Chapter [Sarga] 64


Monkeys arrive at seashore and are awestruck to have a glimpse of unnavigable ocean, which is tumultuous with many sea-creatures. Angada noticing the baffle of monkeys pacifies them and elicits information about each monkey's capability to jump over the ocean.

Verse Locator

AaOyata g&Ø rajen smut!PluTy Plv<gma>,
s<gta> àIit s<yu­a ivneÊ> is<h iv³ma>. 4£64£1

1. aakhyaataa+gR^idhra+raajena= those who are informed, by eagle, king; samutplutya+plavan gamaaH = jumped [and loped,] fly-jumpers; sangataaH+priiti+samyuktaa= in association, gladness, associated with; vineduH+simha+vikramaaH= screamed, lion, courageous [lion-hearted] ones.

The fly-jumpers who are informed thus by the kingly eagle Sampaati have jumped and loped in association, and those lion-hearted ones screamed while their gladness is associated with them. [4-64-1]

Verse Locator

s<pate> vcnm! ïuTva hryae rav[ ]ym!,
ùòa> sagrm! AajGmu> sIta dzRn kaiN][>. 4£64£2

2. sampaateH+vacanam+shrutvaa= Sampaati's, words, on hearing; harayaH= monkeys; raavaNa+ kSayam = to Ravana's, residence; hR^iSTaaH+saagaram+aajagmuH= gladly, to ocean, come to; siitaa+ darshana + kaankSiNaH= Seetha, glimpse of, longing for.

On hearing the words of Sampaati, the monkeys have gladly come to the ocean to go to the residence of Ravana, longing for a glimpse of Seetha. [4-64-2]

Verse Locator

Ai-³My tu tm! dezm! d†zurœ -Im iv³ma>,
k«Tõm! laekSy mht> àitib<bm! #v iSwtm!. 4£64£3

3. abhikramya+tu+tam+desham= passing across, but, that, province; dadR^ishuH+ bhiima+ vikramaaH = they saw, superbly, venturesome ones; kR^itsnam+lokasya= entire, world's; mahataH+ prati bimbam + iva+sthitam [samudram]= great, mirror-image, like [appearing to be,] available, [ocean.]

But passing across that province, those superbly venturesome monkeys have seen the available ocean, appearing to be a great mirror image of the entire world. [4-64-3]

Comment: Here the word pratibimba is taken as shore and the entire ocean, and it is said as a mirror framed by it shores. Thus, the ocean is said to contain all the items of entire world and it is becoming a world by itself, together with its own paraphernalia, from fishes to sharks, pebble to diamonds etc. This is according to Govindaraja.

Verse Locator

di][Sy smuÔSy smasa* %Äram! idzm!,
s<invezm! tt> c³…> sihta vanr %Äma>. 4£64£4

4. dakSiNasya+samudrasya= southern, ocean's; samaasaadya= on reaching; uttaraam+disham= northern, side; samnivesham+tataH+cakruH= camp, there, made; sahitaa+vaanara+uttamaaH= collectively, monkeys, the best.

On reaching the northern side of southern ocean, those best monkeys have collectively made a camp there. [4-64-4]

Comment: Here in this mms of Gorakhpur one verse is not given which is available in other versions. That verse is given here for an easy comprehension of the later verses.

sattvair mahadbhir vik®tai× krŸýadbhir vividhair jale |
vy˜tta ˜syai× sumah˜ k˜yair ¨rmibhi× ca sam˜kulam || extra verse

sattvaiH= with beings; mahadbhiH= gigantic ones; vikR^itaiH= misshapen ones; kriiDadbhiH= sporting; vividhaiH+jale- divers, in water; vyaatta+aasaiH= largely opened, mouths; sumahaakaayaiH= with very large bodied ones; uurmibhiH+ca+samaakulam= with tides, also, uproarious.

That ocean is with gigantic, misshapen beings that are sporting in the water with their wide-opened mouths, and with them and with its tides, that ocean is uproarious.

Verse Locator

àsuÝm! #v c ANyÇ ³IfNtm! #v c ANyt>,
Kvict! pvRt maÇE> c jl raizi-> Aav&tm!. 4£64£5

5. prasuptam+iva+ca+anyatra= sleeping, as though, also, elsewhere; kriiDantam+iva+ca+ anyataH= sporting, as though, also, somewhere else; kvacit+parvata+maatraiH+ca= some, mountain, as much, also; jala+raashibhiH+aavR^itam= by water, heaps [plethoric,] enwrapped.

Elsewhere that ocean is as though sleeping, and somewhere else it is as though sporting, and it is enwrapped with plethoric mountainous waters. [4-64-5]

Verse Locator

s<k…lm! danv #NÔE> c patal tl vaisi->,
raem h;R krm! †òœva iv;eÊ> kipk…<jra>. 4£64£6

6. samkulam+daanava+indraiH+ca= tumultuous, by demonic, kings, also; paataala+tala+ vaasibhiH= netherworld, on surface, residents; roma+harSa+karam= hair, grin [raising,] causer of; dR^iSTvaa+ viSeduH+ kapi+kunjaraaH= on seeing, despaired, monkey, elephants.

That ocean is with the demonic kings who are the residents on the surface of netherworld, and the elephantine monkeys despaired on seeing such a tumultuous and hair-raising ocean. [4-64-6]

Verse Locator

Aakazm! #v Ê:parm! sagrm! àeúy vanra>,
iv;eÊ> sihta sveR kwm! kayRm! #it äuvn!. 4£64£7

7. aakaasham+iva+duS+paaram= sky [endless,] like, impossible, to navigate [shoreless, hence unnavigable]; saagaram+prekSya+vaanaraaH= ocean, on seeing, vanara-s; viSeduH= despaired; sahitaa+ sarve = collectively [each to each,] all; katham+kaaryam= how, to do [vault]; iti+bruvan=thus, saying.

On seeing the shoreless ocean that is like an endless sky, hence unnavigable, the vanara-s are despaired and said each to each, thus as "how to vault this?" [4-64-7]

Verse Locator

iv;{[am! vaihnIm! †òœva sagrSy inrI][at!,
Aañasyamas hrIn! -y AataRn! hir sÄm>. 4£64£8

8. viSaNNaam+vaahiniim+dR^iSTvaa= despaired, army [of monkeys,] on seeing; saagarasya+ nir iikSaNaat = at ocean, gazing; aashvaasayaamaasa+hariin= started to inspirit, monkeys; bhaya +aartaan= by fear, anguished; hari+sattamaH= monkey, the best [Angada.]

On seeing the army of monkeys who are gazing at the oceans, anguished by fear, the best one among monkeys, Angada, started to inspirit them, the monkeys. [4-64-8]

Verse Locator

n iv;ade mn> kayRm! iv;adae dae;vÄr>,
iv;adae hiNt pué;m! balm! ³…Ï #v %rg>. 4£64£9

9. anvaya/word-order: viSaade+manaH= to dismay, heart [loosing]; na+kaaryam= not, workable; viSaadaH+doSavattaraH= dismaying, is detrimental; kruddha+uragaH+iva+baalam [hanti]= vicious, viper, like, [innocent] child, [ruins]; puruSam+viSaadaH+hanti= person, dismay, ruins.

"Loosing heart to dismay is an unworkability, as dismaying itself is detrimental, and dismay alone ruins a person, as a vicious viper ruins [an innocent] child... [4-64-9]

Verse Locator

yae iv;adae àshte iv³me smupiSwte,
tejsa tSy hInSy pué; AwaeR n isÏ(it. 4£64£10

10. yaH+viSaadaH+prasahate= who, despair, readily tolerates [readily braces himself]; vikrame+ sam upasthite= [time for] venturesomeness, when verges on; tejasaa+tasya+hiinasya= by vitality, his, one who is lacking; puruSa+arthaH= personal, purpose [individual achievement]; na+siddhyati= not, achievable.

"He who readily braces himself with despair, when the time for venturesomeness verges on, unachievable will be his individual achievement for lack of his vitality..." [So said Angada and the fallen is the nightfall.] [4-64-10]

Comment: These two sayings of Angada, and suchlike at other places, become precedent for the sayings of Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, esp., in the Ch. of arjuna viSaadayoga 'Arjuna's Despair'.

Verse Locator

tSyam! raÈyam! VytItayam! A<gdae vanrE> sh,
hir v&ÏE> smagMy punrœ m<Çm! Am<Çyt!. 4£64£11

11. tasyaam+raatryaam+vyatiitaayaam= that, night, while elapsing; angadaH+vaanaraiH+saha= Angada, monkeys, along with; hari+vR^iddhaiH= monkeys, with old ones [golden-agers]; samaagamya= meeting with; punaH+mantram+amantrayat= again, deliberations, deliberated.

While that night is elapsing [into the wee hours of next day,] Angada meeting with all of the monkeys, again deliberated deliberations with golden-agers [4-64-11]

Verse Locator

sa vanra[am! XvijnI pirvayR A<gdm! b-aE,
vasvm! pirvayR #v métam! vaihnI iSwta. 4£64£12

12. anvaya/word-order: vaanaraaNaam= monkey's; saa= she [that]; dhvajinii= the hoister of army-flag [army troops]; angadam= around Angada; parivaarya= encircling; sthitaa= staying; vaasavam+ parivaarya= Indra, encircling; marutaam+vaahinii+iva= gods', army, like; babhau= beamed forth.

That army of monkey troops encircling Angada and staying around him has beamed forth like the army of gods encircling Indra. [4-64-12]

Verse Locator

kae ANy> tam! vanrIm! senam! z­> St<-iytum! -vet!,
ANyÇ vail tnyat! ANyÇ c hnUmt>. 4£64£13

13. anvaya/word-order: anyatra= other; vaali+tanayaat= than Vali's, son; anyatra+ca+ hanuumataH= other, even, than, Hanuma; kaH+anyaH= who is, the other; taam+vaanariim+ senaam= that, monkey's, army; stambhayitum+shaktaH+bhavet= to consolidate, capable, he will be.

Who is he who can capably consolidate that army of monkeys, other than Vali's son Angada, and even, other than Hanuma? [None. For, that itself is an army of fickly, tickly monkeys.] [4-64-13]

Comment: Angada is the crown prince and Hanuma is [non-commissioned] commander-in-chief of monkey forces. It is usual in the military etiquette not to use high rankers in the first instance itself. Here also the same protocol is being followed. In this way, Duryodhana requests Bhishma to become his commander-in-chief: anena sena pati× prabala× kartavyam iti s¨citam | tath˜ ca udyoge bh˜rate - bhŸÿmam prati duryodhana× - bhav˜nuþanas˜ tulyo hita eÿŸ ca sad˜ mama | asamh˜rya× sthito dharme sa na× sen˜pati× bhava || dk Now, excepting Angada and Hanuma, some other vaulter is needed.

Verse Locator

tt> tan! hir v&Ïan! c tt! c sENym! AirNdm>,
AnumaNy A<gd> ïIman! vaKym! AwRvt! AävIt!. 4£64£14

14. tataH= then; taan+hari+vR^iddhaan+ca= them, monkey, old-agers, also; tat+ca+sainyam= that, even, army; arindamaH= enemy-subjugator; anumaanya= on revering; angadaH+ shriimaan= Angada, illustrious one; vaakyam= sentence; arthavat= connotative; abraviit= spoke.

Then that enemy-subjugator and illustrious Angada, on revering them the old-ager monkeys, spoke this connotative sentence. [4-64-14]

Verse Locator

k #danIm! mhateja l<"iy:yit sagrm!,
k> kir:yit su¢Ivm! sTy sNxm! AirNdmm!. 4£64£15

15. kaH= who; idaaniim= now; mahaatejaa= great-resplendent one; langhayiSyati+ saagaram= vaults over, ocean; kaH+kariSyati= who, makes [facilitates]; sugriivam= Sugreeva; satya+sandham= truth [truthful word,] bounden; arindamam= enemy-repressor.

"Now, who is that great-resplendent one that vaults over the ocean and who is he who can facilitate Sugreeva, the enemy-repressor, bounden by his truthful word... [4-64-15]

Verse Locator

kae vIrae yaejn ztm! l<"yet Plv<gma>,
#man! c yUwpan! svaRn! maecyet! kae mha-yat!. 4£64£16

16. kaH+viiraH= who, brave [hurdler]; yojana+shatam+langhayeta= yojana-s [distance,] hundred, hurdles over; plavangamaaH= oh, fly-jumpers; imaan+ca+yuuthapaan+sarvaan= these, even, [monkeys] commanders, all; mocayet+kaH= emancipates, who; mahaa bhayaat= from great fear [of Sugreeva.]

"Who is that brave hurdler who can hurdle over a hundred yojana distance, oh, fly-jumpers, who is he who can even emancipate all these monkey commanders from the great fear [of Sugreeva...] [4-64-16]

Verse Locator

kSy àsadat! daran! c puÇan! cEv g&hai[ c,
#tae inv&Äa> pZyem isÏ AwaR> suionae vym!. 4£64£17

17. kasya+prasaadaat= by whose, benignancy; daaraan+ca+putraan= wives, also, sons; caiva= also thus; gR^ihaaNi+ca= houses [and homes,] even; itaH= from here; nivR^ittaaH= on going back; pashyema= we can see; siddha+arthaaH= on achieving, purpose; sukhinaH+vayam= as rejoicers, we.

"By whose benignancy, on achieving the purpose [of our task,] and on going back from here, we can even see our wives, sons, houses and homes, as rejoicers... [4-64-17]

Verse Locator

kSy àsadat! ramm! c lúm[m! c mhablm!,
Ai-gCDem s<ùòa> su¢Ivm! c mhablm!. 4£64£18

18. kasya+prasaadaat= by whose, benevolence; raamam+ca= to Rama, also; lakSmaNam+ca+mahaa balam= to Lakshmana, also, great-mighty one [irascible]; abhigacChema= approach; samhR^iSTaaH = gladly [trouble-free, unworriedly]; sugriivam+ca+mahaabalam= to Sugreeva, as well, great-mighty one [here, ruthless one.]

"By whose benevolence we can unworriedly approach Rama, and even that irascible Lakshmana, that ruthless Sugreeva, as well... [4-64-18]

Verse Locator

yid kiít! smwaeR v> sagr Plvne hir>,
s ddatu #h n> zIºm! pu{yam! A-y di][am!. 4£64£19

19. yadi+kashcit+samarthaH= if, someone, competent enough; vaH+saagara+plavane+hariH= among you, ocean, to jump over, a monkey; saH+dadaatu+iha= he, may give, now; naH= to all of us; shiighram= quickly; puNyaam= solemn; a+bhaya= not, fear [impunity]; dakSiNaam= munificence of.

"If someone among you is competent enough to jump over the ocean, he that monkey may now quickly give us all, a munificence, called a solemn impunity [from Sugreeva...] [4-64-19]

Verse Locator

A<gdSy vc> ïuTva n kiít! ik<ict! AävIt!,
iStimta #v A-vt! svaR sa tÇ hir vaihnI. 4£64£20

20. angadasya+vacaH+shrutvaa= Angada's, words, on hearing; na+kashcit+kimcit+abraviit= none, someone, something, said; stimitaa+iva+abhavat+sarvaa= dumbfounded, as though, became, all; saa+ tatra+ hari+ vaahinii= she [that,] there [in the matter of,] monkey, troop.

On hearing Angada's words there is none someone to say something in that matter, as the entire monkey troop is as though dumbfounded. [4-64-20]

Verse Locator

punrœ @v A<gd> àah tan! hrIn! hir sÄm>,
sveR blvtam! ïeóa -vNtae †F iv³ma>,
VypdeZy k…le jata> pUijta> c Aip A-Iú[z>. 4£64£21

21. punaH+eva+angadaH+praaha= again, thus, Angada, clearly said; taan+hariin= to those, monkeys; hari+sattamaH= monkey, the best; sarve+balavataam+shreSThaa= all, among the powerful, the best; bhavantaH + dR^iDha+vikramaaH= you all, determinedly, venturesome;vyapadeshya+kule+jaataaH= flawless, family, born in; puujitaaH+ca+api+abhiikSNashaH= adored, also, even, again and again.

Again, Angada, the best among monkeys, clearly said to those monkeys thus, "All of you are the best ones among powerful monkeys, you all are determinedly venturesome, born in flawless families and even adored again and again [for your adventures...] [4-64-21]

Verse Locator

n ih vae gmne s<g> kdaict! Aip kSyict! -vet!,
äuvXvm! ySy ya zi­> Plvne Plvg;R-a>. 4£64£22

22. na+hi+vaH+gamane+sangaH= not, indeed, in going [jumping,] barrier; kadaacit+api+ kasyacit+ bhavet = whensoever, even, to whomsoever, will be there; bruvadhvam= tell all; yasya+yaa+shaktiH= whose, what, capability; plavane= in jumping over; plavagarSabhaaH= oh, best fly-jumpers.

"To whomsoever and even whensoever there will be no barrier in jumping... tell all, oh, best fly-jumpers, whose is capable and what is his capability... [4-64-22]


#it vaLmIik ramay[e Aaid kaVye iki:kNx ka{fe ctu> ;iòtm> sgR

Thus, this is the 64th chapter in Kishkindha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

Verse Locator for Book IV : Kishkindha Kanda - The Empire of Holy Monkeys : Chapter 64


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© Mar, 2003, Desiraju Hanumanta Rao