Chapter [Sarga] 3


In this chapter Hanuma faces Lanka, the city of Lanka herself in the form of a demoness.

Verse Locator

sa lamba shikhare lambe lamba toyada samnibhe |
sattvam aasthaaya medhaavii hanumaan maaruta aatmajaH || 5-3-1
nishi lankaam mahaa sattvaH vivesha kapi kunjaraH |
ramya kaanana toya aaDhyaam puriim raavaNa paalitaam || 5-3-2

1-2. saH = That, hanumaan = Hanuma, medhaavii = the intellectual, maarutaatmajaH = son of God of Wind, mahaasattvaH = one with great might, kapikunjaraH = best among monkeys, lambe = on the mountain called Lamba, lamba shikhare = with high peaks, lambatoyada sannibhe = equalling a high cloud, aasthaaya = gathered, sattvam = courage, vivesha = and entered, nishi = at night, laN^kaam puriim = the city of Lanka, raavaNa paalitaam = ruled by Ravana, ramya kaanana toyaaDhyaam = and filled with beautiful forests and (places of) water.

That Hanuma, best among monkeys, the intellectual son of Vayu, one with great might, stood on the mountain called Lamba with its high peaks equalling a high cloud, gathered courage and entered at night the city of Lanka ruled by Ravana and filled with beautiful forests and places of water such as lakes.

Verse Locator

shaarada ambu dhara prakhyaiH bhavanaiH upashobhitaam |
saagara upama nirghoSaam saagara anila sevitaam || 5-3-3
supuSTa bala samguptaam yathaiva viTapaavatiim |
caaru toraNa niryuuhaam paaNDura dvaara toraNaam|| 5-3-4

3-4. upashobhitaam = (city of Lanka was) shone, bhavanaiH = by buildings, shaaradaambhudhara prakhyaiH = equalling autumnal clouds, saagaropama nirghoshhaam = with a sound resembling that of an ocean, saagara anila sevitaam = served by ocean breeze, supushhTa bala saMpushhTaam = filled by mighty armies, yathaiva = like, viTapaavatiim = Vitapavati, chharu toraNa niryuuhaam = with elephants standing at archways, paaNDuradvaara toraNaam = with white gates and archways.

The city of Lanka was shone by buildings equalling autumnal clouds. With a sound resembling that of an ocean, it was served by ocean breeze. It was filled with well fed and mighty armies like Vitapati, the capital of Kubera. It had elephants positioned at archways and had white gates and archways.

Verse Locator

bhujaga aacaritaam guptaam shubhaam bhogavatiim iva |
taam savidyut ghana aakiirNaam jyotiH maarga niSevitaam || 5-3-5
caNDa maaruta nirhraadaam yathaa indrasya amaraavatiim |
shaatakumbhena mahataa praakaareNa abhisamvR^itaam || 5-3-6
kinkiNii jaala ghoSaabhiH pataakaabhiH alamkR^itaam |
aasaadya sahasaa hR^iSTaH praakaaram abhipedivaan || 5-3-7

5-7. sahasaa = quickly, aasaadya = approaching, taam = that Lanka, bhujagaacharitaam = with serpants moving about, guptaam = and being protected by them, shubhaam bhogavatiimiva = like auspicious city of Bhogavati, savidyudghanaakiirNaam = spread with lightening clouds, jyotirmaarga nishhevitaam = served by pathway of stars, manda maaruta saMchaaraam = with a light breeze, indrasya amaraavatiim yathaa = like Indra's city of Amaravati, abhisaMVR^itaam = surrounded, mahataa praakaareNa = by a city wall, shaatakumbhena = with a golden hue, alaMkR^itaam = decorated, pataakaabhiH = by flags, kinkiNii jaala ghoshhaabhiH = with sounds from groups of bells, hrishhTaH = became happy, ahipedivaan = and obtained, praakaaram = the wall.

Quickly approaching that city of Lanka which was protected by Rakshasas, like the the auspicious city of Bhogavati being protected by serpents moving about, spread with cloud illumined by flashes of lightening, served by pathways of stars, witha light breeze like the Indra's city of Amaravati, surrounded by a wall with a golden hue, decorated by flags with sounds from groups of small bells. He became happy and leapt up the wall.

Verse Locator

vismaya aaviSTa hR^idayaH puriim aalokya sarvataH |
jaambuunadamayaiH dvaaraiH vaiduurya kR^ita vedikaiH || 5-3-8
maNi sphaTika muktaabhiH maNi kuTTima bhuuSitaiH |
tapta haaTaka niryuuhaiH raajata amala paaNDuraiH || 5-3-9
vaiduurya tala sopaanaiH sphaaTika antara paamsubhiH |
caaru samjavana upetaiH kham iva utpatitaiH shubhaiH || 5-3-10
kraunca barhiNa samghuSTe raaja hamsa niSevitaiH |
tuurya aabharaNa nirghoSaiH sarvataH pratinaaditaam || 5-3-11
vasvokasaaraa pratimaam samiikSya nagariim tataH |
kham iva utpatitaam lankaam jaharSa hanumaan kapiH || 5-3-12

8-12. aalokya = seeing, puriim = the city, sarvataH = everywhere, vismayaavishhTa hR^idayaH = (Hanuma) became surprised at heart, tataH = thereafter, kapiH hanumaan = Hanuma, the monkey, jaharshha = became happy, viikshya = seeing, dvaaraiH = with doors, jaambuunadamayaiH = which were golden hued, vaiDurrya kR^ita vedikaiH = with platforms of cat's eye gems, vajrasphatikamuktaabhiH = inlaid with diamonds, crystals and pearls, maNi kuttima bhuushhitaiH = embellished with floors of gems, taptahaaTakaniryuuhaiH = graced with elephants made of refined gold, raajataamal paaNDuraiH = crowned with spotless white silver, vaiduurya kR^ita sopaanaiH = stairs studded with cat's eye gems, sphaaTikaantarapaaMsubhiH = with inside walls made of crystal free from dust, chaarusaMja vanopetaiH = provided with lovely assembly halls, krauncha barhiNa saMghashhTaiH = with sounds of Krauncha birds and peacocks, raajahaMsa nishevitaiH = served by royal swans, utpatitairiva = as though flying, kham = towards the sky, shubhaiH = with auspicious houses, prati naaditaam = resounding, sarvataH = everywhere, tuuryaabharaNa nirghoshhaiH = with the sounds of clarionets and ornaments, vasvaukasaaraapratimaam = equalling the city of Vasvaukasaara, utpatitaam iva = as though flying, kham = towards sky.

Seeing the city everywhere Hanuma became surprised at heart. Thereafter Hanuma the monkey, became happy seeing the doors which were of golden color, with platforms of cat's eye gems, inlaid with diamonds, crystals and pearls, embellished with floors of gems, graced with elephants made of refined gold, crowned with spotless white silver, stairs studded with cat's eye gems, with inside walls made of crystal free from dust, provided with lovely assembly halls, with sounds of Krauncha birds and peacocks, served by royal swans, looking as though flying toward the sky, with auspicious houses resounding everywhere with the sounds of clarionets and ornaments, equalling the city of Vasvaukasaara, as though flying towards the sky.

Verse Locator

taam samiikSya puriim lankaam raakSasa adhipateH shubhaam |
anuttamaam R^iddhi yutaam cintayaam aasa viiryavaan || 5-3-13

13. samiikshya = seeing, taam puriim = that city, raakshsaadhipateH = of the king of rakshasas, anuttamam = best one, buddhiyutaam = with wealth, ramyaam = beautiful one, shubhaam = auspicious one, viiryavaan = that powerful Hanuma, chintayaamaasa = thought (thus).

Seeing that city of Ravana, which was best among cities, a wealthy city, a beautiful and auspicious city, that powerful Hanuma thought thus.

Verse Locator

na iyam anyena nagarii shakyaa dharSayitum balaat |
rakSitaa raavaNa balaiH udyata aayudha dhaaribhiH || 5-3-14

14. na shakyaa = (it is) not possible, dharshhayitum = to oppose, balaat = by strength, anyena = by anyone else, iyam nagarii = this city, rakshitaa = guarded, raavaNa balaiH = by armies of Ravana, udyataayudha dhaaribhiH = with raised weapons.

"It is not possible for anyone else to oppose this city, by strength alone, which is being guarded by armies of Ravana with raised weapons."

Verse Locator

kumuda angadayoH vaa api suSeNasya mahaa kapeH |
prasiddhaa iyam bhavet bhuumiH mainda dvividayoH api || 5-3-15

15. iyam = this, bhuumiH = land, prasiddhaa bhavet = may become conquerable, kumuda angadayorvaapi = to Kumuda or Angada, mahaa kapeH sushheNasya = to the great monkey Sushena, mainda dvividayorapi = to Mainda or Dvivida.

This land may be conquerable by Kumuda or Angada, to the great monkey Sushena or to Mainda or Dvivida.

Verse Locator

vivasvataH tanuujasya hareH ca kusha parvaNaH |
R^ikSasya ketu maalasya mama caiva gatiH bhavet || 5-3-16

16. gatiH bhavet = there may be access, vivasvataH tanuujasya = to son of Sun God - Sugreeva, hareH = the monkey, kushaparvaNaH = Kusaparvana, kapi mukhyasya R^ikshasa = to the chief among monkeys Riksha, mama cha eva = and to me.

There may be access to this land to the son of Sun God Sugreeva, to the monkey Kusaparvana, to the chief among monkeys Riksha and to me.

Verse Locator

samiikSya tu mahaa baahaH raaghavasya paraakramam |
lakSmaNasya ca vikraantam abhavat priitimaan kapiH || 5-3-17

17. samiikshya = considering, mahabaahoH = the great armed, raaghavasya = scion of Raghu's, paraakramam = strength, lakshmaNasya cha = and Lakshmana's, vikraantam = valour, kapiH = Hanuma, abhavat = became, priitimaan = happy.

Considering the long armed Sri Rama's strength and Lakshmana's valour, Hanuma became happy.

Verse Locator

taam ratna vasana upetaam koSTha aagaara avatamsakaam |
yantra agaara staniim R^iddhaam pramadaam iva bhuuSitaam || 5-3-18
taam naSTa timiraam diipaiH bhaasvaraiH ca mahaa gR^ihaiH |
nagariim raakSasa indrasya dadarsha sa mahaa kapiH || 5-3-19

18,19. saH mahaakapiH = that great monkey, dadarsha = saw, taam = that, raakshasendrasya nagariim = city of king of rakshasas, pramdaam iva = like a woman, budhhaam = with wealth, bhuushhitaam = decorated, ratnavasanopetaaam = with diamonds for her clothes, koshhThaagaaravataMsakaam = with various storage houses as earrings,antraagaarastaniim = with armouries for her breasts, nashhTa timiraam = losing darkness, mahaaR^ihaiH = by great houses, bhaasvaraishcha = radiating, diiptaiH = being illuminated by(lamps).

That great monkey saw that city of king of rakshasas like a wealthy woman decorated with diamonds for her clothes, with various storage houses as earrings, with amouries for her breasts. Due to the lamps that illuminated the radiant great houses, all darkness was lost.

Verse Locator

atha saa harishaarduulam pravishantim mahaabalam |
nagarii svena ruupeNa dadarsha pavanaatmajam || 5-3-20

20. atha = thereafter, saa nagarii = (guardian of) that city, svena ruupeNa = in her own form, dadarsha = saw, hari shaarduulam = best among monkeys, mahaa balam = one with great strength, pavanaatmajam = Hanuma, pravishantam = entering.

Thereafter, the guardian of that city, in her own form, saw Hanuma, the best among monkeys and the mighty one, entering.

Verse Locator

saa tam harivaram dR^ishhTvaa laN^kaa raavaNapaalitaa |
svayamevotthitaa tatra vikR^itaananadarshanaa || 5-3-21

21. dR^ishhTvaa = seeing, tam harivaram = that Hanuma, tatra = there, saa laN^kaa = that Lanka, raavaNa paalitaa = ruled by Ravana, uthitaa = rose up, svayameva = herself, vikR^ita aanana darshanaa = with a horrific appearence of face and eyes.

Seeing that best among monkeys Hanuma there, that Lanka ruled by Ravana, rose up herself with a horrific appearance of face an eyes.

Verse Locator

purastatka pivaryasya vaayusuunoratishhThata |
muJNchamaanaa mahaanaadamabraviitpavanaatmajam || 5-3-22

22. atishhThata = stood, purastaat = in front, vaayusuunoH = of Hanuma, kapivarasya = the best among Vanaras, munchamaanaa = leaving, mahaaa naada = a great sound, abraviit = spoke, pavanaatmajam = to Hanuma.

She stood in front of the best among Vanaras Hanuma. She made a great sound and spoke to Hanuma thus.

Verse Locator

kastvam kena cha kaaryeNa iha praapto vanaalaya |
kathaya sveha yattattvam yaavatpraaNaa dharanti te || 5-3-23

23. vanaalaya = O one who lives in gardens, tvam kaH = who are you, kena kaaryeNa = for what reason, praaptaH iha = did you come here, yaavat dharanti = as long as (you) sustained, te praaNaaH = your lives, (before that), kathayasva = tell, yat = whatever, tattvam = truth, iha = here.

"O one who lives in gardens! Who are you? For what reason did you come here? As long as your lives are sustained, tell me the truth here before that."

Verse Locator

na shakyam khalviyam laN^kaa praveshhTum vaanara tvayaa |
rakshitaa raavaNabalairabhiguptaa samantataH || 5-3-24

24. vaanara = O Vanara, na shakyam khalu = it is indeed not possible, tvayaa = by you, praveshhTum = to enter, iyam laN^kaa = this Lanka, rakshitaa = protected, raavaNa balaiH = by Ravana's forces, abhiguptaa = guarded, samantataH = all around.

"O Vanara! It is indeed not possible for you to enter this city of Lanka which is protected by Ravana's forces and strongly guarded all around."

Verse Locator

atha taamabraviidviiro hanumaanagrataH sthitaam |
kathayishhyaami te tattvam yanmam tvam paripR^ichchhasi || 5-3-25

25. atha = therafter, viiraH = the mighty, hanumaan = Hanuma, abraviit = spoke, taam = to her, sthitaam = who stood, agrataH = in front (of Him), yat = whatever, tvam = you, paripR^cchasi = are asking, maam = me, kathayishhyaami = I will tell, te = you, tattvam = that truth.

Thereafter the mighty Hanuma spoke to Lanka standing in front of Him as follows : "Whatever matter you are asking me, I will tell you that truthfully."

Verse Locator

kaa tvam viruupanayanaa puradvaare.avatishhThasi |
kimartham chaapi maam ruddhvaa nirbhartsayasi daaruNaa || 5-3-26

26. avatishhThasi = you are standing, puradvaare = at the entrance to city, viruupanayanaa = O one with ugly eyes, tvam kaa = who are you, daaruNaa = O horrible one, ruddhvaa = stopping, maam = me, kimartham = for what reason, nirbhatyasi = are you threatening me.

"You are standing at the entrance to the city. O one with ugly eyes! Who are you? O horrible one! Stopping me, for what reason are you threatening me?"

Verse Locator

hanumadvachanam shrutvaa laN^kaa saa kaamaruupiNii |
uvaacha vachanam kruddhaa parushhaM pavanaatmajam || 5-3-27

27. shrutvaa = listening, hanumat vachanam = to Hanuma's words, sa laN^kaa = that Lanka, kaamaruupiNii = with ability to change form according to will, kruddhaa = became angry, uvaacha = and spoke, parushham = strong, vachanam = words, pavanaatmajam = to Hanuma.

Listening to Hanuma's words, that Lanka, with ability to achieve desired form, became angry and spoke these strong words to Hanuma.

Verse Locator

aham raakshasaraajasya raavaNasya mahaatmanaH |
aajJNaapratiikshaa durdharshhaa rakshaami nagariimimaam || 5-3-28

28. aham = I, rakshaami = protect, imaam = this, nagariim = city, durdharshhaa = being invincible, aaJNaa pratiikshaa = waiting for orders, raakshasa raajasya = of the king of rakshasas, raavaNasya = of Ravana, mahaatmanaH = the great souled one.

"I protect this city, being invincible. I wait for the orders of the king of demons Ravana, the great one."

Verse Locator

na shakyaa maamavajJNaaya praveshhTum nagarii tvayaa |
adya praaNaiH parityaktaH svapsyase nihato mayaa || 5-3-29

29. avajNaaya = humiliating, maam = me, na shakyaa = it is not possible, tvayaa = by you, praveshhTum = to enter, nagarii = the city, adya = now, nihataH = being beaten, mayaa = by me, parityaktaH = leaving, praaNaiH = life, svapsase = you will sleep (forever).

"After humilliating me it is not possible for you to enter the city. Being beaten by me, you will leave life and have a permanent sleep."

Verse Locator

aham hi nagarii laN^kaa svayameva plavaN^gama |
sarvataH parirakshaami hyetatte kathitam mayaa || 5-3-30

30. plavangama = O Vanara! aham = I, parirakshaami = am protecting, laNkaa nagarii = the city of Lanka, sarvataH = in all directions, etat = this matter, kathitam = has been indeed told, te = to you, mayaa = by me.

"O Vanara! I am protecting this city of Lanka in all directions. This matter has been already told to you by me."

Verse Locator

laN^kaayaa vachanam shrutvaa hanumaan maarutaatmajaH |
yatnavaansa harishreshhThaH sthitashshaila ivaaparaH || 5-3-31

31. maarutaatmajaH = Son of Vayu - Hanuma, hari shreshhThaH = the best among Vanaras, shrutvaa = hearing, laNkayaaH vachanam = Lanka's words, sthitaH = stood up, aparaH shailaH iva = like a second mountain, yatnavaan = with a purpose.

The son of Vayu and best among Vanaras heard Lanka's words and stood up like a second mountain, with a purpose.

Verse Locator

sa taam striiruupavikR^itaam dR^ishhTvaa vaanarapuN^gavaH |
aababhaashhe.atha medhaavi sattvaan plavagarshhabhaH || 5-3-32

32. atha = thereafter, saH = that Hanuma, methaavii = the wise one, sattvaan = with strength, plavagarshhabhaH = best among those who can fly, vaanara puNgavaH = best among Vanaras, dR^ishhTvaa = saw, aam = that Lanka, strii ruupa ikR^itaam = in the form of a lady and ugly, aababhaashhe = spoke thus.

Thereafter that Hanuma the wise one, with great strength, best among those who can fly and best among Vanaras, saw that city of Lanka in the form of an ugly woman and spoke thus.

Verse Locator

drakshyaami nagariim laN^kaam saaTTapraakaaratoraNaam |
ityarthamiha sampraaptaH param kautuuhalam hi me || 5-3-33

33. drakshyaami = I should like to see, laN^kaam nagariim = the city of lanka, saaTTaa praakaara toraNaam = with its palaces, defensive walls and archways, iti artham = for this reason, saMpraaptaH = (I) came, iha = here, param kautuuhalam = (there is) lot of curiosity, me = to me.

"I should like to see the city of Lanka with its palaces, defensive walls and archways. I came here for that reason. I am very curious to see them."

Verse Locator

vanaanyupavanaaniiha laN^kaayaaH kaananaani cha |
sarvato gR^ihamukhyaani drashhTumaagamanam hi me || 5-3-34

34. me aagamanm = my arrival, iha = here, drashhTum hi = to indeed see, laN^kaayaaH = Lanka's, vanaani = gardens, upavanaani = parks, kaananaani cha = and forests, gR^iha mukhyaani = important houses, sarvataH = all over

"My arrival here is indeed to see Lanka's gardens, parks, forests and important houses all over."

Verse Locator

tasya tadvachanam shrutvaa laN^kaa saa kaamaruupiNii |
bhuuya eva punarvaakyam babhaashhe parushhaaksharam || 5-3-35

35. shrutvaa = listening, tasya = to His, tat vachanam = those words, laN^kaa kaama ruupiNii = Lanka with the ability to change form according to will, babhaashhe = spoke, punaH = again, parushhaaksharam = strong words, bhuuyaH eve = stronger than before.

Listening to Hanuma's words, Lanka with the ability to assume desired form, spoke harsh words stronger than before.

Verse Locator

maamanirjatya durbaddhe raakshaseshvarapaalitaa |
na shakyamadya te drashhTum puriiyam vanaraadhama || 5-3-36

36. vaanaraadhama = O lowly Vanara! durbuddhe = with evil mind, na shakyam = it is not possible, te = to you, drashhTum = to see, adya = now, iyam purii = this city, raakshaseswara paalitaa = ruled by king of rakshasas, anirjitya maam = without defeating me.

"O lowly Vanara with an evil mind! It is not possile for you to see this city ruled by king of rakshasas, without first defeating me."

Verse Locator

tataH sa kapishaarduulastaamuvaacha nishaachariim |
dR^ishhvaa puriimimaam bhadre punaryaasye yathaagatam || 5-3-37

37. tataH = then, saH kapi shaarduulaH = that tiger among Vanaras Hanuma, uvaacha = spoke, taam nishaachariim = to that demon, bhadre = O auspicious one! dR^ishhTvaa = after seeing, imaam puriim = this city, yaasye = I will return, punaH = agin, yataagatam = as I came.

Then that tiger among Vanaras Hanuma spoke to that demon : "O auspicious one! After seeing this city I will return back again to where I came from."

Verse Locator

tataH kR^itvaa mahaanaadam saa vai laN^kaa bhayaavaham |
talena vaanarashreshhTham taaDayaamaasa vegitaa || 5-3-38

38. tataH = thereafter, saa lankaa = that Lanka, kR^itvaa = made, mahaanaadam = a great sound, bhayaavaham = causing terror, taaDayaamaasa = hit, vaanarashreshhTham = the best among Vanaras, talena = with the palm, vegitaa = quickly.

Thereafter that Lanka made a great sound causing terror and hit Hanuma, the best among Vanaras, with her palm quickly.

Verse Locator

tataH sa kapishaardulo laN^kaayaa taaDito bhR^isham |
nanaada sumahaanaadam viiryavaan pavanaatmajaH || 5-3-39

39. tataH = then, saH kapishaarduulaH = that tiger among Vanaras, viiryavaan = the poweful, pavanaatmajaH = son of Vayu, taaDitaH = being hit, lankayaa = by Lanka, bhR^isham = a lot, nanaada = made, sumahaanaadam = a great sound.

Then that tiger among Vanaras, the powerful son of Vayu, being hit powerfully by Lanka made a great sound.

Verse Locator

tataH samvartayaamaasa vaamahastasya so.aN^guLiiH |
muShhTinaabhijaghuunainaam hanumaan krodhamuurchitaH || 5-3-40
strii cheti manyamaanena naatikrodhaH svayam kR^itaH |

40. tataH = thereafter, saH hanumaan = that Hanuma, krodhamuurchitaH = became dizzy with anger, saMvartayaamaasa = folded, aN^guLiiH = fingers, vaamahastasya = of left hand, abhihaghaana = hit, enaam = her, mushhTinaa = with His fist, strii cha iti = she is a woman (thus), manyamaanena = thinking, ati krodhaH = great anger, svayam na kR^itaH = was not done by Himself.

Thereafter that Hanuma became dizzy with anger and folded his fingers of left hand. He then hit her with His fist. "She is a woman" - thinking thus He did not show much anger by Himself.

Verse Locator

saa tu tena prahaareNa vihvalaaN^gii niishaacharii || 5-3-41
papaata sahasaa bhuumau vikR^itaananadarshanaa |

41. saa nishaacharii tu = that demon, papaata = fell, bhuumau = on land, sahasaa = immediately,tena prahaareNa = by that hit, vihvlaaN^gii = with a distressed body, vikR^itaanana darshanaa = and became with a horrific face in appearance.

That demon fell on land immediately by that hit with a distressed body and appeared with a horrific face.

Verse Locator

tatastu hanumaan praajJNastaam dR^ishhTvaa vinipaatitaam || 5-3-42
kR^ipaam chakaara tejasvii manyamaanaH striyam tu taam |

42. tataH = thereafter, praJNaH = the intellectual, tesjasvii = the glorious one, hanumaan = Hanuma, dR^ishhTvaa = saw, taam = her, vinipaatitaam = fallen down, manya maaaanaH = thinking, taam = her, striyam = to be woman, chakaara = made, kR^ipaam = kindness.

Thereafter the intellectual and glorious Hanuma saw her fallen down and thinking her to be woman, showed kindness.

Verse Locator

tato vai bhR^ishasamvignaa laN^kaa gadgadaaksharam || 5-3-43
uvaachaagarvitam vaakyam hanuumantam plavaN^gamam |

43. tataH = thereafter, saa lan^kaa = that Lanka, bhR^isha saMvignaa = being very gloomy, uvaacha = spoke, gadgadaaksharam = with faltering tone, vaakyam = these words, agarvitam = without being proud, hanuumantam = to Hanuma, plavaN^gam = the Vanara.

Thereafter that Lanka being very gloomy spoke with a falterting tone without pride these words to Hanuma the Vanara.

Verse Locator

prasiida sumahaabaaho traayasva harisattama || 5-3-44
samaye saumya tishhThanti sttvavanto mahaabalaaH |

44. su mahaabaaho = O long armed one!, hari sattama = O best among Vanaras!, prasiida = get propitiated, traayasva = protect me, saumya = O gentle one!, mahaabalaaH = those with great strength, sattvavantaH = with courage, tishhThanti = stand, samaye = on tradition.

"O long armed one! O best among Vanaras! Get propitiated and protect me. O gentle one! Those with great strength and courage always stand firm on tradition."

Verse Locator

ahaM tu nagarii laN^kaa svayameva plavaN^gama || 5-3-45
nirjitaaham tvayaa viira vikrameNa mahaabala |

45. plavangama = O Vanara! aham tu = I am, lankaanagaryeva = city of Lanka itself, svayameva = myself, mahaa bala = O strong one! viia = O courageous one! aham = I, nirjitaa = have been defeated, tvayaa vikrameNa = by your strength.

"O Vanara! I am myself the city of Lanka. O strong one! O courageous one! I am defeated by your strength."

Verse Locator

idam tu tathyam shR^iNu vai bruvantya me hariishvara || 5-3-46
svayambhuvaa puraa dattam varadaanam yathaa mama |

46. harrishvaraa = O lord of Vanaras! puraa = in earlier times, yathaa = how, varadaanam = a gift of boon, dattam = had been given, mama = to me, svayambhuvaa = by Brahma, shR^iNu vai = hear, me = by me, bruvanyaaH = being spoken, idam tathyam tu = this truth.

"O lord of Vanaras! In earlier times I had been given a boon by Lord Brahma. Hear from me about this matter."

Verse Locator

yadaa tvaam vaanaraH kashchidvikramaadvashamaanayet || 5-3-47
tadaa tvayaa hi vijJNeyam rakshasaam bhayaamaagatam |

47. yadaa = whenever, kashchit vaanaraH = one Vanara, vikramaat = by his prowess, tvaam vasham aanayet = conquers you, tadaa = then, bhayam = fear, aagatam = will come, rakshasaam = for Rakshasas, tvayaa vigneyam = let it be known by you.

"Let this be known by you - whenever a Vanara conquers you with his might, then a fear will come for Rakshasas."

Verse Locator

sa hi m samayaH saumya praapto.aya tava drshanaat || 5-3-48
svayambhuuvihitaH satyo na tasyaasti vyatikramaH |

48. saumya = O gentle one! tava darshanaat = with your apparance, adya = now, saH samayaH praaptaH = that time has arrived, me = for me, svayambhuuvihitaH = the ordinance of Brahma, satyaH = is true, naasti = there is no, vyatikramaH = change, tasya = to that.

"O gentle one! With your appearance now, that time has come for me. Ordinance of Brahma is the truth and is immutable."

Verse Locator

siitaanimittaMm raajJNastu raavaNasya duraatmanaH || 5-3-49
vidhatsva sarvakaaryaaNi yaani yaaniha vaaJNchasi |

49. vinaashaH = destruction, samupaagataH = has come, raavaNasya = of Ravana, durraatmanaH = the evil minded, raaJNAH = king, sarveshhaam rakshasaam cha = and to all Rakshasas, siitaa nimittam = due to Seetha.

"The destruction has come for Ravana the evil minded king and to all Rakshasas due to Seetha."

Verse Locator

tatpravishya harishreshhTham puriim raavaNapaalitaam || 5-3-50
vidhatsva sarvakaaryaaN yaani yaaniiha vaaJNchasi |

50. hari shreshhTha = O best among Vanaras! tat = for that reason, pravishya = enter, puriim = the city, raavaNa paalitaam = ruled by Ravana, i vidhtva = do, yaani yaani = whatever, vaanchasi = you desire, sarva kaaryaaNi = all those tasks, iha = here.

"O best aming Vanaras! For that reason, enter the city of Lanka ruled by Ravana and do here whatever tasks you want to."

Verse Locator

pravishya shaapopahataam hariishvara |
shubhaam puriim raakshasaraajapaalitaam |
yadR^ichchhayaa tvam janakaatmajaam satiim |
vimaarga sarvatra gato yathaasukham || 5-3-51

51. hariishvaraa = O lord of Vanaras! pravishya = enter, puriim = the city, yadR^ichhayaa = freely, shaapopahataam = stuck by curse, raakshasa raaja paalitaam = ruled by the king of Rakshasas, shubhaam = auspicious one, tvam = you, sarvatra gataH = being gone everywhere, vimaargasva = search, satiim janakaatmajaam = the chaste wife Seetha, yathaa sukham = according to comfort.

"O lord of Vanaras! Enter the auspicious city of Lanka stuck by the curse, ruled by the king of Rakshasas, roam everywhere and search for the chaste wife Seetha according to your comfort."


iti shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaanNDe tR^itayaH sargaH

Thus, this is the 3rd chapter in Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

Verse Locator for Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty : Chapter 3


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