Chapter [Sarga] 8


This chapter describes Pushpaka in glorious and amazing detail.

Verse Locator

sa tasya madhye bhavanasya samsthitam |
mahadvimaanam maNivajrachitritam |
prataptajaambuunadajaalakR^itrimam |
dadarsha viiraH pavanaatmajaH kapiH || 5-8-1

1. saH kapiH= that Hanuma; viiraH= the courageous one; pavanaatmajaH= the son of Lord Vayu; dadarsha= saw; mahat vimaanam= a great aerial plane; samsthitam= standing; madhye= in the middle; tasya bhavanasya= of that building; maNivajrachitritam= with a surprising hue due to diamonds and gems; prataptajaambuunadajaalakR^itrimam= decorated by series of refined gold.

That Hanuma the courageous one, the son of Lord Vayu, saw the great aerial plane standing in the middle of that building with a surprising hue, due to diamonds, and gems decorated by series of refined gold.

Verse Locator

tadaprameyaapratikaarakR^itrimam |
kR^itam svayam saadhviti vishvakarmaNaaH |
divam gatam vaayupathapratishhThitam |
vyaraajataadityapathasya lakshmivat || 5-8-2

2. tat= that plane; vyaraajata= shone; lakshmavat= like symbol; aadityapathasya= for solar path; vaayupathapratishhThatam= standing in the aerial path; divamgatam= obtaining in the sky; kR^itam= manufactured; svyam vishvakarmaNaa= by Vishvakarma himself; saadhviti= and praised by him; aprameyaapratikaarakR^itrimam= one without comparison in beauty.

That plane shone like symbol for solar path standing in the aerial path obtaining the sky. Manufactured by Vishvakarma himself and praised by him as one without comparison in beauty.

Verse Locator

na tatra kimchinna kR^itam prayatnato |
na tatra kimchinna maharharatnavat |
na te visheshhaa niyataaH sureshhvapi |
na tatra kimchinna mahaavisheshhavat || 5-8-3

3. tatra= In that plane; na kimchit na kR^itam= there is not even a small thing that is not made; prayatnataH= with effort; tatra= in that; na kimchit= there is nothing; na mahaarharatnavat= without the best diamonds; te visheshhaaH= those characteristics; naniyataaH= definitely are not; sureshhvapi= in Devas also; tatra= in that; kimchit na= there is nothing; na mahaavisheshhavat= that is not great significance.

In that plane there is not even a small thing that is not made with great effort, in that there is nothing without the best diamonds, those characteristics definitely are not in Devas also, in that there is nothing that is not of great significance.

Verse Locator

tapahsamaadhaanaparaakramaarjitam |
manaHsamaadhaanavichaarachaariNam |
anekasamsthaanavishheshhanirmitam |
tatastatastulyavisheshhadarshanam || 5-8-4

4. tapHsamaadhaanaparaakramaarjitam= one that has been obtained by austerities and by prowess; manaHsamaadhaanavichaarachaariNam= one that moves about by the thoughts of concentrated mind; anekasamsthaanavisheshhanirmitam= made from various significant parts; tulyavisheshhanadarshanam= with an appearance of parts of equal significance; tataH tataH= (collected from) here and there

One that has been obtained by austerities and by prowess, one that moves about by thoughts of concentrated mind, made from various significant parts with an appearance of parts of equal significance, collected from here and there from all over the world.

Verse Locator

visheshhamaalambya visheshhasamsthitam |
vichitrakuuTam bahukuuTamaNDitam |
mano.abhiraamam sharadndunirmalam |
vichitrakuuTam shikharam gireryathaa || 5-8-5

5. aalambya= obtaining; visheshham= a special construction; visheshhasamsthitam= stood as a special object; vichitrakuuTam= like a mountain with wonderful peaks; bahukuuTamaNDitam= adorned by many peaks; mano.abhiraamaan= attractive to soul; sharadindunirmalam= calm like an autumnal moon; shikaram yadaa= like the peak; gireH= of a mountain; vichitrakuuTam= with other wonderful small peaks.

Obtaining a special construction as a special object, like a mountain with wonderful peaks adorned by many peaks, attractive to soul, calm like an autumnal moon, like the peak of a mountain with other wonderful small peaks.

Verse Locator

vahanti yam kuNDashobhitaananaa |
mahaashanaa vyomacharaa nishaacharaaH |
vivR^ittavidhvastavishaalalochanaa |
mahaajavaa bhuutagaNaaH sahasrashaH || 5-8-6

6. (Hanuma saw that aerial plane) yam= which; nishaacharaaH= rakshasas; mahaashanaaH= who were great eaters; kunDalashobhitaananaaH= with a face beautified by earrings ;vyomacharaaH= who roamed around in the sky; sahasrashaH buutagaNaaH= (and) thousands of genii; nivR^ittavidhvastavishaalalochanaaH= with round eyes, crooked eyes and wide eyes; mahaajavaaH= capable of great speed; vahanti= carried.

Hanuma saw that aerial plane which rakshasas who were great eaters, with a face beautified by earnings, who roamed around in the sky and thousands of genii with round eyes, crooked eyes and wide eyes capable of great speed carrying it.

Verse Locator

vasantapushhpotkarachaarudarshanam |
vasantamaasadapi kaantadarshanam |
sa pushhpakam tatra vimaanamuttamam |
dadarsha tadvaanaraviirasattamaH || 5-8-7

7. saH= that Hanuma; vanaraviirasattamaH= the best among Vanara warriors; dadarsha= saw; tatra= there; uttamam vimaanam= a best plane; pushhpakam= with the name of Pushpaka; vasantapushhpotkarachaarudarshanam= with a more beautiful appearance than a group of flowers during spring; kaantadarshanam= a more attractive appearance; vasantamaasaadapi= than even the spring season.

That Hanuma the best among Vanara warriors saw there a best plane with the name of Pushpaka with a more beautiful appearance than a group of flowers during spring, a more attractive appearance than even the spring season.


iti vaalmiiki raamaayaNe aadi kaavye sundara kaaNDe ashhTamaH sargaH

Thus, this is the 8th chapter in Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

Verse Locator for Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty : Chapter 8


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