Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya

Chapter[Sarga] 10
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


In this chapter, Kaikeyi enters the house of wrath. Dasaratha tries to pacify her anger.

Verse Locator

vidarshitaa yadaa devii kubjayaa paapayaa bhR^isham |
tadaa shete sma saa bhuumau digdhaviddheva kinnarii || 2-10-1

1. yadaa = when; vidarshitaa = being wrongly preached; kubjayaa = by the hunch backed manthara; bhR^isham paapayaa = who was the most sinful person; tadaa = then; saa devii = that kaikeyi; shetesma = lied down; bhumau = on floor; kinnariiva = like a kinnara woman; digdhaviddhaa = beaten by poisoned arrow.

Having been thus wrongly preached by that sinful Manthara. Kaikeyi lied down on the floor as a Kinnara woman beaten by a poisoned arrow.

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nishchitya manasaa kR^ityam saa samyagiti bhaaminii |
mantharaayai shnaH sarvamaachchakshe vichakshaNaa || 2-10-2

2. saa bhaaminii = that lady; vichakshhaNaa = skilful; nishchitya = after deciding; samyak = well; manasaa = in mind; iti = thus; kR^ityam = what ought to be done; aachachakshae = said; sarvam = all; mantharaayai = to Manthara; shanaiH = slowly.

The skilful Kaikeyi, after deciding in mind what ought to be done told it all slowly to Manthara.

Verse Locator

saa diinaa nishchayaM kR^itvaa mantharaavaakyamohitaa |
naagakanyeva niHsvasya diirghamushhNaM cha bhaaminii || 2-10-3
muhuurtaM chintayaamaasa maargamaatmasukhaavaham |

3. mantharaavaakyamohitaa = stupefied by the words of Manthara; saa bhaaminii = that Kaikeyi; diina = became dejected; nishchayam kR^itvaa = made firm resolution; niHshvasya = sighed; diirgham = deeply; ushhNamcha = and warmly; naagakanyeva = like maiden-serpant; chintayaamaasa = thought; muhuurtam = for a moment; maargam = about the way; aatmasukhaavaham = which can lead to her happiness.

Being stupefied by the words of Manthara, that Kaikeyi became dejected, made firm resolve, with deep and warm sigh, like a maiden-serpent and thought for that moment about the ways which can lead to her happiness.

Verse Locator

saa suhR^ichchaarthakaamaa cha taM nishamya sunishchayam || 2-10-4
babhuuva paramapriitaa siddhiM praapyeva mantharaa |

4.saa mantharaa = that Manthara; suhR^ichcha = who is desirous of getting benefit; nishamya = heard; tam sunishchayam = of that firm resolution; babhuuva = became; paramapriitaa = very much pleased; prapyeva = as if achieved; siddhim = success.

Manthara, who is Kaikeyi's companion and who is desirous of getting benefit, heard of Kaikeyi's firm resolve and became very much pleased as if she achieved success.

Verse Locator

atha saa rushhitaa devii samyakkR^itvaa vinishchayam || 2-10-5
saMviveshaabalaa bhuumau niveshya bhR^ikuTiM mukhe |

5. atha = afterwards; saa abala = that lady; devii = the queen; rushhitaa = being angry; samyak = well; kR^itvaa = made; vinishchayam = determination; savivesha = lied down; bhuumau = on floor; niveshya = keeping; bhrukutim = eyebrows contracted; mukhe = in face.

Kaikeyi, being angry and well determined, lied down on the floor with eye brows, knitted in her face.

Verse Locator

tatashchitraaNi maalyaani divyaanyaabharaNaani cha || 2-10-6
apaviddhaani kaikeyyaa taani bhuumiM prapedire |

6.tataH = thereafter; taani = those; chitraaNi = chaplets; divyaani = beautiful; aabharaNaani = ornaments; apaviddhaam = which were thrown away; kaikeyyaa = by Kaikeyi; prapedire = reached; bhuumim = the floor.

Thereafter, she threw away her colourful chaplets and beautiful ornaments on to the floor.

Verse Locator

tayaa taanyapaviddhaani maalyaanyaabharaNaani cha || 2-10-7
ashobhayanta vasudhaaM nakshatraaNi yathaa nabhaH |

7. taani = those; maalyaani = chaplets; aabharaaNicha = and ornaments; apaviddhaani = which were thrown away; tayaa = by her; ashobhayanta vasudhaam = were making the earth shine; yathaa = as; nakshhatraaNi = stars; babhaH = in the sky.

Those chaplets and ornaments which were thrown away by her were making the earth shine, as stars to the sky.

Verse Locator

krodhaagaare nipatitaa saa babhau malinaambaraa || 2-10-8
ekaveNiiM dR^iDhaM baddhvaa gatasattveva kinnarii |

8. baddhvaa = tying; ekaveNiim = single braid of; dR^iDham = tightly; malinaambaraa = wearing soiled clothes; saa = that Kaikeyi; nipatitaa = lying down; krodhaare = in chamber of wrath; babhau = shone(was); kinnarii eva = like kinnara woman.

Tying her single braid of hair tightly over her head and wearing soiled clothes, that Kaikeyi lying down in the chamber of wrath was looking like a Kinnara woman lying down dead.

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aajJNaapya tu mahaaraajo raaghavasyaabhishhechanm || 2-10-9
upasthaasamanujJNaapya pravivesha niveshanm |

9. mahaaraajaH tu = but king Dasaratha; aajJNaapya = ordered for; raaghavasya = Rama's; abhishechanam = coronation; anujJNaapya = took permission; upasthaanam = from the nearest; pravivesha = entered; nivehsanam = the palace.

King Dasaratha ordered for various arrangements to be made for Rama's coronation, took permission to leave from the elders who were present there and entered his palace.

Verse Locator

adya raamaabhishheko vai prasiddha iti jajJNivaan || 2-10-10
priyaarhaM priyamaakhyaatuM viveshaantaHpuraM vashii |

10. vashii = Dasaratha who kept all activities under his control; vivesha = entered into; antaH puram = inner chambers; aakhyaatum = to tell; priyam = the good news; priyaarham = to Kaikeyi who was a worthy woman to be told good news.

king Dasaratha, who kept all activates under his control entered into the inner chambers to tell the good news of Rama's coronation to Kaikeyi who was a worthy woman to be told the good news first (thinking that she has not yet heard the news).

Verse Locator

sa kaikeyyaa gR^ihaM shreshhThaM pravivesha mahaayashaaH || 2-10-11
paaNDuraabhramivaakaashaM raahuyuktaM nishaakaraH |

11. saH = that Dasaratha; mahaayashaaH = with great glory; pravivesha = entered; shreshhTam = most excellent; kaikeyyaagR^iham = Kaikeyi's house; nishaakaraH aakaashamiva = as the moon into sky; paaNDuraabhram = with white clouds; raahuyuktam = containing Rahu; the demon.

That Dasaratha with vast glory entered Kaikeyi's chambers as moon enters the sky with white clouds.

Verse Locator

shukabarhiNasaMyuktaM krauJNchahaMsarutaayutam || 2-10-12
vaaditraravasaMghushhTaM kubjaavaamanikaayutam |
lataagR^ihaishchitragR^ihaishchampakaashokashobhitaiH || 2-10-13
daantaraajata sauvarNavedikaabhissamaayutam |
nityapushhpaphalairvR^ikshairvaapiibhishchopashobhitam || 2-10-14
daantaraajatasauvarNaiH saMvR^itaM paramaasanaiH |
vividhyairannapaanaishchha bhakshyaishchavi vidhairapi || 2-10-15
upapannaM mahaarhaishcha bhuushhitaistridivopamam |
tatpravishya mahaaraajaH svamantaHpuramR^iddhimat || 2-10-16
na dadarsha priyaaM raajaa kaikeyiiM shayanottame |

12;13;14;15;16. mahaaraajaH = the great king; raajaa = Dasaratha; pravishya = entering; tat = that; svam = his; Riddhimat = magnificient; antaH puram = palace;shukabarahiNa samyuktam = containing parrots and peacocks; krauncha hamsa rutaayutam = filled with sounds of birds like curlews and swans; vaaditraravasanghushhtam = resonant with sounds of musical instruments; kubjaa vaamanikaayutam = consisting of short and hunch backed maid servants; champakaashoka shobhitai = with lovely champaka and ashoka trees; lataagR^ihaiH = with bowers surrounded by creapers; chitragR^ihaiH cha = with painted rooms; daantaraajata souvarNa; vedikaabhiH = with altars built with ivory; silver and gold;samaayutam = endowed with vsikshhaiH = trees; nitya pushhpa phalaiH = always yielding flowers and fruits; vaapiibhiH cha = and with wells; upashobhitam = adorned with paramaasanaiH = beautiful seats; daantaraajata sauvarNaiH = of ivory; silver and gold; upashobhitam = adorned with vividhaiH = various; aunapaanaiH cha = foods and drinks; vividhaiH = various; bhakshhaiH cha = snacks; upapannam = endowed with; bhuushhitaiH = beautifully adorned; mahaarhaiH = worthy women; tridivopamam = looking like heaven; nadadarsha = could not find; priyam = beloved; kaikeyiim = Kaikeyi; shayauottame = on the best couch.

King Dasaratha entered his magnificent palace but could not find his beloved kaikeyi on her best couch there. Peacocks and parrots were being reared in that palace, sounds of birds like curlews, and swans were heard around. The place was resonant with sounds of musical instruments. Short and hunch-backed maid-servants were moving here and there. There were bowers surrounded with creepers and lovely champaka and Ashoka trees. There were painted rooms. There were altars built with ivory, silver and gold. There were trees yielding flowers and fruits in all seasons and wells in the middle. There were beautiful seats constructed with ivory, silver and gold. Various types of food, drinks and snacks were made available. That palace was looking like heaven with beautifully adorned women.

Verse Locator

sa kaamabalasaMyukto ratyarthaM manujaadhipaH || 2-10-17
apashyan dayitaaM bhaaryaaM paprachchha vishhasaada cha |

17. kaamabalasamyuktaH = being possessed of power of lust; saH = that ; manujaadhipaH = king; ratyartham = with object of sexual pleasure; vishhasaada = was distress; apashyam = in not seeing; dayitaam = beloved; bhaaryaam = wife; paprachachha = and asked also.

Being possessed of power of lust, that king who came with object of sexual pleasure, was distressed in not finding his beloved wife and enquired the people there.

Verse Locator

na hii tasya puraa devii taaM veLaamatyavartata || 2-10-18
na cha raajaa gR^ihaM shuunyaM pravivesha kadaachana |

18. puraa = in former times; devii = queen Kaikeyi; na atyavartatahi = did not transgress; tasya taam veLaam = such of his time; raajaa = the king; na pravivesha cha = did not enter also; shuunyam = empty; gR^iham = house; kadaachana = at any time.

In former times, Kaikeyi did not keep away herself at that kind of hour, nor the king enter her chambers at any time without her presence.

Verse Locator

tato gR^ihagato raajaa kaikeyiiM paryapR^ichchhata || 2-10-19
yathaapuramavijJNaaya svaarthalipsumapaNDitaam |

19. tataH = thereafter; raajaa = the king; gR^ihagataH = who entered the house; paryapR^ichchata = enquired; yathaa puram = as before; avijJNaayakaikeyiim apaNDitaam = about without kuching foolish Kaikeyi; swaartha lipsum = who desired to get her selfish ends.

After entering the house, king Dasaratha enquired with the aid-servants there as before, without knowing about foolish Kaikeyi who desired to get her selfish ends.

Verse Locator

pratiihaarii tvathovaacha saMtrastaa tu kR^taaJNjaliH || 2-10-20
deva devii bhR^ishaM kR^iddhaa krodhaagaaramabhidrutaa |

20. atta = then; santrastaa = fearful; pratiihaarii = female door keeper; kR^itaaJNjaliH = folding hands in supplication; uvaacha = said; deva = "Oh; king!; devii = the queen; abhidrutaa = ran; krodhaagaaram = to chamber of wrath; bR^isham kruddhaa = after becoming too much angry".

Then, a female door-keeper fearfully folding her hands in supplication, said: "Oh, king! The queen ran to her chamber of wrath with much anger".

Verse Locator

pratiihaaryaa vachaH shrutvaa raajaa paramadurmanaaH || 2-10-21
vishhasaada punarbhuyo lulitavyaakulendhriyaH |

21. raaja = the king; paramadurmanaaH = having much disturbed mind; lulitavyaakulendriyaH = with wavering and agitated senses; punaH = again; vishhasaada = was dejected; bhuuyaH = more; shrutvaa = after hearing; pratiihaaryaaH = door keeper's; vachaH = words.

That Dasaratha having much disturbed mind already for the absence of Kaikeyi there, became more dejected after hearing the words of door-keeper.

Verse Locator

tatrataaM patitaaM bhuumau shayaanaamatathochitaam || 2-10-22
pratapta iva duHkhena so.apashyajjagatiipatiH |

22. jagatiipatiH = Lord of the earth; saH = that Dasaratha; apashyat = saw; taam = her; patitaam = lying down; bhuumau = on floor; tatra = there; shayaanaam = sleeping; atathochitaam = in such and improper condition; praptaH eva = like burning; duHkhena = with grief.

King Dasaratha, after seeing Kaikeyi lying down on floor in the chamber of wrath, became tormented with grief.

Verse Locator

sa vR^iddhastaruNiiM bhaaryaaM praaNebhyo.api gariiyasiim || 2-10-23
apaapaH paapasaN^kalpaaM dadarsha dharaNiitale |
lataamiva vinishhkR^ittaaM patitaaM deva taamiva || 2-10-24
kinnariimiva nirdhuutaaM chyutaamapsarasaM yathaa |
maayaamiva paribhrashhTaaM hariNiimiva saMyataam || 2-10-25

23;24;25. vR^iddhaH = the aged; apaapaH = sinless; saH = Dasaratha; dadarsha = saw; bhaaryaam = wife; taruNiim = a youthful woman; gariiyasiim = greater; praaNebhyao api = than life; paapasankalpaam = with a desire to do sin; lataamiva = like creeper; vinishhkR^ittaam = completely uprooted; devataamiva = like angel; patitaam = fallen; kinnariimiva = like Kinnara woman; nirdhuutaam = thrown down; apsarasam yathaa = like Apsarasa; chytaam = expelled; mayaamiva = like illusionism; paribhrashhTaam = dropped off; hariNiimiva = like female deer; samyataam = tied up.

That Dasaratha, who was sinless, a youthful woman dearer than his life, lying down on the floor with an intent to do sin. At that time, she was looking like a completely uprooted creeper, like a fallen angel, like a thrown down Kinnara woman, like an expelled divine dancer Apsarasa, like a dropped off illusionism and like a female deer tied up in a net.

Verse Locator

kreNumiva digdhena viddhaaM mR^igayunaa vane |
mahaagaja invaaraNye snehaatparimamarsha taam || 2-10-26

26. mahaagajaH iva = like great elephant; araNye = in a forest; kareNumiva = a female elephant; viddhaam = wounded; dighena = by poisoned arrow; vane = in the grove; parimarsha = (he) touched; taam = her; snehaat = affectionately.

That Dasaratha touched Kaikeyi affectionately, as a great elephant in a forest touches a female elephant which is wounded by poisoned arrow.

Verse Locator

parimR^ishya cha paaNibhyaamabhisaMtrastachetanaH |
kaamii kamalapatraakshiimuvaacha vanitaamidam || 2-10-27

27. kaamii = possessed with infatuation; abhisantrasta chetanaH = having fearful mind; parimR^ishya = touched; kamala patraakshhiim = lotus-eyed; vanitaam = woman; paaNibhyaam = with hands; uvaacha = spoke; idam = these words.

That Dasaratha, possessed with infatuation and having fearful mind, touched that lotus-eyed woman with his hands and spoke the following words.

Verse Locator

na te.ahamabhijaanaami krodhamaatmani saMshritam |
devi kenaabhishaptaasi kena vaasi vimaanitaa || 2-10-28
yadidaM mamam duHkhaaya sheshe klyaaNi paaMsushhu |

28. devii = "Oh queen; kalyaaNi = of auspicious qualities! aham = I; na abhijaanaami = do not know; te = your; krodham = anger; samshR^itam = in habited; aatmani = in me; kena = by whom; abhishaptaa asi = you are cursed; kenavaa = or by whom; vimaanitaa asi = you are insulted; idam mama duHkhaayaa = this has become cause for my pain; yat seshhe = that you are resting; paamsushhu = on dirty floor."

"Oh queen, of auspicious qualities! I do not know that you are angry with me. Who has cursed or disrespected you? I am pained to see you resting in this way on a dirty floor."

Verse Locator

bhuumau sheshhe kimarthaM tvaM mayi kalyaaNachetasi |
bhuutopahatachitteva mama chittapramaathinii || 2-10-29

29. mayi kalyaana chetasi = when I have a good sense of mind; kimartham = why; tvam = you; mama chiHa pramaathinii = hurt my mind; seshhe = by resting; bhuumau = on floor; bhuutopahata chitteva = like one who is possessed of a devil.

"when I am here to expend all good to you, why are you hurting my mind by lying down on the floor like the one who is possessed of a devil."

Verse Locator

santi me kushalaa vaidyaastvabhitushhTaashcha sarvashaH |
sukhitaaM tvaaM karishhyanti vyaadhimaachakshva bhaamini || 2-10-30

30. bhaamini = Oh; Kaikeyi! me = my; vaidyaaH = physicians; santi = are there; kushalaaH = who are skilled; saravashaH abhishhTutaaH cha = and who are enlogised on all sides; karishhyanti = who can made; tvaam = you; sukshitaam = healthy; achakshhva = tell; vyaadhim = the sickness.

"There are so many royal physicians who are skilled and famous on all sides. They can make you healthy. Tell me your sickness".

Verse Locator

kasya vaa te priyaM kaaryaM kena vaa vipriyaM kR^itam |
kaH priyaM labhataamadya ko vaa sumahadapriyam || 2-10-31

31. kasyavaa = to whom; priyam = favour; kaaryam = ought to be done; te = by you? kena vaa = by whom; vipriyam = offence; kR^itam = was done? katt = who; labhataam = has to get; priyam = favour; adya = now? kovaa = who; sumahat = great; apriyam = offence?'

"To whom do you want a favour to be done? who has offended you? Tell me to whom I have to extend a favour now and to whom I have to do a great offensive act."

Verse Locator

maa rodiirmaa cha kaarshhistvaM devi saMparishoshhaNam || 2-10-32
avadhyo vadhyataaM ko vaa ko vaa vadhyo vimuchyataam |
daridraH ko bhavedaaDhyo dravyavaanvaapyakiJNchanaH || 2-10-33

32;33. devi = " oh; queen! tvam = you; maa rodiiH = do not weep; maa cha kaarshhiiH = nor make ; samparishoshhaNam = body dry up; kovaa = who; avadhyaH = exempt from death; vadhyataam = is to be killed?; kovaa = who; vadhyaH = worthy of killing; vimuchyataam = is to be released? kovaa = who; daridraH = a poor person; bhavet = to become; aadhyaH = wealthy? dravyavaanvaapi = or a rich man; akiN^ichanaH = destitute.

"Oh, Kaikeyi! Do not weep and get your body dried up. If you tell, I shall kill a person who is exempt from death or shall release a person who is worthy to be killed. I shall make a poor man prosperous or a rich man, destitute".

Verse Locator

ahaM chaiva madiiyaashcha sarve tava vashaanugaaH |
na te ki.nchidabhipraayaM vyaahantumahamutsahe || 2-10-34

34. ahamchaiva = I and; sarvexha = all; madiiyaaH = my people; tava vashaamgaaH = are submissive to you; aham = I; na utsahe = do not try; vyaahantum = to foil; kiN^chit = even a little of; te = your; abhipraayam = intention.

"I and all my people are submissive to you. I do not wish to foil even a little of your intention".

Verse Locator

aatmano jiivitenaapi bruhi yanmanasechchhasi |
balamaatmani jaanantii na maaM shaN^kitumarhasi || 2-10-35
karishhyaami tava priitiM sukR^itenaapi te shape |

35. bruuhi = tell; yat = that which; ichhasi = you desire; manasaa = from mind; jiivitenaapi = even by life; na arhasi shaN^kitum = to suspect; maam = me; jaanantii = as you knew; balam = your strength; aatmani = over me; shape = I keep my oath; sikR^itenaapi = even by righteousness; te = to you; karishhye = I shall do; tava = your; riitim = liking.

"Tell me that which is desired by your mind to be achieved even at the cost of my life. You need not suspect me, as you very well know your authority over me. I keep my oath on my righteousness that I shall certainly do whatever is liked by you".

Verse Locator

yaavadaavarta te chakraM taavatii me vasundharaa || 2-10-36
praachiinaaH sindhusauviiraaH sauraashhTraa dakshiNaapathaaH |
vaN^gaaN^gamagadhaa matsyaaH samR^iddhaaH kaashikosalaaH || 2-10-37

36;37. me vasundharaa = my earth; yaavat taavati = is as long as; chakram = chariout-wheel; aavartate = revolves; prachiinaaH = eastern countries; sindhu sauviiraaH = Sindhu; Sauviva countries; sauraashhtraaH = Saurastra; dakshhiNaapathaaH = sounthern countries; vaN^gaaN^ga magadhaaH = Vanga; Anga and Magadha countries; matsyaaH = the country of Matsya; kaashi kausalaaH = kasi and Kausala countries; samR^iddhaaH = are all affluent.

My jurisdiction over this earth stretches out as much to the extent as to the extent a chariot-wheel revolves. Eastern countries, Sindhu, Sauviira and Saurastra countries, as well as countries in the south, Vanga, Anga, Magadha and Matsya countries, Kasi and Kausala countries are all full of riches.

Verse Locator

tatra jaataM bahudravyaM dhanadhaanya majaavikam |
tato vR^iNiishhva kaikeyi yadyattvaM manasechchhasi || 2-10-38

38. tatra = there; dhana dhaanyam = gold and grain; ajaavikam = sheep and goats; bahu = various; dravyam = goods; jaatam = are produced; kaikeyi = Oh; Kaikeyi; yadyat = which; tataH = fo those; ichhasi = do you want; VR^iNiishhva = to acquire; manasaa = from the mind.

In those countries, gold and grain, sheep and goats and all types of goods are produced. Oh, Kaikeyi! which of the goods do you want to acquire?

Verse Locator

kimaayaasena te bhiiru uttishhTottishhTa shobhane |
tatvaM me bruuhi kaikeyi yataste bhayamaagatam || 2-10-39
tatte vyapanayishhyaami niiharamiva rshmivaan |

39. biiru = "oh; fearful one! kim = what use; aayaasena = by exertion; te = to you; shobhane = oh; beautiful woman! uttishhTha; uttishhTha = get up; get up! kaikeyi = Oh; Kaikeyi! bruuhi = tell; me = me; tat = that; yataH = from where; bhayam = fear; aagatam = came; te = to you; vyapena yisshhyaami = I shall remove; te = your; tat = that source of fear; niihaaramiva = as mist; rashmivaan = by sund.

"Oh, fearful one! why are you exerted like this? oh, beautiful lady? Get up get up! Oh, Kaikeyi1 Tell me the source of your fear. I shall remove that source as sun sets aside the mist."

Verse Locator

tathoktaa saa samaasvastaa vaktukaamaa tadapriyam || 2-10-40
paripiiDayituM bhuuyo bhartaaramupachakrame |

40. samaashvastaa = consoled by; tathaa uktaa = thus spoken words; saa = she; vaktukaamaa = intending to; tat apriyam = that unkindly word; upachakrame = was begining; paripiidayitum = harass; bharataaram = husband; bhuuyaH = further.

Consoled by hearing the words of Dasaratha, Kaikeyi intending to tell unkindly words like Rama's exile was beginning to harass her husband further, by her words.

- - -

|| ityaarshhe srimadraamaayaNe addikaavye ayodhya kaaNde dashama sargaH ||

Thus completes tenth sarga of Ayodhya Kanda in Srimad Ramayana.

Verse Locator for Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya : Chapter 10

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10 11 12 13 14
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30 31 32 33 34
35 36 37 38 39

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