Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya

Chapter[Sarga] 103
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


Rama fainted away, after hearing the news of his father's death and is brought back to consciousness by Bharata and others who sprinkle water on him. Rama laments in various ways. Bharata consoles him. Rama in turn consoles Seetha who is weeping. Rama painfully reaches the River Mandakini, offers water and balls of food to the spirit of his departed father and returns to the hut. The crying sounds of those brothers mourning for their dad father with Seetha created and echo in the mountain. Hearing their cry of distress, the troops approach Rama, who receives them all with affection.

Verse Locator

taam shrutvaa karuNaaM vaachaM piturmaraNasaMhitaam |
raaghavo bharatenoktaaM babhuuva gatachetanaH || 2-103-1

1. shrutvaa = hearing; taam vaacham = those words; karuNaam = which were mournful; maraNa samhitaam = and relating to death; pituH = of his father; uktaam = spoken; bharatam = by Bharata; raaghavaH = Rama; babhuuva = became; gata chetanaH = deprived of consciousness.

Hearing those mournful words relating to the death of his father, spoken by Bharata, Rama fainted away.

Verse Locator

taM tu vajramivotsR^iShTamaahave daanavaariNaa |
vaagvajraM bharatenoktamamanojJNaM paramtapaH || 2-103-2
pragR^ihya raamo baahuuvai puShitaagro yathaa drumaH |
vane parashunaa kR^ittastathaa bhuvi papaata ha || 2-103-3

2; 3. amanojNam = unpleasant; vaagvajram = thunder bolt of word; uktam = spoken; bharatena = by Bharata; vjramiva = like a thunderbolt; utkR^iSTam = released; daana vaariNaa = by Indra the Lord of celestials; aahave = in a battle; raamaH = Rama; paramtapaH = the tormentator of his enemies; pragR^ihya = stretched forth; baahuu = his hands; papaata ha = and fell; bhuvi = on the ground; yatha tathaa = in the same manner as; drumuH = a tree; puSpitaagraH = covered at extremities with blossoms; kR^ittaH = cut off; parashunaa = by an axe; vane = in the forest.

Hearing that unpleasant thunder bolt of words spoken by Bharata, like a thunderbolt released by Indra the Lord of celestials in a battle, Rama the tormentator of his enemies, stretched forth his hands and fell on the ground, in the same manner as a tree covered at extremities with blossoms was cut off by an axe in the forest.

Verse Locator

tathaa nipatitaM raamaM jagatyaaM jagatiipatim |
kuulaghaataparishraantaM pasuptamiva kuJNjaram || 2-103-4
bhraataraste maheShvaasaM sarvataH shokakarshitam |
rudantaH saha vaidehyaa siShibhuH salilena vai || 2-103-5

4; 5. te = those; bhraataraH = brother; vaidehyaa saha = along with Seetha; sarvataH = reached from all sides; rudantaH = and weepingly; niSichuH vai = sprinkled; salilena = with water; raamam = on Rama; nipatitam = who fell; jagatyaam = on the ground; tathaa = thus; jayatiipatim = and who was the Lord of the world; kuNjaram iva = like an elephant; kuulaghaata parishraantam = crushed by a landslide on a bank; prasuptam = where he was sleeping; maheshvaasam = that great archer; shoka karshitam = who was stricken by grief.

Seeing Rama lying on the earth, has the lord of the earth, like an elephant crushed by a land slide on a bank where he was sleeping, those brother along with Seetha approached him from all sides and weepingly sprinkled water on him.

Verse Locator

sa tu saMjJNaaM punarlabdhvaa netraabhyaamasramutsR^ijan |
upaakraamata kaakutthsaH kR^ipaNaM bahu bhaaShitum || 2-103-6

6.labdhvaa = gaining; samjNaam = consciousness; punaH = again; saH kaakutthsaH = that Rama; utsR^ijan = having poured out; asram = tears; upaakraamata = began; bhaaSitum = to speak; bahu = much; kR^ipaNam = plaintively.

Coming to his senses again and tears falling from his eyes, Rama began to speak much plaintively.

Verse Locator

sa raamaH svargataM shrutvaa pitaram pR^ithiviipatim |
uvaacha bharataM vaakyaM dharmaatmaa dharmasaMhitam || 2-103-7

7. shrutvaa = hearing; pR^ithiviipatim = that the king; pitaram = and his father; svargatam = had ascended to heaven; saH ramaH = that Rama; dharmaatmaa = the virtuous man; uvaacha = spoke; dharma sahitam = consistent with righteousness; bharata = to Bharata.

Hearing that the King and his father had ascended to heaven, the virtuous. Rama spoke the following words, consistent with righteousness to Bharata.

Verse Locator

kiM kariShyaamyayodhyaayaaM taate diShTaaM gatim gate |
kastaam raajavaraaddhiinaamayodhyaam paalayiShyati || 2-103-8

8. kim kariSyaami = what should I do; ayodhyaayaam = with Ayodhya; taate = that my father; gate = reached; diSTaam = gatim = the end of his life?; kaH = who; paalayiSyati = will rule; taam ayodhyaam = that Ayodhya; hiinaam = bereft; raajavaraat = of that excellent king?

"What should I do with Ayodhya, now that my father reached the end of his life? Who will rule that Ayodhya, which is bereft of that excellent king?

Verse Locator

kim nu tasya mayaa kaaryaM durjaatena mahaatmanaH |
yo mR^ito mama shokena mayaa chaapi na saMskR^itaH || 2-103-9

9. durjaatena = In my misfortune; mayaa kimnukaaryam = what can I do; tasya = for that; mahaatmanaH = high souled one; yaH = who; mR^itaH = died; mama shokena = of grief on my account; na samskR^itashchaapi = and not even last rites were performed; mayaa = by me.

"In my misfortune, what can I do for that high-souled one? He died of grief on my account and I did not perform the last rites for him!"

Verse Locator

ahoH bharata! siddhaartho yena raajaa tvayaanugha!|
shatrughnena cha sarveShu pretakR^ityeShu satkR^itaH || 2-103-10

10. bharata = O; Bharata; anagha = the faultless one!; aho = Alas!; siddhaarthaH = happy; tvayaa = are you; yena = by whom; shatrughnecha = as well as by Shatrughna; raajaa = the king; satkR^itaH = was honoured; sarveSu = by all; pretya kR^ityeSu = obsequies rites!

"O, Bharata the faultless one! Alas! Happy are you, by whom as well as by Shatrughna the king was honoured by all obsequial rites!"

Verse Locator

niShpradhaanaa manekaagraaM narendreNa vinaa kR^itaam |
nivR^ittavanavaaso.api naayodhyaaM gantumutsahe || 2-103-11

11. nivR^tta vanavaso.api = even after the end of my exile; na utsahe = I do not wish; gantum = to go; ayodhyaam = to Ayodhya; anekaagraani = which is in a disarranged state; niSpradhaanaam = deprived of a chief; vinaakR^itaam = and bereft; narendreNa = of a king.

'Even after the end of my exile, I do not want to return to Ayodhya which is i a disarranged state, deprived of a chief and made bereft of a king."

Verse Locator

samaaptavanavaasaM maamayodhyaayaam paramtapa |
ko.anu shaasiShyati punastate lokaantaraM gate || 2-103-12

12. paramtapa = O; Bharata the tormentator of enemies!; taate = (while) our father; gate = has gone; lokaantaram = to the other world; kaH = who; punaH anuShaasiSyati = will again advise; maam = me; samaapta vanavaasam = when my exile in the forest is over?

"O, Bharata the tormentator of foes While our father has gone to the other world, who will counsel me when my exile in the forest is over?"

Verse Locator

puraa prekShya suvR^ittaM maam pitaa yaanyaaha saantvayan |
vaakyaani taani shroShyaami kutaH shrotasukhaanyaham || 2-103-13

13. prekSya = seeing; suvR^ittam = my good conduct; puraa = formerly; pitaa = our father; aaha = used to speak; yaani vaakyaani = which words; saantvayan = of appeasement; kutaH = from whom; shroSyaami = can I hear; taani = those words; shrotra sukhaani = which are delightful to the ears?

"Formerly, seeing my good conduct, our father used to address me in words of praise; from whom now shall I hear those words delightful to the ears?"

Verse Locator

evamuktvaa sa bharataM bhaaryaamabhyetya raaghavaH |
uvaacha shokasamtaptaH puurNachandranibhaananaam || 2-103-14

14. uktvaa = having spoken; evam = thus; bharatam = to Bharata; saH raamaH = that Rama; abhyetya = approached; bhaaryaam = his wife; puurNa chndra nibhaananaam = whose face was like a full moon; soka samtaptaH = and stricken with grief; uvaacha = spoke (as follows)

Having spoken thus to Bharata, Rama went to seek out his consort, whose face resembled the full moon, and overwhelmed with grief, spoke to her as follows:-

Verse Locator

siite mR^itaste shvashuraH pitraa hiino.asi lakShmaNa |
bharato kuHkhamaachaShTe svargataM pR^ithiviipatim || 2-103-15

15. siite = O; Seetha!; te shashuraH = Your father-in-law; mR^itaH = is dead; lakSmaNa = O; Lakshman!; asi = you have become; hiinaH = bereft; pitraa = of your father; bharataH = Bharata; aachaSTe = is telling; duHkham = a sorrowful news; pR^ithiviipatim = of the emperor; svargatam = being dead.

"O, Seetha! your father-in-law is dead. O, Lakshmana! You have become bereft of your father. Bharata is informing a sorrowful news of the emperor being dead.

Verse Locator

tato bahuguNam teShaaM baaShpo netreShvajaayata |
tathaa bruvati kaakutthsa kumaaraaNaaM yashasvinaam || 2-103-16

16. kaakutthse = (while) Rama; bruvati = was speaking; tathaa = thus; bahuguNam = copious; baaSpaH = tears; ajaayata = caused to flow; tataH = then; teSaam kumaaraaNaam yashashivnaam netreSu = from the eyes of those illustrious sons of Dasaratha.

While Rama was uttering those words, copious tears caused to flow then from the eyes of those sons of Dasaratha.

Verse Locator

tataste bhraatarassarve bhR^ishamaashvaasya raaghavam |
abruvan jagatiibhartuH kriyataamudakaM pituH || 2-103-17

17. tataH = then; te sarve = all those; bhraataraH = brothers; aashvaasya = consoled; raaghavam = Rama; bhR^isham = very much; abruvan = and said to him; kriyataam = let us offer libations; udakam = of water; pituH = for our father; jagatiibhartuH = the Lord of the earth.

Then, all those brothers consoled Rama very much and said to him, "Let us offer libations of water for our father, the Lord of the earth."

Verse Locator

saa siitaa shvashuraM shrutvaa svargalokagatam nR^ipam |
netraabhyaamashrupuurNaabhyaamashakannekShituM patim || 2-103-18

18. shrutvaa = Hearing; nR^ipam = the king; shvashuram = her father-in-law; svargagatam = to have; ascended to heaven; saa siitaa = that Seetha; naashakata = was not able; iikSitum = to see; patim = her husband; netraabhyaam = with eyes; ashrupuurNaabhyaam = filled with tears.

Hearing that her father-in-law, that great monarch had ascended to heaven, Seetha was unable to see her husband through eyes filled with tears.

Verse Locator

saantvayitvaa tu taaM raamo rudatiiM janakaatmajaam |
uvaacha lakShmaNam tatra duHkhito duHkhitam vachaH || 2-103-19

19. raamaH = Rama; saantvayitvaa = consoled; taam janakaatumajaam = that Seetha; rudatiim = who was weeping; duHkhitaH = and himself in grief; uvaacha = spoke; vachaH = those words; lakSmaNam = to Lakshmana; tatra = there; duHkhitam = who was lamenting.

Rama consoled that Seetha who was weeping and himself stricken with grief, spoke to the lamenting Lakshmana as follows:

Verse Locator

aanayeN^gudipiNyaakaM chiiramaahara chottaram |
jalakriyaarthaM taatasya gamiShyaami mahaatmanaH || 2-103-20

20. aanaya = bring; iNgmdi piNyaakam = the crushed pulp of Ingudi Tree; aahara = and bring; chiiramcha = a piece of bark for being wrapped about my loins; uttaram = and another for being used as an upper garment; gamiSyaami = I shall go; jalakriyaartham = to offer libatiouns of water; taatasya = for our father; mahaatmanaH = the great souled.

"Bring the crushed pulp of Ingudi Tree and bring a piece of bark for being wrapped about my loins and another for being used as my loins and another for being used as an upper garment, so that we may proceed to offer libations of water for our magnanimous father."

Verse Locator

siitaa purastaadrvajatu tvamenaamabhito vraja |
ahaM pashcaadgamiShyaami gati rhyeShaa sudaaruNaa || 2-103-21

21. siitaa = (Let) Seetha; vrajatu = walk; purastaat = in the front; tvam = you; vraja = walk; enaam abhitaH = after her nearby; aham = I; gamiSyaami = shall go; pashchaat = behind (you); eSaa = this; sudaaruNaahi = is indeed the most terrible; gatiH = procession.

"Let Seetha walk in the front and you follow after her nearby. I shall follow in the rear. This indeed is the most terrible procession.

Verse Locator

tato nityaanugasteShaaM viditaatmaa mahaamatiH |
mR^idurdaantascha shaantashcha raame cha dR^iDhabhaktimaan || 2-103-22
sumantrastairnR^ipasutaiH saardhamaashvaasya raagavam |
aavaataarayadaalambya nadiim mandaakiniim shivaam || 2-103-23

22; 23. tataH = then; teSaam = their; nityaanugaH = faithful companion; sumantraH = Sumantra; viditaatmaa = versed in the spiritual science; mahaamatiH = endowed with great intelligence; mR^iduH = king; daantashcha = self-controlled; kaantashcha = glorious; dR^iDha bhaktimaan = and deeply devoted; raamecha = to Rama; aashvaasya = consoling; raaghavam = Rama; taiH nR^ipasutaiH saartham = and those princes; aalambya = took Rama by the hand; avaataarayat = helped him descend; shivam = to the auspicious; mandaakiniim naadiim = Mandakini River.

Then, their faithful companion Sumantra versed in the spiritual science, endowed with great intelligence, kind, self-controlled and glorious, and deeply devoted to Rama, consoling him and his brothers, took Rama by the hand and helped him descend to the auspicious River Mandakini.

Verse Locator

te sutiirthaam tataH kR^ichchhraadupaagamya yashasvinaH |
nadiim mandaakiniim ramyaam sadaa puShpitakaananaam || 2-103-24
shiighrashrotasamaasaadya tiirtham shimamakardamam |
siShichustudakaM raajJNe taataitatte bhavatviti || 2-103-25

24; 25. tataH = then; te = they; yashasvinaH = the illustrious; upaagamya = reached; kR^ichchhaat = painfully; mandaakinii = nadii = the River Mandakini; sutiirthaam = that stream of sacred fords; ramyaam = the enchanting one; sadaa puSpitaakaananaam = always covered with flowers; aasaadya = coming; shivam tiirtham = a blessed; tiirthan = to ford; akardamam = free from mud; niSichuH = offered; udakam = (the lustral) water; raaj^Ne = to the king; iti = (seeing) thus; taata = father; etat = May this; bhavatu = prove agreeable; te = to you.

The illustrious Rama and others painfully reached the River Mandakini, that stream of sacred fords, the enchanting one always covered with flowers, coming to a blessed ford, free from mud and offered the lustrual water to the king, saying "Father! May this prove agreeable to you."

Verse Locator

pragR^ihya cha mahiipaalo jalapuuritamaJNjalim |
disham yaamyaamabhimukho rudanvachanambraviit || 2-103-26

26. pragR^iya = holding together; aN^jalim = in the form of a hollow his palms; jalapuuritam = full of water; abhimukhaH = and turning his face turned towards; yaamyaam = disham = the southern quarter; rudam = weeping; mahiipataH = the great prince; abraviit = pronounced; vachanam = the traditional words; saying:

Holding together in the form of a hollow his palms full of water and turning his face turned towards the southern quarter and weeping the great prince pronounced the traditional words saying:

Verse Locator

etatte raajashaarduula vimalaM toyamakShayam |
pitR^ilokagatasyaadya maddattamupatiShThatu || 2-103-27

27. raaja shaarduula = O; Tiger among men!; etat toyam = (May) this water; vimalam = without taint; akSayam = and incorruptible; adya = at the moment; maddattam = that I offer it; te = to you; upatiSThatu = reach you; pitR^ilokagatasya = in the region of your ancestors where you are.

O, Tiger among men! May this water without taint and incorruptible at the moment that I offer it to you, reach you in the region of your ancestors where you are."

Verse Locator

tato mandaakiniitiiraatrpatyuttiirya sa raaghavaH |
pitushchakaara tejasvii nivaapaM braatR^ibhiH saha || 2-103-28

28. tataH = thereafter; tejasvii = the glorious; raaghavaH = Rama; pratyuttiirya = resending; mandaakinii tiiraat = the bank of Mandakini River; bhraatR^ibhiH saha = along with his brothers; chakaara = offered; nivaapam = balls of food; pituH = to his father.

Thereafter, the glorious Rama, resending the bank of Mandakini River along with his brothers, offered balls of food to his father.

Verse Locator

aiN^gudam badariimishram piNyaakam darbhasa.nstare |
nyasya raamassa duHkhaarto rudanvachanamabraviit || 2-103-29

29. saH raamaH = that Rama; nyasya = placed; piN^yaakam aingudam = the pulp of the Ingudi tree; badarii mishram = mixed with (the pulp of) plums; darbha samstare = on a mat of kusa grass; duHkhaartaH = and overcome with sadness; rudan = weeping; abraviit = spoke; vachanam = these words.

Rama placed the pulp of the Ingudi tree mixed with the pulp of plums on a mat of Kusa grass and overcome with sadness, weeping, spoke the following words:

Verse Locator

idambhuN^kShva mahaaraaja priito yadashanaa vayam |
yadannaH puruSho bhavati tadannaa stasya devataaH || 2-103-30

30. mahaaraaja = O; Great King!; priitaH = be pleased; bhuN^jva = to partake; idam = of this; vayam yadashchanaaH = which we eat; yadannaH puruSaH = for; that which man eats; tadannaah = is also consumed; tasya = by his; devataaH = gods.

"O, Great King! Be pleased to partake of this, which we eat for, that which man eats, is also consumed by his gods."

Verse Locator

tatastenaiva maargeNa pratyuttiirya nadiitaTaat |
aaruroha naravyaaghro ramyasaanuM mahidharam || 2-103-31

31. tataH = then; naravyaaghraH = Rama the tiger among men; pratyuttiirya = re-ascending; tena maargeNaiva = by the same path; nadii taTaat = on the banks of the river; aaruroha = rose up; ramyasaanum = the charming summit; mahiidharam = of (Chirakuta) mountain.

Rama the tiger among men then re-ascending by the same path on the banks of the river reached the charming summit of Chitrakuta mountain.

Verse Locator

tataH parNakuTiidvaaramaasaadya jagatiipatiH |
parijagraaha baahubhyaamubhau bharatalakShmaNau || 2-103-32

32. jagatiipatiH = Rama the Lord of the earth; tataH = then; aasaadya = gaining; parNakuTiira dvaaram = the door of his leafy hut; parijagraaha = embraced; ubhau = both; bharata lakSmanau = Bharata and Lakshmana; baahubhyaam = with his arms.

Gaining the door of his leafy hut, Rama the Lord of the earth then embraced Bharata and Lakshmana with his arms.

Verse Locator

teShaaM tu rudataaM shabdaatpratishrutko.abhavadgirau |
bhraatR^uu saha vaidehyaa siMhaanaamiva nardhataam || 2-103-33

33. shabdaat = from the sound; rudataam = of the cry; teSaam bhraatR^iiNaam = of those brothers; vaidehyaa saha = with Seetha; shabdaat = which sounded; nardataam simhaanaamiva = like the roaring of lions; abhavat = created; pratishrutkaH = and echo; giron = in the mountain.

From the sound of the cry of those brothers with Seetha, which resembled like the roaring of lions rose an echo in the mountain.

Verse Locator

mahaabalaanaam rudataaaM kurvataamudakaM pituH |
vijJNaaya tumulaM shabdam trastaa bharatasainikaaH || 2-103-34

34. viJ^Naaya = hearing; tumulam = the tumultuous; shabdam = clamour; mahaabalaanaam = by those mighty heroes; rudataam = as; weeping; kurvataam = they completed; udakam = the libations of water; putuH = for their father; bharata sainikaaH = Bharata's army; trastaaH = got alarmed.

Hearing the tumultuous clamour by those mighty heroes as, weeping they completed the libations of water to their father, Bharata's army got alarmed.

Verse Locator

aabruvaMshchaapi raameNa bharatassaMgato dhruvam |
teShaameva mahaashabdaH shochataaM pitaraM mR^itam || 2-103-35

35. abruvancha api = (hose troops of Bharata) also said; dhruvam = Assuredly; bharataH = Bharata; samgataH = has joined; raameNa = with Rama; mahaan = (this is) a great; shabdaH = sound; teSaameva = only of their; shochataam = wailing; mR^itam = for their dead; pitaram = father.

Those troops of Bharata also said, "Assuredly, Bharata has joined Rama and this is a great sound only of their wailing, as they mourn for their dead father."

Verse Locator

atha vaasaanparityajya taM sarve.abhimukhaaH svanam |
a pyekamanaso jagmuryathaasthaanam pradhaavitaaH || 2-103-36

36. atha = then; parityajya = leaving; vaasaan = their tents; sarve = all of them; eka manasaH api = having but one thought; jagmuH = went; pradhaavitaaH = running ; abhimukhaah = in the direction of; tam svanam = that sound; yathaasthaanam = instantly.

Leaving their tents all of them having but one thought, went running in the direction of that sound instantly.

Verse Locator

hayairanye gajairanye rathairanye svalamkR^itaiH |
sukumaaraastathaivaanye padbhireva naraa yayaH || 2-103-37

37. anye = some; hayaiH = on their horses; anye = some others; gajaiH = on their elephants; anye = some; rathaiH = in their chariots; svalankR^itaiH = covered with ornaments; sukumaaraaH = (while) the youthful; naraaH = people; yayuH = went; padbhideva = on foot.

Some went on their horses, some others on their elephants, some in their chariots covered with ornaments while the youthful people went on foot.

Verse Locator

achiraproShitam raamam chiraviproShitaM yathaa |
draShTukaamo janassarvo jagaama sahasaashramam || 2-103-38

38. draSTukaamaH = In their longing to see; raamaam = Rama; achira proSitam = whose absence though recent; chira proSitam = seemed so long for them; sarvaH = the whole; janaH = people; sahasaa jagaama = ran; aashramam = towards the hermitage.

In their longing to see Rama, whose absence though recent, seemed so long a period for them, the whole people ran towards the hermitage.

Verse Locator

bhraatRuuNaaM tvaritaastatra draShTukaamaassamaagamam |
yuyurbahuvidhairyaanaiH kharanevisvanaakulaiH || 2-103-39

39. draSTukaamaaH = eager to see; bhraatR^iiNaam = those brothers; samaagamam = re united; tatra = there; yayuH = they went; tvaritaaH = hastily; bhuvidhaiH = by various means; yaanaiH = of transport; khura namisvanaakulaiH = like hoofed animals and wheeled vehicles.

Eager to see those brothers re-united there, they went hastily by various means of transport, either by hoofed animals or by wheeled vehicles.

Verse Locator

saa bhuumirbahubhiryaanai kharanemisamrahataa |
mumocha tumulaM shabdaM dyaurivaabhrasamaagame || 2-103-40

40. samaahataa = trodden; bahubhiH = by many; yaanaiH = vehicles; khuranemi = beasts and chariots; saa bhuumiH = that land; mumocha = emitted; tumulam = a tumultuous; shabdam = noise; dyouriva = as sky; abhra samaagame = during the conjunction of clouds.

Trodden by many vehicles, beasts and chariots, that land emitted a tumultuous noise, as a sky during the conjunction of clouds.

Verse Locator

tena vitraasitaa naagaaH kareNuparivaaritaaH |
aavaasayanto gandhena jagmuranyadvanam tataH || 2-103-41

41. vitraasitaaH = frightened; ena = by that noise; naagaaH = the wild elephants; kareNu parivaaritaaH = surrounded by female elephants; aavaasayantaH = perfuming the quarters; gandhena = with the scent of their ichor; jagmuH = went; anyat vanam- to another wood; tataH = from there.

Frightened by that noise, the wild elephants, surrounded by female elephants, perfuming the quarters with teh scent of their ichor, went to another wood from there.

Verse Locator

varaahavR^ikasamghaashcha siMhaashcha mahiShaaH sarpavaanaraaH |
vyaaghragokarNagavayaaH vitresuH pR^iShataissaha || 2-103-42

42. varaaha vR^ika simhaashcha = Boars; wolves and lions; mahiSaaH = buffaloes; sarpa vaanaraaH = snakes; monkeys; vyaaghra gokarNa gavayaaH = tigers; Gokarnas and Gavayas (two distinctive species of deer); vR^iSataiH saha = along with spotted deer; vitresuH = felt frightened.

Boars, wolves and lions, buffaloes, snakes, monkeys, tigers, Gokarnas and Gavayas (two distinctive species of deer) along with spotted deer felt frightened.

Verse Locator

rathaaN^gasaahvaa natyuuha haMsaaH kaaraNDavaaH plavaaH |
tathaa pu.nskokolaaH krauJNcha visamjJNaa bhejire dishaH || 2-103-43

43. rathaaN^gasaahvaaH = the ruddy gooses; natyuuhaaH = water-fowls; hamsaaH = swans; kaarN^DavaaH = karandavas (a sort of ducks); plavaaH = herons; tathaa = and; pumskokilaah = male cuckoos; krouN^chaah = and cranes; bhejire = made it; dishaH = to various; directions; visaN^JNaaH = utterly confused.

The ruddy gooses, water-fowls, swans, Karandavas ( a sort of ducks), herons, male cuckoos and cranes, utterly confused made it to various directions.

Verse Locator

tena shabdena vitrastairaakaasaM pakShibhirvaR^itam |
manuShyairaavR^itaa bhuumirubhayam prababhau ta daa || 2-103-44

44. aakaasham = the sky; vR^itam = filled; pakSibhiH = with birds; vitrastaiH = that had been frightened; tena shabdena = by that noise; bhuumiH = and the earth; aavR^itaaH = covered; manuSaiH = with men; ubhayam = both; tadaa = then; prababhau = looked beautiful.

The sky filled with birds that had been frightened by that noise and the earth covered with men, both looked beautiful at that moment.

Verse Locator

tattastaM puruShavyaaghram yashasvina makiilamSham |
aasiinaM sthaNDile raamam dadarsha sahasaa janaH || 2-103-45

45. sahasaa = suddenly; janaH = the people; tataH = then; dadarsha = beheld; yashasvinam = the illustrious; raamam = akalamSam = and the sinless; raamam = Rama; aasiinam = sitting; sthaN^Dile = on the bare earth.

Suddenly then, the people beheld the illustrious and the sinless Rama, sitting on the bare earth.

Verse Locator

vigarhamaaNaH kaikeyiiM mantharaasahitaamapi |
abhigamya jano raamam baaShpapuurNamukho.abhavat || 2-103-46

46. vigarhamaaNaH = Abusing; kaikeyiim = Kaikeyi; mantharaa sahitam api = along with even Manthara; janaH = those people; abhavet = turned up; baaSpa puurNa mukhaH = with their faces bathed in tears; abhigamya = (while) approaching; raamam = Rama.

Abusing Kaikeyi and Manthara, those people turned up with their faces bathed in tears. while approaching Rama.

Verse Locator

taannaraan baaShpapuurNaakShaan samiikShyatha suduHkhitaan |
paryaShvajata dharmajJNaH pitR^ivanmaatR^ivachcha naH || 2-103-47

47. saH = that Rama; dharmajN^aH = knowing what was right; atha = then; samiikSya = seeing; taan maraan = those people; suduHkhitaan = thus deeply afflicted; baaSpa puurnaakSaan = their eyes suffused with tears; pariSvajata = embraced them; pitR^ivat = like their father; maatR^ivachcha = and mother.

Seeing those people thus deeply afflicted their eyes suffused with tears, Rama knowing what was right, embraced them like their father and mother.

Verse Locator

sa tatra kaaMshchit pariShanvaje naraan |
naraashcha kechittu tamabhyavaadayan |
chakaara sarvaan savayasyabaandhavaan |
yathaarha maasaadya tadaa nR^ipaatmajaH || 2-103-48

48. saH = that Rama; pariSvaje = embraced; kaamshchit = some; maraan = men; tatra = there; kechit ta = while some other; naraashcha = men; abhyavaadan = offered salutations; tam = to him; yathaarham = and as each merited it; sah = that nR^ipaatmajaH = king's son; tadaa = then; chakaara = received; sarvaan = all of them; vayasya baandhavaan = including his friends and companions; aasaadya = duly approaching them.

Rama embraced some men there, while some others offered salutations to him. Approaching them on that occasion, the king's son received them all including his friends and companions.

Verse Locator

sa tatra teShaam rudataaM mahaatmanaaM |
bhuvam ba kham chaashuninaadayan svanaH |
guha giriiNaam cha dishshcha santataM |
mR^idaN^gaghoShapratimaH prashushruve || 2-103-49

49. saH = that; svanaH = tumult; teSaam mahaatmanaam = of those magnanimous persons; rudataam = lamenting; tatra = there; anuninaadayan = resounded; bhuvamcha = over the earth; kamcha = and in the sky; giriiNaam guhaashcha = (reverberating) through the mountain caves; dishashcha = and in all quarters; prashrushruve = heard; santatam pratimaH = like the continuous; mR^idaN^ga ghoSa = beating of drums.

The tumult of those magnanimous persons lamenting, resounded over the earth and in the sky, reverberating through the mountain caves and in all quarters like the continuous beating of drums.

- - -

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye ayodhyaakaaNDe tryuttarashatatamaH sargaH

Thus completes 103rd Chapter of Ayodhya Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Verse Locator for Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya : Chapter 103

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© April 2005, K. M. K. Murthy



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