naama= named Rama,shrutaH= heard thus, janaiH= by people,  niyataatmaa = conscientious, mahaaviiryaH= valorous, dyutimaan= radiant, dhR^ithimaan= brilliant, vashii= controller( of vice and vile (or) senses  ).

"He sparkled in Ikshwaku dynasty, and known to his subjects by name Rama. He is conscientious, valorous, radiant,  brilliant and a controller of vice and vile."

Verse Locator
buddhimaa nniitimaanvaagmii shriimaan shatrunibarhaNaH |
vipulaaMso mahaabaahuH kambugriivo mahaahanuH || 1-1-9
9. budhimaan= clever, niitimaan= with excellent morals, vaagmii= learned, shriimaan= wealthy, shatru+ nibharhaNaH= enemy destroyer,vipula+aMsaH= broad shouldered, mahaa+baahuH= powerful arms, kambu+griivaH= neck like a conch-shell , mahaa+hanuH= high cheek bones.

" He is clever, moralist, learned, wealthy, and a destroyer of enemies. He is broad-shouldered with powerful arms. His neck is like a conch-shell and he has high cheekbones. "

Comment: These and some of the following stanzas describe the physical qualities an Emperor should have by birth.

Verse Locator
mahorasko maheshhvaaso guuDhajatrurariMdamaH |
aajaanubaahuH sushiraaH sulalaaTaH suvikramaH || 1-1-10
10. mahoraskaH= has broad chest, maheshhvaasaH= has a great bow, guuDhajatruH= has strong scapulae, ariMdamaH = conqueror of enemies, aajaanubaahuH= long armed, sushiraaH= high crowning head, sulalaaTaH= high fore-headed, suvikramaH = with a beautiful gait.

" His chest is broad, bow is great, scapulae strong, and he is a conqueror of enemies. His arms are long, and he has emperor's continence, with a high crowning head and great forehead, has a  beautiful gait. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Verse Locator
samaH samavibhaktaaN^gaH snigdhavarNaH prataapavaan |
piinavakshaa vishaalaaksho lakshmiivaan shubhalakshaNaH || 1-1-11
11. samaH = has symmetrical body, sama +vibhakta +aN^gaH= has symmetrical body parts, snigdha varNaH= beautiful skin color, prataapavaan= gallant, piina vakshaaH = strong chested, vishaala+akshaH= wide eyed, lakshmiivaan = radiant, shubha lakshaNaH = has auspicious qualities.

" His body frame is symmetrical with symmetrical body parts and with beautiful glow of the skin. Gallant person he is, with strong chest, eyes are wide, with a radiant personality with all the auspicious qualities. "

Verse Locator
dharmajJNaH satyasandhashcha prajaanaaM cha hite rataH |
yashasvii jJNaanasaMpannaH shuchirvashyaH samaadhimaan || 1-1-12
12. dharmajJNaH= scholar of virtue, satya sandhaH+cha= truth cognizer, rathaH = interested , prajaanaaM =  in subject's, hitaH= welfare,  cha= also, yashasvii= renowned, jJNaana+ saMpannaH= erudite, suchiH= clean (in conduct), vashyaH= protector, samaadhimaan= thinker.

"He is a great Scholar of virtue, cognizes truth, always delights himself in the welfare of his subjects. He is renowned, erudite, clean, protector of dependents and also a great thinker."

Verse Locator
prajaapatisamaH shriimaan dhaataa ripunishhuudanaH |
rakshitaa jiivalokasya dharmasya parirakshitaa || 1-1-13
13. prajaapatiH + samaH= equals Brahma the Lord of people,  shriimaan= splendid, dhaataa = sustainer, ripuH + nishhuudanaH = eliminator (of) enemies,  rakshitaaH = guardian, jiivalokasya= of living beings,  dharmasya + pari+rakshitaaH = safeguards virtue well.

" He equals the Omniscient, splendid and sustainer of the worlds. He is an eliminator of enemies, guardian of all  living beings and protects virtue."

Verse Locator
rakshitaa svasya dharmasya svajanasya cha rakshitaa |
vedavedaaN^gatattvajJNo dhanurvede cha nishhThitaH || 1-1-14
14. rakshitaa= protector, svasya dharmasya= of self virtue,  rakshitaa= protector, svajanasyaH+ cha= of his own people also, tatvajJNaH = scholar in essence of, vedaH= Vedas, veda +aN^gaH = (and)Veda's ancillaries,  nishhThitaH= an expert, dhanur+vede= in the science of archery, cha= also.

"He is the protector of his own personal virtue, thus protects the general; He is a scholar of Vedas and their ancillaries also. He is an expert in the science of archery as contained in the canon, Dhanur Veda. "

Comment: These are the ancillary subjects of Vedas called anga [ part ] and upaanga [sub-part] Siksha [ritual rigor] vyakarana [grammar] chandas [prosody] jyotish [astrology] nirukta [recital rules] kalpa [procedure rules]. This apart, the dhanur veda [science of archery] itself is treated as  an exclusive Veda taught to warriors. The Danur Veda is not to be construed as simple bow and arrow and "shooting the target" education. It is a 'canon of missiles' that existed in those ages. Down the memory lane, O.A.Vijayan, the eminent Indian journalist has reflected in The Illustrated Weekly Of India, that the Soviet scholar Dr.A.A. Gorbovsky said in his article with heading 'Ancient India may have had N-arms', in the Statesman, with dateline Moscow, Sept. 8, 1986. Among other things, the scientist observes by the stanzas that describe the disaster caused by such astras, [now loosely termed as a well crafted bow and sky rocketing arrows,] as below: " A blazing shaft which possessed all the effulgence of smokeless fire was let off.. all directions were enveloped by darkness..the very elements seemed to be perturbed.. the sun seemed to turn...the universe, scorched with heat, seemed to be in fever... the survivors lost their hair and nails... for years the sun and sky remained shrouded with clouds..." Thus the narration goes on. This is the account of Brahmastra, as in Mahabharata, the other Epic of India. Thus the Dhanur Veda, may be taken as the canon of missile sciences, which fortunately has not been handed over to the successive generations, lest everything would have been annihilated by now. In Ramayana too, which is much earlier to Mahabharata, there are elaborate accounts of such astras in the coming chapters. Viswamitra, another Sage who is well-versed in warfare, gives many such weapons to Rama, in the forthcoming chapters. For now, these bow and arrow references may not be taken as those of Robin Hood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Verse Locator
sarvashaastraarthatattvajJNaH smR^itimaan pratibhaanavaan |
sarvalokapriyaH saadhuradiinaatmaa vichakshaNaH || 1-1-15
15. tatvajJNaH = grasped the essence of, sarva + shaastra + arthaH= all sciences and their meaning,  smR^itimaan= has excellent memory, pratibhaanavaan= capable, sarvaloka + priyaH= dear to all worlds, saadhuH= gentle, adiina+aatmaa = unperturbed at heart, vichakshaNaH = (has) clear thinking.

" He is a very learned person in the essence of all the scriptures with excellent memory and brilliance. He is dear to all the worlds, gentle, unperturbed at heart, and has clear thinking. "

Verse Locator
sarvadaabhigataH sadbhiH samudra iva sindhubhiH |
aaryaH sarvasamashchaiva sadaikapriyadarshanaH || 1-1-16
16. sarvadaa+abhigataH = always accessible, sadbhiH= by wise men, samudra= as an ocean, sindhubhiH + iva= like by rivers, cha+iva= like that only, aaryaH= reachable, sarva+samaH= treats all equally,  sadaikapriyadarshanaH= always has same pleasant look.

"Like a sea adored by many rivers reaching it, he too, is accessible and reached by learned men adoring him; he treats all equally, and always has same pleasant look. "

Verse Locator
sa cha sarvaguNopetaH kausalyaanandavardhanaH |
samudra iva gaambhiirye dhairyeNa himavaaniva || 1-1-17
17. saH + cha= He only is, sarva+guNopetaH= endowed with all great virtues, kausalya+aananda+vardhanaH= his mother Kausalya's delight, gaambhiirye= in inscrutability, samudra+iva= like an ocean, dhairyeNa= in courage, himavaan+iva= like an icy mountain.

"He is endowed with all great attributes and he is the delight of his mother Kousalya. He in his inscrutability is like an ocean and in courage, solid like Himavaan, an icy mountain."

Verse Locator
vishhNunaa sadR^isho viirye somavatpriyadarshanaH |
kaalaagnisadR^ishaH krodhe kshamayaa pR^ithiviisamaH || 1-1-18
18. viirye =  in courage, sadR^ishaH= resembles, vishNunaa = Lord Vishnu,  priya+darshanaH =  has pleasant looks, somavat= like the full moon,   sadR^ishaH= resembles, kaalaagni= fierce fire,  krodhe= in anger, samaH = equivalent to,  pR^ithvii= earth, kshamayaa= in perseverance.

"He resembles Lord Vishnu in courage, and his looks are pleasant as those of a full moon. He looks like a blazing fire when angered; yet he, in perseverance, is like the Mother Earth."

Verse Locator
dhanadena samastyaage satye dharma ivaaparaH |
tamevaMguNasampannaM raamaM satyaparaakramam || 1-1-19
19.  tyaage= in donation, samaH= he equals, dhanadena= to Lord Kubera[ wealth giver], satye= in virtue, iva+aparaH =  like, none other than, dharma= Dharma the Lord of Virtue,  tam = that, satya= truthful, paraakramam= courageous, raamaM= Rama, evaM+guNaH+sampannaM= is the possessor of those virtues.

"He equals Lord Kubera in donation, and in administering virtue is like Lord Dharma on earth. He alone, the virtuous Rama, truthful, courageous, possessor of high virtues [shall be the king, so thought his father Dasaratha, is the sub text.]"

Comment: From now poet tells the story in a gist like a trial part to the magnum opus. The chapter from now on is known as Bala Ramayana and as Samskhepa Ramyana meaning that it is aimed at children and it has been told in an abridged version. Thus, it will be a very cryptic rendering. The very cryptic rendering of the synopsis makes it impossible to contain two foots of each stanza in its number. To give a simple meaning one foot of a stanza is taken to the next, or three foots are grouped into one to chance a meaning. Hence, stanza numbers may please be checked for a detailed study. This odd grouping persists now and then only to facilitate a meaningful sentence in prose, rather than high poetry. " sense often overruns the couplets boundary.." Dr. Charles Barber, Poetry in English, U.K. N.B: The words, api, cha, eva, tu, and some others will be found here and there in excess. These are to be taken to mean something or otherwise used to fill the metrical rule of a foot. They may not mean anything at some places, but some commentators [bhashya karas] attribute very great meaning .

Verse Locator
jyeshhThaM shreshhThaguNairyuktaM priyaM dasharathassutam |
prakR^itiinaaM hitairyuktaM prakR^iti priyakaamyayaa || 1-1-20
yauvaraajyena saMyoktumaichchhat priityaa mahiipatiH |
20. jyeshhThaM= first born, yuktaM = with, shreshhTha= best, guNaiH= virtues,  priyaM= dear son to, dasarathaH=  King Dasarartha[ thus wanted his], sutam= son[who is],  hitaiH + yuktam = with welfare, prakR^itinaam= for people, kaamyayaa= desiring, prakR^iti= country's, priya= welfare,  yauvaraajyena = with prince hood, saMyoktum = bestow, ichchhat = desired to, priityaa = with affection, mahiipatiH = Lord of Earth (Dasaratha) 

"Dasaratha, the welfare minded king, thus wanted Rama, who was the first born and so the natural heir apparent, who has best virtues required of a king, and who was also his dearest son, to be the crown prince."

Verse Locator
tasyaabhishhekasambhaaraan dR^ishhTvaa bhaaryaatha kaikayii | 1-1-21
puurvaM dattavaraa devii varamenamayaachata |
vivaasanaM cha raamasya bharatasyaabhishhechanam || 1-1-22
21,22. tasya= his [Rama's]; sambhaaraan= arrangements for; abhishheka= ceremony; dR^ishhTva= having seen; bhaarya= wife; kaikeyi= Queen Kaikeyi; atha= then, vara= boons; puurvam= earlier; datta= given to; devi= that Lady; varamena= those boons; ayaachitaH= demanded now; [they are] vivaasam= exile ; raamasya= of Rama; cha= and also; abhishhechanam= crown prince; bharatasya= Bharata.

"Observing the arrangements made for the crowning ceremony of Rama, Queen Kaikèyi, the wife of Dasaratha, demanded from him, the boons once promised to her [and they are] banishing Rama to forests and bestowing prince-hood [to her son] Bharata. "

Verse Locator
sa satyavachanaachchhaiva dharmapaashena saMyataH |
vivaasayaamaasa sutaM raamaM dasharathaH priyam || 1-1-23
23. raaja= the king; dasaratha= Dasartha; dharma+paashena+saMyataH= bound by the thread of virtue; sa= by that; satya= truthful; vachanaat= words promised; vivaasayaamaasa= exiled; raamam= Rama; priyam= the dear; sutaM = son.

"King Dasaratha, abiding by his virtuous word, and tied bound by the thread of truthfulness, rendered his dear son Rama homeless and exiled him. "

Verse Locator
sa jagaama vanaM viiraH pratijJNaamanupaalayan |
piturvachananirdeshaat kaikeyyaaH priyakaaraNaat || 1-1-24
24. sa= he; jagaama= went to; vanaM= forests; anupaalayan= to obey; pratijJNam= his solemn; nirdeshaat= as directed; pituH = by father's; vachana= boons; kaikeyyaaH= for Kaikeyi; priyakaaraNaat== is dearer[to his father];

"Rama went to forest, faithful to his solemn vow of obeying father's hapless boons accorded to Kaikèyi, his father's dear queen."

Verse Locator
taM vrajantaM priyo bhraataa lakshmaNo.anujagaama ha |
snehaadvinayasaMpannaH sumitraanandavardhanaH | 1-1-25
bhraataraM dayito bhraatuH saubhraatramanudarshayan |
25-26. tam= that, vrajantam= lone traveler [Rama], priya+bhraataa = dear brother, lakshmana= Lakshmana, anujagaama+ha= is followed by, snehaat+vinayaat= friendship and humbleness, saMpannaH= who has, sumitra+ananda+vardhanaH= Sumitra's delight, bhraataram= his brother, dayito+bhraatuH= his brother [Rama also] fond of, saubhraatram= brotherhood, anu+ darshayan= exemplifying.

"That lone traveler Rama is accompanied by his dear younger brother Lakshmana, with all his friendship and humbleness towards his elder brother. Rama is also very fond of his younger brother Lakshmana, the delightful son of Queen Sumitra. Thus, Lakshmana exemplified the true brotherhood by following Rama to forests."

Verse Locator
raamasya dayitaa bhaaryaa nityaM praaNasamaa hitaa || 1-1-26
janakasya kule jaataa devamaayeva nirmitaa |
sarvalakshaNasaMpannaa naariiNaamuttamaa vadhuuH || 1-1-27
siitaa pyanugataa raamaM shashinaM rohiNii yathaa |
26,27,28. raamasya= of Rama, dayitaa= alter ego, bhaarya= wife, nityam= always, praaNa+samahitaa= an adjunct of his life, jankasya+kule+jaataa= born in Janaka's dynasty, deva+mayeva+nirmitaa= by a divine act, sarva= a full, lakshaNa+saMpannaa= embodiment of woman-hood, nariiNaam= among ladies, uttamaa= the best, vadhuu = daughter-in-law [of Dasaratha], siitha= Seetha, api= also, anugataa= followed, raamaM= Rama, yathaa = like, rohiNii= Lady Rohini[follows], shashinaM= Lord Chandra, the Moon.
"Seeta, the wife of Rama, born by a divine act into the dynasty of King Janaka, is a full embodiment of woman-hood. She, the best Lady of the lore, and daughter-in-law of an Emperor, walked along with her husband Rama to forests. Thus she being an ideal wife and Rama's alter ego, followed her husband, like Lady Rohini, who always will be with her husband, Lord Chandra, The Moon."

Comment: The deities have their wives always with them. Chandra [Moon] has Rohini [the Moon Light] and Sürya [Sun] has Prabha [Sun Shine]. Minus these wives, their glow and glitter is void. So also Rama has an inseparable wife; though Seetha and Lakshmana were not exiled, they followed Rama out of love and togetherness.

Verse Locator
paurairanugato duuraM pitraa dasharathena cha || 1-1-28
28. pauraiH = the citizens, pitra+dasarathena+cha= father Dasaratha also,
anugato= followed them, duuraM= for a distance.

"The citizens and subjects, even father Dasaratha, followed them for long."

Comment: Rama asks them to return to their homes and not to follow him.

Verse Locator
shR^iN^giberapure suutaM gaMgaakuule vyasarjayat |
guhamaasaadya dharmaatmaa nishhaadaadhipatiM priyam || 1-1-29
guhena sahito raamo lakshmaNena cha siitayaa |
29,30.  sR^iN^giberapure= at the town named Sringaberapura, gaMgaakuule= on the banks of River Ganga, suutaM= the charioteer, Sumantra, vyasarjayat= was left off, guham= Guha, dharmaatmaa= kind hearted, nishhaadaapatim= the tribal chief was, asaadya= reached, guhena= by Guha, saH= that, raamo= Rama, lakshmaNena+Siitha+cha== with Lakshmana and Seetha also, hitaH= were sent off.

"Rama, left suta [the charioteer, named Sumantra,] on the banks of river Ganga, at the town Sringaberipura [a domain in the borders of their kingdom]. They reached Guha, the kind hearted tribal chief. Later Guha, the tribal chief, sails Rama, along with Lakshmana and Seeta on the waters of Ganga."

Verse Locator
te vanena vanaM gatvaa nadiistiirtvaa bahuudakaaH || 1-1-30
chitrakuuTa  manupraapya  bharadvaajasya shaasanaat |
30,31. te= they, vanena+vanaM= forest to forest, gatvaa = traveled in, nadiiH= rivers, tiirtva= crossed, bahu+udakaan= many waters, chitrakuuTam= Chitrakuta, a place, anupraapya= arrived, bharadvaajasya= by Bharadwaja's, shaasanaat= ordination.

"They traveled on, from wood to wood, crossing many a water-full river. They arrived at Chitrkuta as ordained by Sage Bharadwaja."

Verse Locator
ramyamaavasathaM kR^itvaa ramamaaNaa vane trayaH || 1-1-31
devagandharvasaMkaashaastatra te nyavasansukham |
31,32. ramyam= handsome, avasatham= dwelling, kR^itvaa= built, ramamaaNa+vane= in beautiful woods, trayaH= three of them, deva= divine, gandharva= and celestial beings, samkaashaaH= like, tatra= there, te= they, nyavasan= dwelt, sukham= happily.

"Three of them built a handsome dwelling hut in those beautiful woods. They dwelt in there happily like divine and celestial beings."

Comment: Devas and Gandharwas are celestial beings who always live a luxuriant living unperturbed by any.

Verse Locator
chitrakuuTaM gate raame putrashokaaturastathaa || 1-1-32
raajaa dasharathaH svargaM jagaama vilapan sutam |
32,33. chitrakuuTaM= Chitrakuta, the place in forest, gate= arrived, raame= Rama, putra+shoka+aturaH= son's [departure] lamented and buried in sorrow, tathaa= thus, raajaa dasaratha= King Dasaratha, svargaM= heavens, jagaama= went, vilapam= lamenting for, sutam= son.

"After Rama's arrival at Chitrakuta, a place in the forests, King Dasaratha lamented and was buried in sorrow on his son's exile. Thus sorrowing and lamenting, he departed to heavens [breathed his last]."

Verse Locator
mR^ite tu tasmin bharato vasishhThapramukhairdvijaiH || 1-1-33
niyujyamaano raajyaaya naichchhadraajyaM mahaabalaH |
33,34. mR^itetu= after the demise[of the king], tasmin= then, bharato= to Bharata, vasishhTa= Sage Vasista, pramukhaiH= prominent, dvijaiH= well wishers[though advised to rule],niyujya+maana=[He being] the nominated one, raajyaaya= for kingship, na+ichchhat= not desired, raajyam= the kingdom, maha+balaH= very sturdy[he is].

"After the demise of the King Dasaratha, in agony about Rama's exile, Bharata [the crown prince, as per his mother's boons], though capable to take reins of kingdom, refused to rule the country, although being persuaded by courtiers and other well-wishers like Vasistha etc. and Bharata was very sturdy at will."

Verse Locator
sa jagaama vanaM viiro raamapaadaprasaadakaH || 1-1-34
34. saH= he [Bharata], jagaama= went to, vanaM= forests[to pray],
raama+paada= [at] Rama's feet, prasaadaka=[and to to gain] mercy.

"Bharata went to woods to pacify Rama of his terrible vow."

Verse Locator
gatvaa tu sumahaatmaanaM raamaM satyaparaakramam |
ayaachadbhraataraM raamamaaryabhaavapuraskR^itaH || 1-1-35
35. gatva+tu= on reaching, su+maha+aatmaanaM= very pleasent hearted, raamam = that Rama, satya= truthfulness is, paraakramam= [his] very courage, a+yaachat= begged of him, braataram= from his brother, raamam= Rama, aarya= humble, bhaava= thoughts, puraskR^itaH= prevailing on him.

"On approaching that very pleasant hearted Rama, whose very courage is truthfulness, Bharata, humble thoughts prevailing on his mind, begged of his brother [to come back]."

Verse Locator
tvameva raajaa dharmajJNa iti raamaM vacho.abraviit |
36. tvam= you, iva= only, raajaa= the king, dharmajJNaH= righteous one, iti= thus, vacho= words, abraviit= uttered.

" 'Oh! Righteous one, you shall be the king ' to Rama he said. "

Verse Locator
raamo.api paramodaaraH sumukhaH sumahaayashaaH | 1-1-36
na chaichchhatpituraadeshaadraajyaM raamo mahaabalaH |
36,37. raamo+api= Rama, though he is,  paramodaaraH= benevolent one, sumukhaH= willing one, su+maha+yashaH= very famous for his generosity, na+cha+ichat= not willed thus, pituH= [as per]father's, aadesaat= ordain, raajyaM= kingdom, raamo = Rama, maha+balaH = the very determined.

"Rama, though a very benevolent man willing to keep others happy, a person willing to donate anything, fulfiller of any request made to him, did not agree with Bharata or his requests. He rejected the kingdom, as avowed by his father's word, and he is very determined at it."

Verse Locator
paaduke chaasya raajyaaya nyaasaM datvaa punaH punaH || 1-1-37
nivartayaamaasa tato bharataM bharataagrajaH |
37,38. paaduke= sandle shoes, cha= even, asya= his [Rama's], raajyaaya= for the kingdom, nyaasaM= to replicate, datvaa = gave in, punaH+punaH = again and again, nivartayaamaasa = turned him away, tataH= then, bharatam= Bharata was, bharata+agrajam= by the elder of Bharata.

"Sandal shoes of Rama are given to Bharata to replicate Rama's rule for their kingdom, till the arrival of Rama. Again and again, Bharata who is repeatedly requesting Rama for a come back, is pacified and turned away, by the elder brother of Bharata [i.e. Rama]."

Verse Locator
sa kaamamanavaapyaiva raamapaadaavupaspR^ishan || 1-1-38
nandigraame.akaroodraajyaM raamaagamanakaaMkshayaa |
38,39. saH= that[Bharata], kaamam= desire, anavaapaiva= unfullfilled, raama+paadau= Rama's feet, upa+spR^ishan= touched reverently, nandigraame = from Nandigrama, akaroot= ruled over, raajyam= the kingdom, raama + aagamana = Rama's arrival, kaaMkshayaa= expectingly.

"He [Bharata] with his desire unfulfilled, [of convincing and taking his brother along with him], touched the feet of Rama in reverence, [and departed]. Bharata ruled the kingdom as a proxy, from Nandigrama, a village, [instead of from the capital Ayodhya], expecting an early homecoming of Rama."

Verse Locator
gate tu bharate shriimaan satyasandho jitendriyaH || 1-1-39
raamastu punaraalakshya naagarasya janasya cha |
tatraagamanamekaagro daNDakaan pravivesha ha || 1-1-40
39,40. gate+tu= on depature of, bharate= Bharata, shriimaan= one who has abundant wealth [here virtuosity], satya+santhaH= truth bound, jitendriyaH= conquerer of [material] senses, raamaH+tu= Rama too, punar+aalakshya= again thought about, naagarasya= citizens, janasya+cha= ordinary subjects [may]also, tatra= to there [the woods where Rama is now staying] aagamanam = may come, aikaagraH= determined, daNDaka+aranyaan= Dandaka forests, pravivesha ha= [he] entered.

"After the departure of Bharata, Rama, who is word bound, and well composed, thought over that other citizens may also rush in here [like Bharata] and disturb him, and hence went away from there to Dandakaranya, another forest. "

Verse Locator
pravishya tu mahaaraNyaM raamo raajiivalochanaH |
viraadhaM raakshasaM hatvaa sharabhaN^gaM dadarsha ha || 1-1-41
sutiikshNaM chaapyagastyaM cha agastyabhraataraM tathaa |
41,42. pravishya+tu= entered thus, maha+aranNyam = great forest, raamo= Rama, raajiiva= lotus, lochana= eyed, viraadham= Viraadha named, raakshasam= demon, hatvaa= was killed [by Rama], sarabhaN^gam= Sage Sarabhanga, dadarsha+ha= was seen [by Rama], sutiikshnam= Sage Suteekshana, cha+api= and also, agastyam= Sage Agastya, cha= also, agastya bhraataraM= Agastya's brother, tathaa= then.

"Thus entering Dandakaranya, a great forest, Rama, the lotus eyed, killed a demon named Viradha, and visited sages Sarabhanga, Suteekkshna, Agastya and his brother named Sudarsana."

Verse Locator
agastyavachanaachchaiva jagraahaindraM sharaasanam || 1-1-42
khaDgaM cha paramapriitastuuNii chaakshayasaayakau |
42,43. agastya+vachanaat+aiva= on the advise of Agastya, jagraaha= has taken, indram= [earlier] given by Indra[to Agastya], sharaasanam= a great bow, khadgaM+cha= a sword also, parama+priitaH= very pleased he was[ to receive], cha= and also, tuuNii= a quiver, akshaya=ever replenishing, saayakau= arrows.

"On the advise of Sage Agastya, Rama received pleasingly, a bow, a sword and a quiver that always replenishes the arrows. Indra [Lord of Heavens] once gave these to Sage Agastya ."

Verse Locator
vasatastasya raamasya vane vanacharaiH saha || 1-1-43
R^ishhayo.abhyaagamansarve vadhaayaasurarakshasaam |
43,44. vasatah+tasya= [during his] stay there, raamasya= of Rama, vane= in the hermitage of Sarabhanga, vanacharai= forest dwellers, saha= along with, R^ishayaH= ascetic, sages, abhyaagaman= arrived there, sarve= all of them, vadhaaya= [requesting] to kill, asura : asu=life ra= taker i.e., life taking] demons, rakshasaam= demons,[who habitually tease or torture the hermits or ascetics].

"Rama lived with the tribesmen, moving from forest to forest. Sages came to him [with requests] to kill all the demons and demonic beings."

Verse Locator
sa teshhaaM pratishushraava raakshasaanaaM tathaa vane || 1-1-44
44. saH= that [Rama], teshhaam= their [requests], pratishushraava= agreed to, raakshasaanaam= [about] the demons, tathaa = thus, vane= in that forest.

"He conceded to their requests about the demons that inhabited in that forest."

Verse Locator
pratijJNaatashcha raameNa vadhaH saMyati rakshasaam |
R^ishhiiNaamagnikalpaanaaM daNDakaaraNyavaasinaam || 1-1-45
45. pratigjJNaataH+cha= promised also, raameNa= by Rama, vadhaH= [will be] killed, samyati= in battle, raakshasaam= all the demons, rishiiNaam= sages, agni= [like] fire, kalpaanaam= is the glow, daNDakaaraNya= in Dandakaranya forest,vaasinaam= they reside.

"Rama avowed that the demons would be killed by him in battle before the sages who are the habitants of Dandakaranya,whose glow is radiant like that of ritual fire."

Verse Locator
tena tatraiva vasataa janasthaananivaasinii |
viruupitaa shuurpaNakhaa raakshasii kaamaruupiNii || 1-1-46
46. tena= by him [Rama], tatra+iva= there about, vasataa= living, janasthaana= in a place called Janasthana, nivaasinii= resident of, viruupitaa= defaced, shuurpaNakha= Soorpanakha, her name [because she had spade like nails, ---soorpa tulya nakha iti soorpanakha], raakshsii = a demoness, kaamaruupini= capable of assuming a form of her wish [ kaama= desired, roopini= portrayal of her body, meaning that she can transform herself into any form or object just by her wish]

"By him, Soorpanakha, a demoness who could transform herself into any form she wished, and who was a resident of Janasthana moving thereabout with malign motives, is defaced."

Comment: This is metonymy. Rama did not do it himself, but his brother Lakshmana does the act of cutting the nose and ears of this demoness, which is the twisting point of the story.


Sarga 1 - Verses 47 - 100

 Verse Locator for Balakanda - Sarga 1
Top of page             1                2                3                4                5                6        
7                              8                9               10              11              12              13
14                           15              16              17              18              19              20
21                           22              23              24              25              26              27
28                           29              30              31              32              33              34
35                           36              37              38              39              40              41
42                           43              44              45              46              47              48
49                           50              51              52              53              54              55
56                           57              58              59              60              61              62
63                           64              65              66              67              68              69
70                           71              72              73              74              75              76
77                           78              79              80              81              82              83
84                           85              86              87              88              89              90
91                           92              93              94              95              96              97
98                           99              100
Sarga 1 in English Prose
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   © 1999, Desiraju Hanumanta Rao