Chapter [Sarga] 49


Angada encourages all of the monkeys for searching Seetha and it makes those enervated monkeys to come to their animation. He points out to the wrath of Sugreeva and to its consequences, if the monkeys fail to implement Sugreeva's directive. Though all are fatigued to ramble in wildwoods, where even potable water is scarce, they are invigorated by Angada's advises and again start searching Vindhya ranges, from the beginning.

Verse Locator

Aw A<gd> tda svaRn! vanran! #dm! AävIt!,
pirïaNtae mha àa}> smañaSy znErœ vc>. 4£49£1

1. atha= then; pari shraantaH mahaa praaj~naH= overly, tired, highly, diligent one; angadaH= Angada; sarvaan vaanaraan samaashvaasya= all of the, vanara - s, on comforting; tadaa= then; shanaiaH idam vacaH abraviit= slowly, this, word, spoke.

Then on comforting all of those vanara-s the highly diligent one but overly tired Angada slowly spoke this word to them. [4-49-1]

Verse Locator

vnain igryae n*ae Êrœgai[ ghnain c,
drI igir guha> cEv ivicta n> sm<tt>. 4£49£2
tÇ tÇ sh ASmai-> jankI n c †Zyte,
twa r]> AphtaR c sItaya> cEv Ê;!k«tI. 4£49£3

2. asmaabhiH saha= by us, in oneness; vanaani girayaH nadyaH= forests, mountains, rivers; dur gaaNi gahanaani ca= impassable, unfathomable ones, also; vicitaa= searched; darii giri guhaaH caiva= cavities, mountain, caves, even so; naH= by us; sam antataH= up to end; tatra tatra vicitaa= there, there, searched; jaanakii na dR^ishyate= Janaki, not, seen; tathaa= like that; siitaayaaH apahartaa= of Seetha, abductor of; duS kR^itii= ill, natured one; rakSaH ca= demon, also - not seen.

"We in oneness have searched there and thereabouts in the impassable forests, mountains, and rivers, and unfathomable cavities and in mountain caves up to their end, but we have not seen Janaki, so also that ill-natured demon, the abductor of Seetha, is not seen. [4-49-2, 3]

Verse Locator

kal> c n> mhan! yat> su¢Iv> c %¢ zasn>,
tSmat! -vNt> sihta ivicNvNtu sm<tt>. 4£49£4

4. naH= for us; mahaan kaalaH yaataH ca= great [deal of,] time, lapsed also - from the day of starting; sugriivaH ca ugra shaasanaH= Sugreeva, also, severe, ruler [disciplinarian]; tasmaat= therefore; bhavantaH= by you all; sahitaaH samantataH vicinvantu= collectively, all over, let search be conducted.

"We started a long time back and a great deal of time is lapsed, and Sugreeva is a severe disciplinarian, therefore let the search continued everywhere collectively. [4-49-4]

Verse Locator

ivhay tNÔIm! zaekm! c inÔam! cEv smuiTwtam!,
ivicnuXvm! twa sItam! pZyamae jnk AaTmjam!. 4£49£5

5. sam utthitaam= verily, come up against [you now]; tandriim= sluggishness; shokam ca= sorrowfulness, also; nidraam caiva= sleep, also thus; vihaaya abandon - do not surrender / submit / slouch; janaka aatmajaam siitaam= Janaka's, daughter, Seetha; [yathaa ] pashyaamaH= [as to how,] we can see [find out]; tathaa= in that way; vicinudhvam= you shall search.

"Surrender not to sluggishness, submit not to sorrowfulness, slouch not to sleep, as these lethargies are presently have come up against you. Let all of you search in such a way how best we can find the daughter of Janaka, Seetha. [4-49-5]

Verse Locator

Ainrœvedm! c daúym! c mns> c Aprajym!,
kayR isiÏ krai[ Aa÷> tSmat! @tt! ävIim Ahm!. 4£49£6

6. a+ nir +vedam ca= without, lack, of knowledge, [unrelenting, insistency] also; daakSyam ca= expertise [ingenuity] also; manasaH ca= of heart, also; a + paraa jayam= without, re-bounced, victory, [indomitability of heart]; kaarya siddhi karaaNi aahuH= work's [results,] to achieve, causes, are said as; tasmaat aham etat braviimi= therefore, I am all this, speaking.

"Insistency, ingenuity and indomitability of heart are said to be the causes for achieving results, therefore I am speaking all this. [4-49-6]

Relentless efforts will bring the fruits of pursuit. On taking up an activity it is to be continued without abandoning for reasons of personal disinterestedness or laxity. anena anirved˜daya× k˜rya siddhikar˜ iti uktam - tath˜ ca - bh˜rate - udyoge vidura× - anirveda× þriyo m¨lam dharmasya ca | mah˜n bhavati anirvisaõõo bhayam na mahat d®cchati | - dk

Verse Locator

A* Aip #dm! vnm! ÊgRm! ivicNvNtu vn Aaeks>,
oedm! Ty®va pun> svRm! vnm! @tt! ivicNvtam!. 4£49£7

7. adya api= now, even; vana okasaH= forest, dwellers; durgam idam vanam vicinvantu= impenetrable one, this, forest, can search; khedam tyaktvaa= rue, on getting rid of; punaH etat vanam sarvam vicinvataam= again, all this, forest, in entirety, let it be searched.

"Even now the forest dwellers can search this impenetrable forest, thus get rid of your rue and let all of this forest be searched in its entirety. [4-49-7]

Verse Locator

AvZym! k…vRtam! †Zyte kmR[> )lm!,
prm! inrœvedm! AagMy n ih n> mIlnm! ]mm!. 4£49£8

8. kurvataam= one who endeavours in an activity; [tasya= its]; karmaNaH phalam= work's [pursuit's], fruit; avashyam dR^ishyate= definitely, it is perceptible -will become evident; param= if not, on the other hand; nirvedam aagamya= high, dejection, coming upon - deriving; naH= for us; miilanam= shutting [eyes]; na kSamam hi= not, forgivable, indeed.

"Fruit of pursuit will definitely be evident for those who undertake an endeavour earnestly, on the other hand, it will be unforgivable to shut our eyes deriving a high dejection. [4-49-8]

Verse Locator

su¢Iv> ³aexnae raja tIú[ d{f> c vanra>,
-etVym! tSy sttm! ramSy c mhaTmn>. 4£49£9

9. vaanaraaH= oh, vanara-s; raajaa sugriivaH krodhanaH= king, Sugreeva, is irascible; tiikSNa daNDaH ca= ruthful, persecutor, also; tasya= to him [to Sugreeva]; mahaatmanaH raamasya ca= great-souled one - self-reliant one, of Rama, also; satatam= always; [naH= for us]; bhetavyam= [we shall be,] frightened.

"King Sugreeva is irascible and he is a ruthful persecutor too, oh, vanara-s, we shall always be frightened of him, and of self-reliant Rama as well. [4-49-9]

Verse Locator

ihtawRm! @tt! %­m! v> i³ytam! yid raecte,
%Cytam! ih ]mm! yt! tt! sveR;am! @v vanra>. 4£49£10

10. vaanaraaH= oh, vanara-s; vaH hita artham= for your, well-being, for the purpose of; etat uktam= all this, is said [by me]; rocate yadi= you like it, if; kriyataam= it may be done - further searching for Seetha; yat sarveSaam eva kSamam= which, for all of us, befitting; tat ucyataam hi= that, may be said, indeed.

"All this is being said in the interest of your well-being, and if it is obliging to you it may be done in this way as I have said, if not, any other way out is there which will be conducive for all of us, oh, vanara-s, it may be said." Thus Angada spoke to the troops of monkeys. [4-49-10]

Verse Locator

A<gdSy vc> ïuTva vcnm! g<xmadn>,
%vac Vy­ya vaca ippasa ïm ioÚya. 4£49£11

11. angadasya vacaH shrutvaa= Angada's, words, on hearing; gandha maadanaH= Gandhamaadana - vanara; pipaasaa shrama khinnayaa= thirst, fatigue, one enervated with; a+vyaktayaa vaacaa= with inexplicit, words; vacanam uvaaca= sentence, said.

On hearing Angada's words, Gandhamaadana who is enervated with thirst and fatigue spoke this sentence with inexplicit words. [4-49-11]

Verse Locator

s†zm! olu v> vaKym! A<gdae yt! %vac h,
ihtm! c @v Anukªlm! c i³ytam! ASy -ai;tm!. 4£49£12

12. angadaH yat vaakyam uvaaca ha= Angada, what, words, said, indeed; that; vaH= to you; sadR^isham khalu= is appropriate, isn't it; hitam ca eva= advantageous, also, thus; anukuulam ca= pragmatic, also; asya bhaaSitam kriyataam= his, as said, may be done.

"What Angada has said that is indeed appropriate, isn't it! It is advantageous and pragmatic also. Let us carry out as said by him. [4-49-12]

Verse Locator

pun> magaRmhe zElan! kNdram! c izlan! twa,
kannain c zUNyain igir àöv[ain c. 4£49£13

14. punaH= again; shailaan kandaraam ca tathaa shilaan= mountains, caves, also, thus, rocks - rocky places; shuunyaani kaana naani ca= uninhabited, forests, also; giri prasravaNaani ca= mountain, rapids, too; maargaamahe= let us search out.

"Again let us search out mountains, caves, crags, also like that the uninhabited forests and mountain rapids, too. [4-49-13]

Verse Locator

ywa %iÎóain srœvai[ su¢Ive[ mhaTmna,
ivicNvNtu vnm! sveR igir Êrœgai[ s<gta>. 4£49£14

14. sarve sangataaH= all [of us,] collectively; maha aatmanaa sugriiveNa yathaa uddiSThaani= great-souled one [self-assertive,] by Sugreeva, [places] as indicated; sarvaaNi giri durgaaNi= all of the, mountain, gorges; vanam= forest; vicinvantu= let them be searched.

"Let us all collectively search all of the places with forests, mountains and gorges as indicated by that self-assertive Sugreeva." Thus Gandhamaadana spoke to all monkeys. [4-49-14]

Verse Locator

tt> smuTway pun> vanra> te mhabla>,
ivNXy kann s<kI[aRm! ivceérœ di][am! idzm!. 4£49£15

15. tataH= then; mahaa balaaH te vaanaraaH= great-mighty ones, those, vanara-s; punaH samutthaaya= again, on getting up - bestirring themselves; vindhya kaanana sankiirNaam= Vindhya, forests, overspread with; dakSiNaam disham= southern, quarter; viceruH= searched.

Those great-mighty vanara-s again perking themselves up searched the southern compass that is overspread with Vindhya forests. [4-49-15]

Verse Locator

te zard Aæ àitmm! ïImt! rjt pvRtm!,
z&<gvNtm! drIv<tm! Aixéý c vanra>. 4£49£16
tÇ laeØ vnm! rMym! sÝ p[R vnain c,
ivicNvNtae hir vra> sIta dzRn kaiN][>. 4£49£17

16. siitaa darshana kaankSiNaH= Seetha, to glance at, desirous of; hari varaaH= among monkeys, best ones; te vaanaraaH= those, vaanara-s; shaarada abhra pratimam= they, autumn, [silvery] cloud, statuesque of; shriimat= magnificent one; shR^ingavantam= having [many] peaks; dariivantam= having caverns; rajata parvatam= Silver, Mountain; adhiruhya ca= clambered up, also; tatra ramyam lodhra vanam= there, delightful Lodhra trees, wood of; sapta parNa vanaani ca= seven, leaved [groves of banana plants] also; vicinvantaH= they searched.

Those vanara-s who are the best among monkeys who are desirous of getting a glance of Seetha have clambered up a magnificent Silver Mountain which in statuesque is like an autumnal silvery cloud, and which has many zeniths and caverns, and searched there in the delightful woods of Lodhra trees, and even in the groves of seven-leaved banana plants. [4-49-16, 17]

Verse Locator

tSy A¢m! AixêFa> te ïaNta ivpul iv³ma>,
n pZyiNt Sm vEdehIm! ramSy mih;Im! iàyam!. 4£49£18

18. tasya agram adhiruuDhaaH= its [mountain's,] top, on ascending,; vipula vikramaaH te= [though] immensely, venturesome, they the vanara-s; shraantaa= are fatigued; raamasya priyaam mahiSiim vaidehiim= Rama's, dear, queen, at Vaidehi; na pashyanti sma= not, seen [found,] they are.

Though they searched everywhere on ascending the mountaintop they have not found Seetha, the dear queen of Rama, and though they are immensely venturesome they are fatigued. [4-49-18]

Verse Locator

te tu †iò gtm! †òœva tm! zElm! b÷ k<drm!,
AXyaraehNt hryae vI]ma[a> sm<tt>. 4£49£19

19. te harayaH= those, monkeys; dR^iSTi gatam= sight, obtained [come into sight]; bahu kandaram= with many, caves; tam shailam= that, mountain; dR^iSTvaa= having seen - searched; sam antataH= all over; viikSamaaNaaH adhyaarohanta= [yet] keeping an eye on [that mountain,] they descended.

On searching what all they could see all over on that many caved mountain those monkeys descended yet keeping an eye on all over that mountain. [4-49-19]

Verse Locator

Avéý ttae -Uimm! ïaNta ivgt cets>,
iSwTva muøtRm! tÇ Aw v&] mUlm! %paiïta>. 4£49£20

20. tataH= then; bhuumim avaruhya= towards earth, on climbing down; shraantaa= tired; vi gata cetasaH= verily, gone, are their faculties [with inanity]; tatra= there; muhuurtam sthitvaa= for a moment, staying; atha vR^ikSa muulam upaashritaaH= then, at tree, base, took shelter.

Then on climbing down the mountain they reached ground and became tired and inane, and staying there for moment they took shelter at the base of a tree. [4-49-20]

Verse Locator

te muøtRm! smañSta> ik<ict! -¶ pirïma>,
punrœ @v %*ta> k«Tõam! maigRtum! di][am! idzm!. 4£49£21

21. te muhuurtam samaashvastaaH= they, for a moment, took respite; kimcit bhagna parishramaaH= a little, intermitted, laboriousness; punaH eva= again, thus; kR^itsnaam dakSiNaam disham= in entirety, southern, direction; maargitum udyataaH= to search ventured.

They took respite for a moment and when their laboriousness intermitted a little, again they ventured to search the southern direction in its entirety. [4-49-21]

Verse Locator

hnumt! àmuoa> te tu àiSwta> Plvg \;-a>,
iv<Xym! @v Aaidt> k«Tva ivceé> te sm<tt>. 4£49£22

22. te tu= they, on their part; hanumat pramukhaaH= Hanuma, [and other] chieftains; plavaga R^iSabhaaH= fly-jumpers, the best; prasthitaaH= started journey; aaditaH kR^itvaa= from starting [point,] on making; vindhyam eva= Vindhya, only; samantataH te viceruH= all over, they, searched - for Seetha.

Again making Mt. Vindhya as the starting point of search, those best fly-jumpers, namely Hanuma and the other chieftains of vanara-s, have searched all over the southern direction for Seetha. [4-49-22]


#it vaLmIik ramay[e Aaid kaVye iki:kNx ka{fe @kae n p<caz> sgR

Thus, this is the 49th chapter in Kishkindha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

Verse Locator for Book IV : Kishkindha Kanda - The Empire of Holy Monkeys : Chapter 49


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© Nov, 2002, Desiraju Hanumanta Rao [Revised : November 04]