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mahAkavi kAlidAsa virachita |
Ritu samhAram
hemanta - pre-winter | |
fourth chapter 18 verses |
प्रफुल्लोध्रः परिपक्वशालिः।
विलीनपद्मः प्रपतत्तुषारो हेमन्तकालः समुपागतोऽयम्॥ ४-१
praphullodhraḥ paripakvaśāliḥ |
vilīnapadmaḥ prapatattuṣāro
hemantakālaḥ samupāgato'yam|| 4-1
praphullodhraH paripakvashAliH |
vilInapadmaH prapatattuShAro
hemantakAlaH samupAgato.ayam|| 4-1
nava pravaala udgama sasya ramyaH praphulla lodhraH pari pakva shaaliH viliina padmaH prapatat tuSaaraH hemanta kaalaH samupaagato ayam
4-1. nava pravaala udgama= with new, tender leaves, outgrowth; sasya= with crops; ramyaH= delightful [fields are]; praphulla lodhraH= blossomy, trees with Lodhra [Tymplocos racemosa] flowers; pari pakva shaaliH= completely, ripened, rice crops; viliina padmaH= with surcease, of lotuses; pra patat= by far, falling; tuSaaraH= dewdrops; ayam hemanta kaalaH= this, winter, time; sam upa aagataH= well, nearby, came.
"Delightful are trees and fields with the outgrowth of new tender-leaves and crops; Lodhra trees are with their blossomy flowers, crops of rice are completely ripened, but now lotuses are on their surcease by far, for the dewdrops are falling. hence, this is the time of pre-winter that drew nigh. [4-1]
From this verse to third one, they are composed in upendra vajra vR^ittam .
मनोहरैः कुङ्कुमरागरक्तस्तुषारकुन्देन्दुनिभैश् च हारैः।
विलासिनीनाम् स्तनशालिनीनाम् अलंक्रियन्ते स्तनमण्डलानि॥ ४-२
manoharaiḥ kuṅkumarāgaraktas
tuṣārakundendunibhaiś ca hāraiḥ |
vilāsinīnām stanaśālinīnām
alaṁkriyante stanamaṇḍalāni || 4-2
manoharaiH ku~NkumarAgaraktas
tuShArakundendunibhaish ca hAraiH |
vilAsinInAm stanashAlinInAm
alaMkriyante stanamaNDalAni || 4-2
manoharaiH ku.nkuma raaga raktaiH tuSaara kunda indu nibhaiH ca haaraiH vilaasiniinaam stanashaaliniinaam alam kriyante stana ma.nDalaani
4-2. stana shaaliniinaam= with bosoms, graced by; vilaasiniinaam= of flirtatious women; stana manDalaani= at breast, areas [at busts]; manoharaiH= heart-stealing; kunkuma raaga raktaiH= saffron, with redness, reddened; tuSaara= dewdrops; kunda= jasmine; indu= moon [like]; nibhaiH ca= in shine with, also; haaraiH= with pendants; alamkriyante= being embellished.
"The busts of flirtatious women that are graced by bosomy bosoms are bedaubed and reddened with the redness of heart-stealing saffrony skincare, called Kashmir kumkum, on which embellished are the white pendants that are in shine with the whiteness of whitish dewdrops, white jasmines, and whitely moon. [4-2]
There are variations in the mms as some read that 'these days they do not decorate with pearly pendants.' Here, they are decorated with the skincare of saffron, Crocussativus, which is a body warmer, for fear of sudden coolness of the season. But, with this intensified is their bodily heat. As such, they are now decorating their busts with pearly pendants that are coolant like other natural coolers. Even then, their bodily heat is not cooled off, for they are flirtatious.
न बाहुयुग्मेषु विलासिनीनाम्
प्रयान्ति सङ्गम् वलयाङ्गदानि।
नितम्बबिम्बेषु नवम् दुकूलम् तन्वंशुकम् पीनपयोधरेषु॥४-३
na bāhuyugmeṣu vilāsinīnām
prayānti saṅgam valayāṅgadāni |
nitambabimbeṣu navam dukūlam
tanvaṁśukam pīnapayodhareṣu || 4-3
na baahu yugmeSu vilaasiniinaam prayaanti sa.ngam valaya a.ngadaani nitamba bimbeSu navam dukuulam tanu a.mshukam piina payodhareSu
4-3. vilaasiniinaam= for vivacious women; baahu yugmeSu= arms, couple of; valaya= circlets; angadaani = bicep-lets; sangam na prayaanti= contact, not, going into [not getting in touch with]; nitamba bimbeSu= on waistline, discoid of; navam dukuulam= new, silk cloths; piina payaH dhareSu= robust, milk, bearers [on breasts]; tanu amshukam= fine, fabric; sangam na prayaanti= contact, not, going into [not getting in touch with.]
"Unbearable is the touch of metallic circlets on wrists and bicep-lets on upper-arms of the couple of arms of vivacious women, or the touch of new silk cloths on the discoid of their waistline, or fine fabric on their robust breasts. [4-4]
Verses from 4 to 12 are composed in indra vraja vrittam
काञ्चीगुणैः काञ्चनरत्नचित्रैर्नो भूषयन्ति प्रमदा नितम्बम्।
न नूपुरैर् हंसरुतम् भजद्भिः पादाम्बुजान्य् अम्बुजकान्तिभाञ्जि॥ ४-४
kāñcīguṇaiḥ kāñcanaratnacitrair
no bhūṣayanti pramadā nitambam |
na nūpurair haṁsarutam bhajadbhiḥ
pādāmbujāny ambujakāntibhāñji || 4-4
kA~ncIguNaiH kA~ncanaratnacitrair
no bhUShayanti pramadA nitambam |
na nUpurair haMsarutam bhajadbhiH
pAdAmbujAny ambujakAntibhA~nji || 4-4
4-4. pramadaa= kittenish women; na= neither; kaancana ratna citraiH= golden, with gems, studded; kaancii guNaiH= with girdle, strings; nitambam= on hipline; hamsa rutam bhajadbhiH = swan's, clucks, possessed with [having the same speech, correlative]; na nuupuraiH = nor, with anklets; ambuja kaanti bhaanji= lotus, brightness, possessed [having]; paada ambujani = feet, lotuses; bhuuSayanti= decorating.
"Undecorated are the hiplines of kittenish women with gem-studded golden strings of girdle, nor their lotus like feet that have the brightness of lotuses with jingling anklets, whose jingling is correlative to the clucks of swans, for the cold touch of coldish metal gives cold quivers. [4-3]
गात्राणि कालीयकचर्चितानि
सपत्रलेखानि मुखाम्बुजानि।
शिरांसि कालागुरुधूपितानि कुर्वन्ति नार्यः सुरतोत्सवाय॥ ४-५
gātrāṇi kālīyakacarcitāni
sapatralekhāni mukhāmbujāni |
śirāṁsi kālāgurudhūpitāni
kurvanti nāryaḥ suratotsavāya|| 4-5
gAtrANi kAlIyakacarcitAni
sapatralekhAni mukhAmbujAni |
shirAMsi kAlAgurudhUpitAni
kurvanti nAryaH suratotsavAya|| 4-5
gaatraaNi kaaliiyaka carcitaani sa patra lekhaani mukha a.mbujaani shiraa.msi kaala aguru dhuupitaani kur.hvanti naaryaH surata utsavaaya |
4-5. naaryaH= womenfolk; gaatraaNi= on bodies; kaaliiyaka= fragrant wood-turmeric powder [Amomum Zanthorhizon]; carcitaani= painting [rubbing on]; mukha ambujaani= on face, lotus-like; sa patra lekhaani= with, leafy [foliage,] streaks [erasable tattooing]; shiraamsi= on head [hair]; kaala aguru= black, resin of aloe vera; dhuupitaani= fumigated with; su rata utsavaaya = for enjoyable, lovemaking, merrymaking; kurvanti= they are doing.
"The womenfolk are rubbing fragrant wood-turmeric powder on their bodies, and their lotus-like faces are tattooed with erasable tattoos of foliage, and their head-hair is fumigated with the fumes of aloevera resin, and they are doing all this for merrymaking in an enjoyable lovemaking. [4-5]
Here, in the simile - upamaalankaara - u.ma - ambujaani; u.me - mukhaani; vaacaka - iva; vigraha - mukhaani ambujaani iva; lupta - iva - upamita samaasa; dharma - vaacka - lupta upama; alankaara - svabhaavokti - svabhaavoktiH asau caaru yathaavat vastu varNanam - yatra caaru = samyakgraamyam; yathaavat = anyuunaatirekeNa; vastuvaH = varNakriyaa samsthaanaruupasya vastusvabhaavasya kavipratibhaika gocarasyavarNanam asausvabhaavokti -prataapa rudriiyam,ratnaapaNam - prataaparudriiya vyaakhya; dharma - vaacaka lupta upama - svabhaavokti and their commixture.
सम्प्राप्तहर्षाभ्युदयास् तरुण्यः।
हसन्ति नोच्चैर् दशनाग्रभिन्नान् प्रपीयमानान् अधरान् अवेक्ष्य॥ ४-६
samprāptaharṣābhyudayās taruṇyaḥ |
hasanti noccair daśanāgrabhinnān
prapīyamānān adharān avekṣya|| 4-6
samprAptaharShAbhyudayAs taruNyaH |
hasanti noccair dashanAgrabhinnAn
prapIyamAnAn adharAn avekShya | 4-6
rati shrama kshaama vipaa.nDu vak.htraa sa.mpraapta harSa abhyudayaaH taruNyaH hasanti na uccaiH dashana agra bhinnaan prapiiDyamaanaan adharaan avekshya
4-6. rati shrama= lovemaking, by strain of; kshaama vipaanDu vaktraa= sallowish, whitened, with faces; sampraapta harSa abhyudayaaH= bechanced, happiness, good fortune; taruNyaH= women of age; dashana agra bhinnaan= teeth, by edges of, cleaved [bitten]; pra piiDyamaanaan= verily, painful; adharaan= lower lips; avekshya= on noticing; uccaiH= highly [heartily]; na hasanti= not, laughing.
"Though good fortune is bechanced in the happiness of lovemaking, the women of age are withsallowish and whitened faces owing to the strain of lovemaking, and though they want to laugh heartily, they desist from it, noticing very painful lower lips that are bitten with the edges of teeth of their lovers in lovemaking, lest the lip is lengthened, the pain is sharpened. [4-6]
आसाद्य तत्पीडनजातखेदः।
तृणाग्रलग्नैस् तुहिनैः पतद्भिर् आक्रन्दतीवोषसि शीतकालः॥ ४-७
āsādya tatpīḍanajātakhedaḥ |
tṛṇāgralagnais tuhinaiḥ patadbhir
ākrandatīvoṣasi śītakālaḥ || 4-7
AsAdya tatpIDanajAtakhedaH |
tR^iNAgralagnais tuhinaiH patadbhir
AkrandatIvoShasi shItakAlaH || 4-7
piina stana uraH sthala bhaaga shobhaam aasaadya tat piiDana jaata khedaH tR^iNaagra lagnaiH tuhinaiH patatbhiH aakrandatii ivauSasi siita kaalaH
4-7. piina stana uraH sthala bhaaga= sturdy, breast, chest, areas [valleys of bosomy busts]; shobhaam aasaadya= splendidness, attaining; tat= that [breasts]; piiDana jaata khedaH= by pressing, caused, pain; tR^iNa agra lagnaiH= at grass-blade's, spire, clinging; tuhinaiH= dewdrops; patatbhiH = while falling; aakrandatii iva= bewailing, as though; uSasi= in dawn; siita kaalaH [vaayuH]= cold, time [winter, breeze.]
"On reaching the valleys of bosomy busts of women of age, the winter breeze is attaining their coolantsplendidness, but when those bosoms are pressingly hugged by their lovers it is incarcerated there with an unable pain, and that pain is expressed by theHemanta season, as though it is bewailing for a release of that breeze at least at dawn time, with tear-like dewdrops clinging on to the spires of grass-blades. [4-7]
मनोहरक्रौञ्चनिनादितानि सीमान्तराण्य् उत्सुकयन्ति चेतः॥ ४-८
mṛgāṅganāyūthavibhūṣitāni |
sīmāntarāṇy utsukayanti cetaḥ|| 4-8
mR^igA~NganAyUthavibhUShitAni |
sImAntarANy utsukayanti cetaH || 4-8
prabhuuta shaali prasavaiH citaani mR^iga a.nganaa yuudha vibhuuSitaani manohara kraunca ninaaditaani siima antaraaNi utsukayanti cetaH
4-8. prabhuuta shaali prasavaiH= abundant, rice, with crops; citaani= overspread with; mR^iga anganaa = deer, ladies [she-deer]; yuudha vibhuuSitaani= with herds, ornamented with; manohara= delightfully; kraunca ninaaditaani= with ruddy gees, reverberate with; siima antaraaNi= confines, interiors of [or, exteriors, corridors]; utsukayanti cetaH= enthusing [captivating,] heart.
"Overspread with abundant rice crops and ornamented with herds of she-deer, and delightfully reverberated by the ruddy geese, with their calls and counter-calls, the complacent corridors of confines are captivating hearts. [4-8]
प्रसन्नतोयानि सुशीतलानि सरांसि चेतांसि हरन्ति पुंसाम्॥ ४-९
sonmādakādambavibhūṣitāni |
prasannatoyāni suśītalāni
sarāṁsi cetāṁsi haranti puṁsām|| 4-9
sonmAdakAdambavibhUShitAni |
prasannatoyAni sushItalAni
sarAMsi cetAMsi haranti puMsAm|| 4-9
praphulla niila utpala shobhitaani sa unmaada kaada.mba vibhuuSitaani prasanna toyaani su siitalaani saraamsi cetaamsi harayanti pu.msaam
9. pra phulla niila utpala shobhitaani= fully, bloomed, black, lotuses, adorned with; sa unmaada= with, excitement; kaadamba= another kind of swans [kala hamsa]; vibhuuSitaani = elaborated with; prasanna toyaani= unruffled [depurated,] waters; su siitalaani = considerably, coldish; saraamsi= lakes; cetaamsi harayanti pumsaam= hearts, stealing, of men.
"Now the lakes are adorned with fully blossomed black-lotuses, and elaborated with swan-like waterfowls in their excitement, and sheeted with considerably coldish waters that are depurated, thus these lakes are stealing the hearts of men, for men look up to them as the visages of women that are with black-lotus-like hairdo, with swanlike eyes, and whose bodies are cold, wanting a warm hug. [4-9]
पाकम् व्रजन्ति हिमजातशीतैर्
आधूयमाना सततम् मरुद्भिः।
प्रिये प्रियङ्गुः प्रियविप्रयुक्ताः विपाण्डुताम् याति विलासिनीव॥ ४-१०
pākam vrajanti himajātaśītair
ādhūyamānā satatam marudbhiḥ |
priye priyaṅguḥ priyaviprayuktāḥ
vipāṇḍutām yāti vilāsinīva || 4-10
pAkam vrajanti himajAtashItair
AdhUyamAnA satatam marudbhiH |
priye priya~NguH priyaviprayuktAH
vipANDutAm yAti vilAsinIva4-10
paakam vrajantii hima jaata shiitaiH aadhuuyamaanaa satatam marudbhiH priye priya.nguH priya viprayuktaa vipaa.nDutaam yaati vilaasinii iva
4-10. he priye= oh, dear; hima jaata shiitaiH= by snow, caused, coldness; paakam vrajantii = ripeness, going one [ripened]; marudbhiH satatam aadhuuyamaanaa= by winds, frequently, being winnowed [wobbled]; priyanguH= plant that gives fragrant seeds [Nacluea cadamba]; priya= by lover; viprayuktaa = without being together [dissociated]; vilaasinii iva= frisky women, like; vi paanDutaam = verily, whitishness [paleness]; yaati= going into.
"Oh, dear, the Priyangu plants that give fragrant seeds are ripened by the snow caused coldness, and they are frequently wobbled by the snowy winds, and they now appear like the fragrant and frisky women gone into paleness and wobbliness by their dissociation from their lovers. [4-10]
Here in the simile upama u.ma vilaasini; u.me priyangu lata; saadhaaraNa dharmi panDuta, anugaami dharma; vaacaka iva; alankaara hima jaata.paripakva bimba; priya.bharita prati bimba; tadvaata.dhuuyamaana bimba; vicalita.hridaya prat bimba gamya; anugaamitva, bimba, pratibimba bhaava mishraNa; himasamaya kaanam iva sphuTita priyangu manjarii gauram. puNDariikam. adraakshit. kaadambari, baaNa bhaTTa; a commixture of object and mirrored object.
निःश्वासवातैः सुरभीकृताङ्गः।
परस्पराङ्गव्यतिरिक्तशायी शेते जनः कामरसानुविद्धः॥ ४-११
niḥśvāsavātaiḥ surabhīkṛtāṅgaḥ |
śete janaḥ kāmarasānuviddhaḥ ||4-11
niHshvAsavAtaiH surabhIkR^itA~NgaH |
shete janaH kAmarasAnuviddhaH 4-11
puSpa aasava aamoda sugandhi vak.htraH niHshvaasa vaataiH surabhii kR^ita a.ngaH paraspara a.nga vyatirikta shaayii shete janaH kaama rasa anuviddhaH
4-11. puSpa aasava aamoda= flowers, essence's [liquor made from essential oils of flowers,] by fragrance; sugandhi=, fragranced with; vaktraH= mouths; niHshvaasa vaataiH= suspires, puffs; surabhii kR^ita angaH= fragrant, made into, with bodies; paraspara= each with each [jointly]; anga= bodies; vyatirikta [vi ati rikta= without disjoined bodies] in tight embrace; shaayii= while lying [on beds]; shete= sleeping; janaH= people; kaama rasa anuviddhaH= by passion's, essence, entwined with.
"These days the mouths of people are fragranced with the fragrance of liquors made from the essential oils of flowers, and their bodies are fragrant with the samefragrancy by their puffs of suspires, and while lying on beds jointly with their bodies in tight embrace, they are slipping into sleep, entwined with the essence of passion. [4-11]
दन्तच्छदैः सव्रणदन्तचिह्नैः
स्तनैश्च पाण्यग्रकृताभिलेखैः।
संसूच्यते निर्दयम् अङ्गनानां रतोपयोगो नवयौवनानाम्॥४-१२
dantaccadaiḥ savraṇadantacihnaiḥ
stanaiś ca pāṇyagrakṛtābhilekhaiḥ |
saṁsūcyate nirdayam aṅganānāṁ
ratopayogo navayauvanānām || 4-12
dantacchadaiH savraNadantacihnaiH
stanaish ca pANyagrakR^itAbhilekhaiH |
saMsUcyate nirdayam a~NganAnAM
ratopayogo navayauvanAnAm 4-12
danta cChadaiH sa vraNa danta cihnaiH stanaiH ca paaNi agra kR^ita abhilekhaiH sa.msuucyate nirdayam a.nganaanaam rata upabhogaH nava yauvanaanaam
4-12. sa vraNa= with, bruises; danta cihnaiH= teeth, marks of; danta cChadaiH= teeth, covers of [lips]; paaNiagra= palm, ends [nails]; kR^ita abhilekhaiH= made, inscribes [incises]; stanaiH ca= with bosoms, even; nava yauvanaanaam anganaanaam= new, to adulthood, young beautiful ladies; nir dayam= without, mercy [implacable]; rata= lovemaking's; upa bhogaH= close, enjoyment [consummation]; sam suucyate= clearly, indicating.
"The young and beautiful ladies that are new to their adulthood have bruises and marks of teeth notches on their lips, and even their bosoms are incised with nails of their lovers, thus these marks and incisions clearly indicate that they have enjoyed lovemaking consummately. [4-12]
काचिद् विभूषयति दर्पणसक्तहस्ता
बालातपेषु वनिता वदनारविन्दम्।
दन्तच्चदम् प्रियतमेन निपीतसारं दन्ताग्रभिन्नम् अवकृष्य निरीक्षते च॥॥ ४-१३
kācid vibhūṣayati darpaṇasaktahastā
bālātapeṣu vanitā vadanāravindam |
dantaccadam priyatamena nipītasāraṁ
dantāgrabhinnam avakṛṣya nirīkṣate ca || 4-13
kAcid vibhUShayati darpaNasaktahastA
bAlAtapeShu vanitA vadanAravindam |
dantacchadam priyatamena nipItasAraM
dantAgrabhinnam avakR^iShya nirIkShate ca|| 4-13
kaacit vibnhuuSayati darpaNa sakta hastaa baala aatapeSu vanitaa vadana aravindam danta cChadam priyatamena nipita saaram danta agra bhinnam avakR^iSya niriikshyate ca
4-13. kaacit vanitaa= some, woman of age; darpaNa sakta hastaa= mirror, clamping, by hand [holding mirror]; baala aatapeSu= in young [tender,] sun warmth; vadana aravindam= face, called lotus; vibnhuuSayati= decorating [applying cosmetics]; priyatamena= by lover; nipiita saaram= guzzled, quintessence; danta agra bhinnam= by teeth, edges, cleaved [by teeth bites dented]; danta cChadam = teeth's, cover [lips]; avakR^iSya= dragging out [by pouting]; niriikshyate ca= examines, also.
"Some woman of age staying in the warmth of tender sun to warm up herself, is holding a mirror and applying cosmetics on her lotus-like face, and while doing so, she is pouting her lips and examining them that are dented with teeth bites of her lover, whose quintessence is guzzled down by her lover in last night. [4-13]
From this verse on, they are composed in vasanta tilaka metre.
अन्या प्रकामसुरतश्रमखिन्नदेहा
निद्राम् प्रयाति मृदुसूर्यकराभितप्ता॥ ४-१४
anyā prakāmasurataśramakhinnadehā
rātriprajāgaravipāṭalanetrapadmā |
nidrām prayāti mṛdusūryakarābhitaptā || 4-14
anyA prakAmasuratashramakhinnadehA
rAtriprajAgaravipATalanetrapadmA |
nidrAm prayAti mR^idusUryakarAbhitaptA || 4-14
anyaa prakaama surata shrama khinna dehaa raatri prajaagara paaTala netra padmaa srasta a.msa desha lulita akula kesha paashaa nidraam prayaati mR^idu suurya karaa abhitaptaa
4-14. anyaa= one more woman; prakaama= excessive; surata= in lovemaking; shrama khinna dehaa= by strain, fatigued, with body; raatri pra jaagara= in night, quiet, sleepless; paaTala netra padmaa= white, lotus-like, with eyes; srasta= slithered; amsa desha= at shoulder, places [bust, neck]; lulita= swirling; akula= disorderly [tousled] kesha paashaa= hair's, plaits; nidraam prayaati= into sleep, tripping; mR^idu suurya karaa = by tender, sun's, rays; abhitaptaa= warmed up.
"One more woman whose body is fatigued by the strain of excessive lovemaking, and who is quiet sleepless last night, and whose eyes arepalish like white lotuses, and whose bun is slithered and plaits of head-hair are loosened and hair tousling on her shoulders, bust, and on her bosoms, is tripping into sleep, warmed up by the rays of tender sun. [4-14]
निर्माल्यदाम परिमुक्तमनोज्ञगन्धं
मूर्ध्नोऽपनीय घननीलशिरोरुहान्ताः।
कुर्वन्ति केशरचनाम् अपरास् तरुण्यः॥ ४-१५
nirmālyadāma parimuktamanojñagandhaṁ
mūrdhno'panīya ghananīlaśiroruhāntāḥ |
kurvanti keśaracanām aparās taruṇyaḥ || 4-15
nirmAlyadAma parimuktamanoj~nagandhaM
mUrdhno.apanIya ghananIlashiroruhAntAH |
kurvanti kesharacanAm aparAs taruNyaH || 4-15
nirmaalya daama parimukta manoj~na gandham muurdhnaH apaniiya ghana niila shiroruhaa antaaH piina unnata stana bhara aanata gaatra yaSTyaH kur.hvanti kesha racanaam aparaaH taruNyaH
4-15. ghana niila= cloudlike, blackish; shiroruhaa antaaH= head-hair, ends [loose ends hanging trailing, bedraggled]; piina unnata= busty, lofty; stana bhara aanata= by bosoms, weight, crouching; gaatra = with bodies; yaSTyaH= like pearl necklaces [slender-bodied]; aparaaH taruNyaH= other, women of age; parimukta= [of flowers] got rid of [flowers devoid of]; manoj~na gandham = heart-pleasing, with fragrance; nirmaalya = utilised flowers; daama= circlet; muurdhnaH apa niiya= from head [from hairdo,] away, taking; kesha racanaam kurvanti = hair, preparation, doing [grooming.]
Loose ends of cloudlike blackish hair bedraggling onto the lofty busty bosoms of some other slender-bodied women of age with crouching bodies under bosomy weight, like slim pearly pendants crouching on busty bosoms; they are now taking away the circlets of flowers from their hairdos, as those flowers are already utilised and now devoid of their heart-pleasing fragrance of yester night; thus those women groom their hair, afresh.[4-15]
अन्या प्रियेण परिमुक्तम् अवेक्ष्य गात्रं
हर्षान्विता विरचिताधरचारुशोभा।
कूर्पासकम् परिदधाति नखक्षताङ्गी
व्यालम्बिनीलललितालककुञ्चिताक्षी ४-१६
anyā priyeṇa parimuktam avekṣya gātraṁ
harṣānvitā viracitādharacāruśobhā |
kūrpāsakam paridadhāti nakhakṣatāṅgī
vyālambinīlalalitālakakuñcitākṣī|| 4-16
anyA priyeNa parimuktam avekShya gAtraM
harShAnvitA viracitAdharacArushobhA |
kUrpAsakam paridadhAti nakhakShatA~NgI
vyAlambinIlalalitAlakaku~ncitAkShI|| 4-16
anyaa priyeNa paribhuktam avekshya gaatram harSa anvitaa viracita adhara caaru shobhaa kuurpaasakam paridadhaati nakha skshata a.ngii vyaalambi niila lalita alaka kuncita akshii
4-16. priyeNa paribhuktam= by lover, completely enjoyed; gaatram avekshya= body, on seeing [on examining]; harSa anvitaa= with rejoice, conjoined [highly gladdened]; viracita= inscribed [remade]; adhara caaru shobhaa= lower lip, pleasant, resplendent; nakha kshata angii = by nails, scratches, on limbs [here, bust]; vi aalambi= verily, dangling; niila lalita alaka = dark, delicate, hair-curls; kuncita akshii= twitching, eyes; anyaa= another woman; kuurpaasakam pari dadhaati= bodice, atop of [bust with scratches,] wearing.
On examining her body that is completely enjoyed by her lover last night, another woman is highly gladdened; then she remade her pleasant lips resplendent with lip-colouring; then, on examining her nail-scratched bust, she embarrassedly wore a bodice, which rasped those nail-scratches making her eyes to twitch, on which eyes dark, delicate, and twitchy hair-curls are dangling. [4-16]
अन्याश्चिरम् सुरतकेलिपरिश्रमेण
खेदम् गताः प्रशिथिलीकृतगात्रयष्ट्यः।
संहृष्यमाणपुलकोर् उपयोधरान्ता
अभ्यञ्जनम् विदधति प्रमदाः सुशोभाः॥ ४-१७
anyāściram suratakelipariśrameṇa
khedam gatāḥ praśithilīkṛtagātrayaṣṭyaḥ |
saṁhṛṣyamāṇapulakor upayodharāntā
abhyañjanam vidadhati pramadāḥ suśobhāḥ || 4-17
anyAsh ciram suratakeliparishrameNa
khedam gatAH prashithilIkR^itagAtrayaShTyaH |
saMhR^iShyamANapulakor upayodharAntA
abhya~njanam vidadhati pramadAH sushobhAH || 4-17
anyaaH ciram surata keli parishrameNa khedam gataaH prashithilii kR^ita gaatra yaSTyaH sa.mhR^iSyamaaNa pulaka uuru payodhara antaaH abhya.njanam vidadhati pramadaaH sushobhaaH
4-17. ciram= for a long; surata keli= lovemaking, games of; parishrameNa= by exertion; khedam gataaH= weary, obtained [wearied]; pra shithilii kR^ita= utter, collapse, made into [rendered debilitated]; gaatra yaSTyaH= bodies, slim; sam hR^iSyamaaNa pulaka= highly, rejoicing, hair standing on its ends [thrilling of bodily parts]; uuru payodhara antaaH= thighs, bosoms, at edges of; su shobhaaH= prettily, pretty women; anyaaH= others; pramadaaH= women of age; abhyanjanam vidadhati= oils and pastes before bath, applying.
"By the exertion in their long-lasting games of lovemaking other women of age are wearied, and their slim bodies are thrilling at their flanks from bosoms to thighs, thereby those prettily pretty women are applying bodily oils and pastes to take an oil bath, that relieves these tingling sensations. [4-17]
बहुगुणरमणीयो योषिताम् चित्तहारी
सततम् अतिमनोज्ञः क्रौञ्चमालापरीतः
प्रदिशतु हिमयुक्तः काल एष सुखम् वः॥ ४-१८
bahuguṇaramaṇīyo yoṣitām cittahārī
pariṇatabahuśālivyākulagrāmasīmā |
satatam atimanojñaḥ krauñcamālāparītaḥ
pradiśatu himayuktaḥ kāla eṣa sukham vaḥ || 4-18
bahuguNaramaNIyo yoShitAm cittahArI
pariNatabahushAlivyAkulagrAmasImA |
satatam atimanoj~naH krau~ncamAlAparItaH
pradishatu himayuktaH kAla eSha sukham vaH || 4-18
bahu guNa ramaNiiyo yoSitaam citta haarii pariNata bahu shaali vyaakula graama siimaa satatam ati manoj~naH kraunca maalaa pariitaH pradishatu hima yuktaJH kaala eSa sukham vaH
4-18. bahu guNa ramaNiiyaH = with many, attributes, pleasant; yoSitaam citta haarii= for women of age, heart stealing; pariNata= abundant; bahu= many; shaali= rice crops; vyaakula = overspread; graama siimaa= of villages, confines; satatam ati manoj~naH= always, highly, heart-pleasing; kraunca maalaa pariitaH= ruddy gees, garlands, overlaid with; hima yuktaH eSa kaala = dewfall, having, this, time [season]; sukham vaH pradishatu = comfort, to you all, let it endow.
"Let this season hemanta, dewfall, pleasant with many an attribute, a stealer of the hearts of women, fields of villages abundantly overspread with rice-crop, sky overlaid with garlands of ruddy gees flights, and which always is a heart-pleasing season, endow comfort to all of you passionate people. [4-18]
Last compound in last stanza has variations in other mms.
इति महाकवि कालिदासकृत ऋतुसंहार काव्ये हेमन्त वर्णणो नाम चतुर्थः सर्गः
iti mahākavi kālidāsakṛta ṛtusaṁhāra kāvye hemanta varṇaṇo nāma caturthaḥ sargaḥ
Thus, this is the portrayal of hemanta, pre-Winter season, the fifth chapter in Ritu samhaaram of kavi kAlidAsa.
desiraju hanumanta rao, April, 2010
desirajuhrao at yahoo.com