Chapter [Sarga] 12


In this chapter Hanuma gets discouraging thoughts about Seetha. He thinks that Seetha might be dead. He thus gets into depression for a moment.

Verse Locator

sa tasya madhye bhavanasya vaanaro |
lataa gRhaamH citra gR^ihaan nishaa gR^ihaan |
jagaama siitaam prati darshana utsuko |
na ca eva taam pashyati caaru darshanaam || 5-12-1

1. saH maarutiH= That Hanuma; darshanotsukaH= interested in sight; siitaam prati= toward Seetha; madhye= in the middle of; tasya bhavanasya= that building; jagaama= went; lataagR^ihaan= (towards) houses made of plant creepers; chitragR^ihaan= art houses; nishaagR^ihaan= nocturnal houses; na chaiva pashyati= but did not see; taam= Her; chaarudarshanaam= with a beautiful appearance.

That Hanuma interested in sight of Seetha, in the middle of that building, went towards houses made of plant creepers, art houses, and nocturnal houses but did not see Her with a beautiful appearance.

Verse Locator

sa cintayaam aasa tato mahaa kapiH |
priyaam apashyan raghu nandanasya taam |
dhruvam nu siitaa mriyate yathaa na me |
vicinvato darshanam eti maithilii || 5-12-2

2. saH mahaakapiH= That great Hanuma; tataH= then later; apashyan= not seeing; taam= that Seetha; priyaam= dear; raghunanadanasya= to Rama; chintayaamaasa= thought thus; me= to me; vichinvataH= searching; maithilii= Seetha; yathaa= in what way; darshanam= appearance; na upayiti= not being obtained(from that); siitaa= Seetha; dhruvam= definitely; mriyate= has died.

That great Hanuma then later not seeing that Seetha dear to Rama thought thus: “to me searching Seetha in whatever way appearance not being obtained, from that Seetha definitely has died.”

Verse Locator

saa raakSasaanaam pravareNa baalaa |
sva shiila samrakSaNa tat paraa satii |
anena nuunam pratiduSTa karmaNaa |
hataa bhaved aarya pathe pare sthitaa || 5-12-3

3. saa jaanakii= That Seetha; sthitaa= standing; pare aaryapathe= in the best traditional path; vashiilasamrakshaNaa tatparaa satii= being chaste interested in preserving her character; hataabhavet= must have been killed; anena raakshasaanaam pravareNa= by the king of these Rakshasas; pratidushhThakarmaNaa= who performed evil deeds; nuunam= this is certain.

“That Seetha standing in the best traditional path being chaste interested, in preserving her character must have been killed by the king of these Rakshasas who performed evil deeds - this is certain.”

Verse Locator

viruupa ruupaa vikR^itaa vivarcaso |
mahaa aananaa diirgha viruupa darshanaaH |
samiikSya saa raakSasa raaja yoSito |
bhayaad vinaSTaa janaka iishvara aatmajaa|| 5-12-4

4. saa janakeshwara aatmajaa= that daughter of king Janaka; vinashhTaa= died; bhayaat= of fear; samiikshya= seeing; raakshasa raajayoshhitaH= the wives of Ravana; viruuparuupaaH= with crooked appearances; vikR^itaaH= horrible ones; vivarcha saH= without radiance; mahaananaaH= with great faces; diirgha viruupa darshanaaH= with long and crooked eyes.

“That daughter of King Janaka died of fear seeing the wives of Ravana with crooked appearances - horrible ones without radiance with great faces with long and crooked eyes.”

Verse Locator

siitaam adRSTvaa hi anavaapya pauruSam |
vihRtya kaalam saha vaanaraiH ciram |
na me asti sugriiva samiipagaa gatiH |
sutiikSNa daNDo balavaamH ca vaanaraH || 5-12-5

5. adR^ishhTvaa= without seeing; siitaam= Seetha; anavaapya= not obtaining; paurushham= destiny; vihR^itya= and wandering; chiram kaalam= for a long time; vaanaraiH saH= together with Vanaras; me= to me; gatiH naasthi= there is no path; sugriiva samiipagaa= to go near Sugreeva; vaanaraH= Sugreeva; sutiikshaNadaNDaH= has a sharp punishment; balavaamshcha= and also is strong.

“Without seeing Seetha, not obtaining destiny and wandering for a long time together with Vanaras, to me there is not a path to go near Sugreeva. Sugreeva has a sharp punishment and also is strong.”

Verse Locator

dR^iSTam antaH puram sarvam dR^iSTvaa raavaNa yoSitaH |
na siitaa dR^ishyate saadhvii vR^ithaa jaato mama shramaH || 5-12-6

6. sarvam= all; antaHpuram= inner city; dR^ishhTaam= has been seen; raajayoshhitaH= women of Ravana; dR^ishhTaaH= have been seen; saadhvii= the chaste; siitaa= Seetha; na dR^ishyate= has not been seen; mama shramaH= my effort; jaataH= became; vR^ithaa= wasteful.

“All inner city has been seen. Women of Ravana have been seen. The chaste Seetha has not been seen. My effort became wastefull.”

Verse Locator

kim nu maam vaanaraaH sarve gatam vakSyanti samgataaH |
gatvaa tatra tvayaa viira kim kR^itam tad vadasva naH || 5-12-7

7. maam= to me; gatam= who has gone back; sarve vaanaraaH= all vanaras; samgataaH= after meeting; kim nu= what; vakshyanti= they would say; viiraa= O strong one; gatvaa= going; tatra= there; kim kR^itam= what has been done; tvayaa= by you; tat vadasva= tell that; naH= to us.

“To me who has gone back all Vanaras after meeting what they would say? O strong one! Going there, what has been done by you? Tell that to us.”

Verse Locator

adR^iSTvaa kim pravakSyaami taam aham janaka aatmajaam |
dhruvam praayam upeSyanti kaalasya vyativartane || 5-12-8

8. adR^ishhTvaa= without seeing; tam janakaatmajaam= that Seetha; kim= what; pravakshyaami= can I say; vyativartane= due to passing; kaalasya= of time; dR^ivam= definitely; upaishhyanti= they will obtain; praayam= fire.

“Without seeing that Seetha what can I say? Due to passing of time, definitely they will obtain fire.”

Verse Locator

kim vaa vakSyati vRddhaH ca jaambavaan angadaH ca saH |
gatam paaram samudrasya vaanaraaH ca samaagataaH || 5-12-9

9. gatam= (to me) who had gone; paaram= for the other shore; samudrasya= of the ocean; kim vaa= what will; vR^iddhaH jaambavaan= the old Jambava; vakshyati= say; saH= (what would)that; angadhashcha= Angada and; samaagataaH vaanaraashcha= vanaras who meet(say).

“To me who had gone for the other shore of the ocean what will the old Jambavan say? What would that Angada and vanaras who meet say?”

Verse Locator

anirvedaH shriyo muulam anirvedaH param sukham |
anirvedo hi satatam sarva artheSu pravartakaH || 5-12-10

10. airhead= non-depression; mullah= is root; shriyaH= of development; anirvedaH= Absence of despondency; param sukham= is the greatest comfort; anirvedaH= self reliance; satatam = is always; pravartakaH hi= is indeed the promoter; sarvaartheshhu= in all matters.

“Non-depression is root of development. Absence of despondency is the greatest comfort. Self reliance always is indeed the promoter in all matters.”

Verse Locator

karoti saphalam jantoH karma yac ca karoti saH |
tasmaad anirveda kRtam yatnam ceSTe aham uttamam || 5-12-11
adR^iSTaamH ca viceSyaami deshaan raavaNa paalitaan |

11. yat= whatever; karma= action; karoti= (human) does; tat= that; jantoH= (action) of man; saphalam saH karoti= is made to be successful by non-depression; tasmaat= for that reason; aham= I; cheshhTe= will perform; uttamam prayatnam= a best effort; anirvedakR^itam= together with non-depression; vicheshhyaam taavat= I will search all those; deshaan= regions; raavanapaalitaan= ruled by Ravana; adR^ishhTaan= not (yet) seen.

“Whatever action a human does that action of man is made to be successful by non-depression. For that reason I will perform a best effort together with non-depression. I will search all those regions ruled by Ravana not yet seen.”

Verse Locator

aapaana shaalaa vicitaaH tathaa puSpa gR^ihaaNi ca || 5-12-12
citra shaalaaH ca vicitaa bhuuyaH kriiDaa gR^ihaaNi ca |
niSkuTa antara rathyaaH ca vimaanaani ca sarvashaH || 5-12-13

12,13. apaanashaalaaH= bars; vichitaaH= have been searched; tathaa= in the same way; pushhpagR^ihaanicha= flower houses; chitrashaalaashcha= art houses; vichitaaH= have been searched; bhuuyaH= again; kriiDaagR^ihaanicha= pleasure houses; nishhkuTaantararathyaashcha= pathways in the middle of gardens; vimaanaanicha= buildings; sarvashaH= in all directions(have been searched).

“Bars have been searched; in the same way flower houses, art houses have been searched; again pleasure houses, pathways in the middle of gardens, buildings in all directions have been searched.”

Verse Locator

iti samcintya bhuuyo api vicetum upacakrame |
bhuumii gR^ihaamH caitya gR^ihaan gR^iha atigR^ihakaan api || 5-12-14

14. iti= thus; samchintya= thinking; upachakrame= (Hanuma) began; vichetum= to search; bhuuyopi= again; bhuumiigR^ihaan= undergrounds; chaityagR^ihaan= houses at the beginning of street intersections; gR^ihaati gR^ihakaanapi= and also small houses faraway from the main houses.

Thus thinking Hanuma began to search again undergrounds, houses at the beginning of street intersections and also small houses faraway from the main houses.

Verse Locator

utpatan nipatamH ca api tiSThan gacchan punaH kvacit |
apaavR^iNvamH ca dvaaraaNi kapaaTaani avaghaTTayan || 5-12-15
pravishan niSpatamH ca api prapatann utpatann api |
sarvam api avakaasham sa vicacaara mahaa kapiH || 5-12-16

15,16. saH mahaakapiH= the great Hanuma; utpatan= flying; punaH punaH= again and again; nishhpatamshchaapi= and jumping down; tishhThan= standing up; ghachchhan= walking; dvaaraaNi apaavR^iNvan= opening doors; kavaaTaani avaghaaTayan= pushing doors; pravishan= and entering(inside); nishhpatamshchaapi= coming out; prapatan= climbing down; utpatan api= climbing up; vichachaara= wandered; sarvam avakaasam= all opportunity.

The great Hanuma flying again and again and jumping down, standing up, walking, opening doors, pushing doors and entering inside, coming out, climbing down, climbing up wandered all opportunity.

Verse Locator

catur angula maatro api na avakaashaH sa vidyate |
raavaNa antaH pure tasmin yam kapir na jagaama saH || 5-12-17

17. saH kapiH= that Hanuma; tasmin ravaNaantaH pure= in that city of Ravana; yam na jagaama= whatever region he did not go; saH= avakaashaH= that region; na vidhyate= was not there; chaturaN^guLa maatro.api= even for four angulas.

That Hanuma in that city of Ravana - whatever region he did not go that region was not there even for four angulas.

Verse Locator

praakara antara rathyaaH ca vedikaH caitya samshrayaaH |
shvabhraaH ca puSkariNyaH ca sarvam tena avalokitam || 5-12-18

18. prakaarantara radhyaashcha= streets in the middle of fort walls; vedikaaH= platforms; chaitya samshrayaaH= together with the intersection of four streets; diirghikaaH= wells; pushhkariNyashcha= lakes; sarvam= all these; avalokitam= had been seen; tena= by him.

Streets between fort walls, platforms together with the intersection of four streets, wells, lakes all these had been seen by him.

Verse Locator

raakSasyo vividha aakaaraa viruupaa vikR^itaaH tathaa |
dR^iSTaa hanuumataa tatra na tu saa janaka aatmajaa || 5-12-19

19. raakshasyaH= Rakshasa women; vividhaakaaraaH= of various forms; viruupaaH= with crooked forms; tathaa= and; vikR^utaaH= horrific forms; dR^ishhTaaH= had been seen; tatra= there; hanumataa= by Hanuma; na tu=but not; saa janakaatmajaa= that Seetha.

Rakshasa women of various forms, with crooked forms and horrific forms had been seen there by Hanuma but not that Seetha.

Verse Locator

ruupeNa apratimaa loke varaa vidyaa dhara striyaH |
dR^iTaa hanuumataa tatra na tu raaghava nandinii || 5-12-20

20. varaaH= the best; vidhyaadhara striiyaH= Vidhyaadara women; ruupeNa apratimaaH= incomparable by beauty; loke= in the world; dR^ishhTaaH= had been seen; tatra= there; hanumataa= by Hanuma; na tu= but not; raaghavanandinii= Seetha.

The best Vidhyadhara women incomparable by beauty in the world had been seen there by Hanuma, but not Seetha.

Verse Locator

naaga kanyaa vara aarohaaH puurNa candra nibha aananaaH |
dR^iSTaa hanuumataa tatra na tu siitaa sumadhyamaa || 5-12-21

21.naagakanyaaH= naaga women; varaaroha= with beautiful buttocks; puurNachandra nibhaananaaH= with faces equaling full moon; dR^ishhTaaH= had been seen; hanumataa= by Hanuma; tatra= there; na tu= but not; siitaa= Seetha; su madhyamaa= with a beautiful waist.

Naaga women with beautiful buttocks, with faces equaling full moon had been seen by Hanuma there, but not Seetha with a beautiful waist.

Verse Locator

pramathya raakSasa indreNa naaga kanyaa balaadd hR^itaaH |
dR^iSTaa hanuumataa tatra na saa janaka nandinii || 5-12-22

22. naagakanyaaH= naaga women; hR^itaaH= who had been stolen; balata= forcefully; pramathya= being defeated; raakshasendreNa= by Ravana; dR^ishhTaaH= had been seen; tatra= there; hanumataa= by Hanuma; na saa janakanandinii= not that Seetha.

Naaga women who had been stolen forcefully, being defeated by Ravana had been seen there by Hanuma, not that Seetha

Verse Locator

so apashyamH taam mahaa baahuH pashyamH ca anyaa vara striyaH |
viSasaada mahaa baahur hanuumaan maaruta aatmajaH || 5-12-23

23. saH hanuman= That Hanuma; mahaa baahuH= with great arms; diimaan= the wise one; maarutaatmaja= the son of Vayu; apasyan= not seeing; taam= that Seetha; pasyan= seeing; anyaaH= other; varastriyaH= best women; vishhasaada= became depressed; muhuH= again and again.

That Hanuma with great arms, the wise one, the son of Vayu not seeing that Seetha and seeing other women became depressed again and again.

Verse Locator

udyogam vaanara indraaNam plavanam saagarasya ca |
vyartham viikSya anila sutaH cintaam punar upaagamat || 5-12-24

24. viikshya= seeing; udyogam= the effort; vaaNarendraaNaam= of the best Vanaras; plavanam cha= and the crossing; saagarasya= of ocean; vyartham= as being wasted; anilasutaH= Hanuma; chintaam upaagamat= got depression; punaH= again.

Seeing the effort of the best Vanaras and the crossing of ocean as being wasted, Hanuma got depression again.

Verse Locator

avatiirya vimaanaac ca hanuumaan maaruta aatmajaH |
cintaam upajagaama atha shoka upahata cetanaH || 5-12-25

25. atha= there after; maarutaatmajaH= the son of Vaayu; hanuman= Hanuma; avatiirya= got down; vimaanaat= from Pushpaka; upaagamat= obtained; chintaam= thought; shokohahatachetanaH= with a mind overcome with grief.

Thereafter the son of Vayu Hanuma got down from Pushpaka, obtained thought with a mind overcome with grief.


ityaarshhe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe dvaadashaH sargaH ||

Verse Locator for Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty : Chapter 12


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