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mahAkavi kAlidAsa virachita |
Ritu samhAram
varSha - rainy | |
second chapter 28 verses |
समागतो राजवत् उद्धतद्युतिर्
घनागमः कामिजनप्रियः प्रिये ॥ २-१
taṭitpatāko'śaniśabdamardalaḥ |
samāgato rājavat uddhatadyutir
ghanāgamaḥ kāmijanapriyaḥ priye || 2-1
taDitpatAko.ashanishabdamardalaaH |
samAgato rAjavad uddhatadyutir
ghanAgamaaH kAmijanapriyaaH priye || 2-1
sa shiikara a.mbhodhara matta ku.njaraH taTit pataakaH ashaani shabda mardalaH samaagato raajavat uddhata dyutiH ghana aagamaH kaami jana priyaH priye
2-1. priye= oh, dear; sa shiikara= with, water drops [raindrops]; ambhaH dhara= water, carriers [clouds]; matta kunjaraH=as its ruttish, elephants; taTit pataakaH=lightning flashes, as its flags; ashaani shabda mardalaH= thunderbolts', thunders, as percussion instruments; ghana aagamaH [kaala]= clouds, arrival [time, rainy season]; uddhata dyutiH= up casting [radiating,] shine; raaja vat= king, like; kaami jana priyaH= for voluptuous, people, delight of; samaagataH= come to pass [onset.].
"Oh, dear, now the kingly monsoon radiantly shining like a king is arriving with a convoy of rainy clouds as its ruttish elephants; lighting flashes as its pennants and buntings; percussive thunder-claps as its drumbeats... welcome it for it is the delight of voluptuous people. [2-1]
Vividly: A king's convoy starts with sweaty elephants in rut, likewise the king of seasons, namely the rainy season, started with its march of elephantine clouds sweating raindrops... a king's retinue carry ornate flags and pennons, likewise the skyey flashes, rainbows etc are the pennants and buntings of this kingly rain... a king's ride will not be mute, but strident with trumpet's trumpeting and drumbeats' thundering, likewise this kinglike monsoon is set out with the thunders of the thunderbolts as its percussive drumbeats... whole environ is sheeny with cloudscapes, raindrops, rainbows etc with the pageant arrival of a king... all this is for the delight of voluptuous people...
Here in upama, simile - upamaana is king; upameya - coming of clouds, arrival of rainy season; saadhaaraNa dharmi - uddhata dyutiH= enriched, shininess; vaacaka - vat, raaj~naa tulyam, raaja vat; alankaara - arthi - puurNopama; On behalf of season - whose clouds are like ruttish elephants - a.mbhodharaa eva matta ku.njaraaH, sa shiikaraaH ambhodhara matta ku.njaraaH yasmin saH; On king's side - whose elephants are like elephantine clouds - ambhodhara sadR^ishaaH matta kunjaraaH - madhya pada lopa samaasa; sa shiikaraaH ambhodhara matta kunjaraaH yasya saH. On season's side - taTita eva pataakaaH yasya saH - he whose kingly flags are his own lightning flashes, i.e., the rainy season. On king's side - taTita sadR^ishaaH pataakaaH yasya saH - whose royal flags resemble lightning flashes, that king. On season's side - ashani shabda eva mardala, mardala dhvani - whose crashing of lightning is its own sound of percussion instruments. On king's side - ashani shabda sadR^ishaH mardalaH yasya saH - who has percussion instruments that sound like the crashes of lightning - comparative expressions, vigraha vaakyaaH. And vaacaka is - lutopama, because king's side is less said., because king's side is less said.
क्वचित् प्रभिन्नाञ्जनराशिसन्निभैः।
क्वचित् सगर्भप्रमदास्तनप्रभैः
समाचितम् व्योम धनैः समन्ततः॥ २-२
kvacit prabhinnāñjanarāśisannibhaiḥ |
kvacit sagarbhapramadāstanaprabhaiḥ
samācitam vyoma dhanaiḥ samantataḥ || 2-2
kvacit prabhinnA~njanarAshisannibhaiH |
kvacit sagarbhapramadAstanaprabhaiH
samAcitam vyoma dhanaiH samantataH || 2-2
nitaanta niila utpala patra kaantibhiH kvacit prabhinna a.njana raashi sannibhaiH kvacit sa garbha pramadaa stana prabhaiH samaacitam vyoma ghanaiH samantataH
2-2. nitaanta= by far; vyoma samantataH samaacitam= vault of heaven, everywhere, overly spread [impregnated]; ghanaiH= with massive clouds; niila utpala= black, costuses [a variety of lotuses]; patra kaantibhiH= of petals, [similar] in gleam; kvacit= somewhere; pra bhinna= well, kneaded; anjana raashi sannibhaiH= mascara, heaps of, similar in glitter; kvacit = elsewhere; sa garbha pramadaa= with, pregnancy, women's; stana prabhaiH= bosoms [metaphoric for blackened nipples,] in glisten.
"By far, massive black-clouds gleaming like blackish petals of black-costuses overlay the vault of heaven... somewhere they are similar to the glitter of heaps of well-kneaded blackish mascara... elsewhere they glisten like the blackened nipples on bosoms of pregnant women, ready to rain elixir of life on the lips of about-to-come offspring. [2-2]
Here upama - patra kaanti - the gleam of leaves - nitaanta niila utala patraaNaam kaantiH iva kaantiH eSaam taiH; tri lupta upama; upameya - gleam of clouds; saadhaaraNa dharmi - though unsaid, it is the faint gleam; vaacaka - iva, which is also unsaid in compound. Hence this upama is - dharma - vaacaka - lupta - upama. At compound prabhinna anajana raashi... upama - prabhinna anjana raashi; upameya - massiveness, solidity; saadhaaraNa dharmi - unsaid; vaacaka - sannibha; hence, arthi - dharma - lupta upamaa alankaara. In sagarbha pramadaa... sa garbha pramadaa stanayoH prabhaa iva prabhaa yeSaam taiH - hence first prabha is upama; upameya - gleam of clouds; saadhaaraNa dharmi - unsaid, but it is gleaming; vaacaka - iva; thus, upama dharma - vaacaka - lupta - upama. One is arthi - dharma lupta, other is tri lupta.
तृषाकुलैश्चातकपक्षिणाम् कुलैः
प्रयाचितास् तोयभरावलम्बिनः।
प्रयान्ति मन्दम् बहुधारवर्षिणो
बलाहकाः श्रोत्रमनोहरस्वनाः २-३
tṛṣākulaiścātakapakṣiṇām kulaiḥ
prayācitās toyabharāvalambinaḥ |
prayānti mandam bahudhāravarṣiṇo
balāhakāḥ śrotramanoharasvanāḥ || 2-3
tR^iSaa aakulaiH caataka pakshiNaam kulaiH prayaacitaa toya bhara avala.mbanaH prayaanti mandam bahu dhaara varShiNo valaahaakaH shrotra manohara svanaaH
2-3. tR^iSaa aakulaiH= by thirst, disquieted; caataka pakshiNaam kulaiH= by caataka, birds, stock of; pra yaacitaa= verily, praying; toya bhara avalambanaH= water, filled ones, danglers; bahu dhaara= with many, showers; varShiNaH= those that shower rain - clouds; shrotra manohara svanaaH = for ears, pleasing, with such rumblings; valaa haakaH = clouds; mandam prayaanti= slowly, drifting.
"The stock of Caataka birds that is disquieted with thirst, and though praying prayerfully for raindrops, those water-filled danglers in the sky, namely the clouds, that have many showers to shower, and though their rumblings are heart-stealing and ear-filling indicating rainfall, but those clouds are drifting away, slowly... heedless of the prayers of poor Caataka birds... [2-3]
The caataka are one species that quenches its thirst only by rainwater before it falls onto ground. They are said to fly against the raindrops and suck them off in mid sky to their satiety and remain without thirst, until the next rain, somewhat like camels.
सुरेन्द्रचापम् दधतस् तडिद्गुणम्।
तुदन्ति चेतः प्रसभम् प्रवासिनाम्॥ २-४
balāhakaś cāśaniśabdamardalāḥ
surendracāpam dadhatas taḍidguṇam |
tudanti cetaḥ prasabham pravāsinām || 2-4
tR^iShAkulaish cAtakapakShiNAm kulaiH
prayAcitAs toyabharAvalambinaH |
prayAnti mandam bahudhAravarShiNo
balAhakAH shrotramanoharasvanAH || 2-4
valaahakaaH ca ashani shabda mardalaaH surendra caapam dadhataH taTit guNam sutiikshNa dhaaraa patana ugra saayakaiH tudanti cetaH prasabham pravaasinaam
2-4. ashani shabda mardalaaH= thunderbolt, crashing, as its percussion instruments [drum kits]; taTit guNam= lightning flash, as bowstrings; sura indra caapam= gods, chief's, longbow [on Indra's bow= on rainbows]; dadhataH valaahakaaH ca= wearing [wielding,] clouds, even; su tiikshNa dhaaraa= very, sharp, torrents; patana ugra saayakaiH= unloosening, sharp, arrows; pravaasinaam cetaH= itinerant's, hearts; prasabham tudanti= ruthlessly, rending.
"Sounding thunderclaps for wardrum beats, waving lightning flashes for flashy bowstrings on rainbows, unloosening harsh torrents for sharp arrows therefrom, the soldiers of fortune called darkclouds seemed to be battling on behalf of itinerants' ladyloves, against the lovelorn itinerants rending their hearts ruthlessly. [2-4]
प्रभिन्नवैदूर्यनिभैस् तृणाङ्कुरैः
विभाति शुक्लेतररत्नभूषिता
वाराङ्गनेव क्षितिर् इन्द्रगोपकैः॥ २-५
prabhinnavaidūryanibhais tṛṇāṅkuraiḥ
samācitāprotthitakandalīdalaiḥ |
vibhāti śukletararatnabhūṣitā
vārāṅganeva kṣitir indragopakaiḥ || 2-5
prabhinnavaidUryanibhais tR^iNA~NkuraiH
samAcitAprotthitakandalIdalaiH |
vibhAti shukletararatnabhUShitA
vArA~Nganeva kShitir indragopakaiH || 2-5
prabhinna vaiduurya nibhaiH tR^iNa ankuraiH samaacitaa protthita ka.ndalii dalaiH vibhaati shukla itara ratna bhuuSitaa vara a.ngana iva kshiti indragopakaiH
2-5. kshiti= earth; pra bhinna= variously, smashed [to smithereens]; vaiduurya nibhaiH= lapis gem, similar in shine; tR^iNa ankuraiH= grass, with sprouts; pra utthita= much, sprouted; kandalii= with a plant that sprouts abundantly in rainy season; dalaiH= with its leaves; samaacitaa= overspread; indragopakaiH= with red insects; shukla itara ratna= white, other than, with jewels; bhuuSitaa= decorated; vara angana iva= best, lady, like; vibhaati= beams forth.
"Earth with grass sprouts seems spread with smithers of lapis gems, for the grass has yet not attained that much greenery; much sprouted and overspread are the greenish leaves of kandali plants that suddenly sprout in rainy seasons; amidst such a greensward red insects are much mosaicked, thus the earth is beaming forth like a best lady decorated in many coloured jewels, other than whitish diamonds and other crystalline ones. [2-5]
The earth is decorated with jewelly grass that is other than white in colour. And 4. ashani shabda mardalaaH= thunderbolt, crashing, as its percussion instruments [drum kits]; taTit guNam= lightning flash, as its bowstring; sura indra caapam= gods, chief's, longbow [Indra's bow= rainbow ]; dadhataH valaahakaaH ca= wearing [wielding,] clouds, even; su tiikshNa dhaaraa= very, sharp, torrents; patana ugra saayakaiH= unloosening, sharp, arrows; pravaasinaam cetaH= itinerant's, hearts; prasabham tudanti= ruthlessly, rending.vaiduurya indraniila padmaraaga aadi maNimaya bhuuSaNa bhuuSitaa yoSitaa.< p class="comment">Hencen class="span1">upama - prabhinna vaiduuryaaH, lapis gems; upameya - tR^iNa ankuraaH, grass sprouts; saadhaaraNa dharma - unsaid; vaacka - nibha, shines forth; dharma lupta - arthi - upama. tR^iNa ankura, proddhita kandalii dala, indra gopaka, samaacitaa - these are objects; shukla itara ratna [maya bhuuSaNa] bhuuSitaa - mirrored image; though the objects to be mirrored have no equal resemblance, their attributes have them. anugaamitva bimba pratipada bimba bhaava mishraNa with shrouti puurNopama . For the word kadalii some say it is mushroom, and some say it is ground level banana plant.
सदा मनोज्ञम् स्वनदुत्सवोत्सुकं
प्रवृत्तनृत्यम् कुलम् अद्य बर्हिणाम्॥ २-६
sadā manojñam svanadutsavotsukaṁ
vikīrṇavistīrṇakalāpaśobhitam |
pravṛttanṛtyam kulam adya barhiṇām || 2-6
sadA manoj~nam svanadutsavotsukaM
vikIrNavistIrNakalApashobhitam |
pravR^ittanR^ityam kulam adya barhiNAm || 2-6
sadaa manoj~nam svanat utsava utsukam vikiirNa vistiirNa kalaapa shobhitam sa sa.mbhram aali.ngana cu.mbana akulam pravR^itta nR^ityam kulam adya barhiNaam
2-6. sadaa= evermore; manoj~nam= heart-pleasing; svanat= with screams; utsava= with hilarity; utsukam= with fidgety; vi kiirNa= verily, outstretching; vistiirNa= expansive; kalaapa= plumage; shobhitam= brilliant; sa sambhrama= with, impulse [impulsively]; aalingana cumbana akulam= for hugging [for petting,] for kissing [for pecking]; barhiNaam kulam= peacocks [and peahens'] stock of; adya= now; pravR^itta= commenced; nR^ityam= to dance.
"This cloudy and showery environ is evermore heart-pleasing to peacocks, hence they are screaming with hilarity and fidgety, and the whole stock of peacocks is brilliant when its fanlike expansive plumage is outstretched, and on impulsively petting and pecking peahens, now they have commenced their peacock-dance... [2-6]
निपातयन्त्यः परितस् तटद्रुमान्
प्रवृद्धवेगैः सलिलैर् अनिर्मलैः।
स्त्रियः सुदुष्टा इव जातिविभ्रमाः
प्रयान्ति नद्यस् त्वरितम् पयोनिधिम्॥ २-७
nipātayantyaḥ paritas taṭadrumān
pravṛddhavegaiḥ salilair anirmalaiḥ |
striyaḥ suduṣṭā iva jātivibhramāḥ
prayānti nadyas tvaritam payonidhim || 2-7
nipAtayantyaH paritas taTadrumAn
pravR^iddhavegaiH salilair anirmalaiH |
striyaH suduShTA iva jAtivibhramAH
prayAnti nadyas tvaritam payonidhim || 2-7
nipaatayantyaH paritaH taTa drumaan pravR^iddha vegaiH salilaiH anirmalaiH striyaH su duSTaa iva jaata vibhramaaH prayaanti nadyaH tvaritam payonidhim
2-7. pra vR^iddha=< highly, intensified ; vegaiH= with rapidity; a + nirmalaiH= not, clean [miry]; salilaiH= with waters paritaH= all about [ubiquitously]; taTa drumaan= on banks [riverine,] trees; ni paata yantyaH= down, felling; jaata vibhramaaH= birthed [seasonally occasioned,] excitement; nadyaH= rivers; su duSTaaH= very, with vileness [with misdemeanour]; striyaH iva= maidens, in similitude; payaH nidhim= to water, treasure [to ocean]; tvaritam prayaanti= hastily [recklessly,] jaunt [hurtling.]
"Highly intensified is the rapidity of the waters of these maidens called rivers, which similes with the promptitude of maidens with misdemeanour, where these waters are new and thus miry, while those dames are newly maturated and thus they are in the mire of maturity, while these waters are hurtling hastily towards their lover, called the ocean, with a seasonally created excitement, those damsels are flirtatiously jaunting with their flirty lovers, and in doing so both of them are reckless about their own kith and kin, since the rapid watercourse of rivers is felling its riverine trees, ubiquitously... and the flirty jaunting of those dames is felling the reputation of her family, far and wide... ah, a season is the culprit to cause a seasonal itch... [2-7]
Here the upama - women, not wicked women, but with misdemeanour, or with something like seven year itch... upameya - rushy rivers; saa. dharma - hastiness; vaacaka - iva. And the words payonidhim, jaata vibhramaaH,m prakaamaaH are shliSTa, hence in this anugaamitva - shleSa mishraNa is there. There is similar expression in shaakuntalkam - vyapadesha maavilayitum kim iihase? janam imam ca paatayitum | kuulamkaSam eva sindhuH prasannam ambhaH taTa ruham ca || shaakuntalam 5-21.
तृणोत्करैर् उद्गतकोमलाङ्कुरैर्
वनानि वैन्ध्यानि हरन्ति मानसं
विभूषितान्य् उद्गतपल्लवैर् दृशैः २-८
tṛṇotkarair udgatakomalāṅkurair
vicitranīlahariṇīmukhakṣataiḥ |
vanāni vaindhyāni haranti mānasaṁ
vibhūṣitāny udgatapallavair dṛśaiḥ || 2-8
tR^iNotkarair udgatakomalA~Nkurair
vicitranIlahariNImukhakShataiH |
vanAni vaindhyAni haranti mAnasaM
vibhUShitAny udgatapallavair dR^ishaiH || 2-8
tR^iNa utkaraiH udgata komala a.nkuraiH vicitra niilaiH hariNii mukha kshataiH vanaani vaindhyaani haranti maanasam vibhuuSitaani udgata pallavaiH drumaiH
2-8. ut gata= up, gone [upshot]; komala ankuraiH= tender, sprouts; [citaani niilaiH= greensward, blackish]; hariNii= by deer [and other animals, as upa lakshaNa]; mukha= mouth; kshataiH= whittled [mown, grazed]; vicitra= divers [in hues]; niilaiH= blackish; tR^iNa utkaraiH = grass, stacks; ut gata= up, cast; pallavaiH= with tender leaflets; drumaiH= with trees; vi bhuuSitaani= ornately, decorated; vaindhyaani vanaani= Vindhya mountains, forests of; haranti= stealing; maanasam= heart.
"With the advent of rains upshot are the tender sprouts of grass, and the greensward when grazed by deer and other grazers, it is divers in its hue, somewhere with blackish patches, elsewhere with stacks of grass, and somewhere else with verdant pastures, and with their upcast tender leaflets the trees are ornately decorating the Vindhya mountains, thus the environ is heart-stealing, picturesquely... [2-8]
मृगैः समन्ताद् उपजातसाध्वसैः।
समाचिता सैकतिनी वनस्थली
समुत्सुकत्वम् प्रकरोति चेतसःाः॥ २-९
mṛgaiḥ samantād upajātasādhvasaiḥ |
samācitā saikatinī vanasthalī
samutsukatvam prakaroti cetasaḥ || 2-9
mR^igaiH samantAd upajAtasAdhvasaiH |
samAcitA saikatinI vanasthalI
samutsukatvam prakaroti cetasaH || 2-9
vilola netra utpala shobhita aananaiH mR^igaiH samantaat upajaata saadhvasaiH samaacitaa saikatinii vana sthalii samutsuktvam prakaro ti cetasaH
2-9. vi lola= swiftly, zipping; netra utpala= with eyes, [akin to] black-lotuses; shobhita aananaiH= [with such eyes] sheeny, with faces; upa jaata= just, born; saadhvasaiH= with startling; mR^igaiH= deer; samantaat= all over; samaacitaa= overcrowded; saikatinii= sand-beds; vana= forest; sthalii= place [thickets]; cetasaH= for heart; pra karoti= promptly, making [rendering]; sam utsuktvam= with high, ecstasy.
"Oh, dear, sheeny are the faces of the deer with their swiftly zipping eyes, which are akin to black-lotuses and to your eyes as well, and they the deer and you, zip your eyes more and more, when there is a thunder or a rumble, then you run into my embrace, as they run to overcrowd the white sand-beds amidst lushly thickets of forests, and this georgic beauty of forests and the graceful beauty of yours, all this is promptly rendering the heart highly ecstatic... [2-9]
अभीक्ष्णम् उच्चैर् ध्वनता पयोमुचा
घनान्धकारीकृतशर्वरीष्व् अपि।
प्रयान्ति रागाद् अभिसारिकाः स्तिर्यः ॥ २-१०
abhīkṣṇam uccair dhvanatā payomucā
ghanāndhakārīkṛtaśarvarīṣv api |
prayānti rāgād abhisārikāḥ stiryaḥ || 2-10
abhIkShNam uccair dhvanatA payomucA
ghanAndhakArIkR^itasharvarIShv api |
prayAnti rAgAd abhisArikAH stiryaH | 2-10
abhiikshNam uccaiH ghanataa payo mucaa ghana a.ndhakaarii kR^ita sharvariiSu api tatit prabhaa darshita maarga bhuumayaH prayaanti raagaat abisaarikaaH striyaH
2-10. abhisaarikaaH striyaH= lover seeking, women; abhiikshNam= often; uccaiH ghanataa= highly [ thunderously,] by thundering; payaH mucaa= water, releasers [by clouds]; ghana andhakaarii kR^ita= pitch, darkness, rendered; sharvariiSu api= nights, even in them; taTit= by lightning's; prabhaa = flash; darshita= shown; maarga= pathways; bhuumayaH= of ground; raagaat= owing to impassion; prayaanti= make haste.
"Though the cloud-cover rendered the nights as pitch-dark, and though thundering is thunderous, and though the pathways on ground are indiscernible for it is pitch-black, even in such nights the lover-seeking women are making haste on those paths, that are indiscernibly shown by the flashes of torch-lights, called the flashes of lightning, for they are impassioned to meet their lovers, to all intents and purposes... [2-10]
पयोधरैर् भीमगभीरनिःस्वनैस्
तडिद्भिर् उद्वेजितचेतसो भृशम्।
कृतापराधान् अपि योषितः प्रियान्
परिष्वजन्ते शयने निरन्तरम्॥ २-११
payodharair bhīmagabhīraniḥsvanais
taḍidbhir udvejitacetaso bhṛśam |
kṛtāparādhān api yoṣitaḥ priyān
pariṣvajante śayane nirantaram || 2-11
payodharair bhImagabhIraniHsvanais
taDidbhir udvejitacetaso bhR^isham |
kR^itAparAdhAn api yoShitaH priyAn
pariShvajante shayane nirantaram || 2-11
payodharaiH bhiima gabhiira nisvanaiH taTitbhiH udvejita cetaso bhR^isham kR^ita aparaadhaan api yoSitaH priyaan pariSvajante shayane nirantaram
2-11. bhiima= fiercely [thunderingly]; gabhiira= thunderously; nisvanaiH= having thunders; payodharaiH = by water carriers, [by clouds]; taTitbhiH= by flashes of lightning; bhR^isham= highly; udvejita cetasaH= afraid, at heart; yoSitaH= woman [usually plural, women, but taken here as singular]; kR^ita aparaadhaan api= having committed, mistakes, even; priyaan= with lover; shayane= on bed; nir antaram= without, leeway [closely, tightly, airtight manner]; pariSvajante= embracing.
"A couple sleeping on a bed, but each at the each end of that bed, and when her man is in sound sleep, she is without any rapid eye-movement, for she is thinking that rapidly about the peccadilloes of her man with some 'other' woman/women, and when she wanted to conclude her man to be a beguiler, as said guuDha vi priya kR^it SaThaH'one who performs libidinous deeds stealthily, is a beguiler...' then a thunderous cloud thundered thunderingly, and in a trice she embraced her man in an airtight manner, notwithstanding his slyness, for he is her man... thus the seasons unite the divided... [2-11]
स्थिता निराशाः प्रमदाः प्रवासिनाम्॥ २-१२
niṣiktabimbādharacārupallavāḥ |
sthitā nirāśāḥ pramadāḥ pravāsinām || 2-12
niShiktabimbAdharacArupallavAH |
sthitA nirAshAH pramadAH pravAsinAm || 2-12
vilocane indiivara vaari bindubhiH niSikta bi.mbaadhara caaru pallavaaH nirasta maalya aabharaNa anulepanaaH sthitaa niraashaaH pramadaaH pravaasinaam
2-12. indiivara= lotus like; vilocan= in eyes; vaari= water; bindubhiH= with drops [teardrops]; niSikta= moist with; bimba= Bimba fruit [Bryonia grandis]; adhara= lower-lip; caaru pallavaaH= delicate, tender leaf-like; nirasta= rejecting; maalya aabharaNa anulepanaaH= garlands, ornaments, cosmetics; pravaasinaam= of itinerants; pramadaaH= ladyloves; nir aashaaH= without, hope; sthitaa= staying back.
"While their lotus-like eyes are shedding teardrops that are moistening their delicate and tender leaf-like lower lips, that are crimson in colour like Bimba fruit, a lip-like small gourd fruit that becomes crimson red when ripened, and they are rejecting their garlands, ornaments or cosmetics, for those ladyloves of itinerants are staying back at home, hopeless of the return of their men in this season, as said proSite malinaa kR^ishaa 'by sojourners enmired and emaciated are their wives...' thus the seasons divide the united... [2-12]
विपाण्डुरम् कीटरजस्तृणान्वितम्
भुजङ्गवद् वक्रगतिप्रसर्पितम्।
ससाध्वसैर् भेककुलैर् निरीक्षितम्
प्रयाति निम्नाभिमुखम् नवोदकम्॥ २-१३
vipāṇḍuram kīṭarajastṛṇānvitaṁ
bhujaṅgavad vakragatiprasarpitam |
sasādhvasair bhekakulair nirīkṣitaṁ
prayāti nimnābhimukham navodakam|| 2-13
vipANDuram kITarajastR^iNAnvitam
bhuja.NNgavad vakragatiprasarpitam |
sasAdhvasair bhekakulair nirIkShitam
prayAti nimnAbhimukhaM navodakam || 2-13
vipaaNDuram kiiTa rajaH tR^iNa anvitam bhujangavat vakra gati prasarpitam sa saadhvasaiH bheka kulaiH niriikshitam prayaati nimna abhimukham nava udakam
2-13. nava udakam= new, water; vi paaNDuram= very, whitely [yellowish]; kiiTa rajaH tR^iNa= insects, dirt, grass; anvitam= commingled [begrimed]; bhujanga vat= serpent, like; vakra gati prasarpitam= sinuously, in way, going [cruising in a serpiginous course]; nimna abhi mukham= declivity, towards, facedly [facing a declivitous path towards ocean]; prayaati= journeying [when skittering off]; niriikshitam= is observed; bheka kulaiH= by frogs, stock; sa saadhvasaiH= with, trepidation
"Though the rainwater is new and crystalline but when collected by river it turned to whitish yellow colour of the soil, for begrimed is the river water with dirt, grass, and insects, and when it is skittering off in a serpiginous course facing a declivitous path towards ocean, the stock of frogs that have come out of that river seeking rain, they have observed that river with some trepidation, for those frogs are sceptical whether a python is snaking or a pythonic river is slinking... [2-13]
विपत्रपुष्पाम् नलिनीम् समुत्सुका
विहाय भृङ्गाः श्रुतिहारिनिःस्वनाः।
पतन्ति मूढाः शिखिनाम् प्रनृत्यतां
कलापचक्रेषु नवोत्पलाशया॥ २-१४
vipatrapuṣpām nalinīm samutsukā
vihāya bhṛṅgāḥ śrutihāriniḥsvanāḥ |
patanti mūḍhāḥ śikhinām pranṛtyatāṁ
kalāpacakreṣu navotpalāśayā || 2-14
vipatrapuShpAm nalinIm samutsukA
vihAya bhR^i~NgAH shrutihAriniHsvanAH |
patanti mUDhAH shikhinAm pranR^ityatAM
kalApacakreShu navotpalAshayA|| 2-14
vipatra puSpaam naliniim samutsukaa vihaaya bhR^ingaaH shruti haari niHsvanaaH patanti muuDhaa shikhiinaam pranR^ityataam kalaapa cakreSu nava utpala aashayaa
2-14. vi patra puSpaam= without, petals, flowers [petal-less flowers]; naliniim vihaaya= lotuses, on abandoning; sam utsukaaH= with, rapture [rapturously]; shruti haari niH svanaaH= ear, stealing, out, sounding [buzzing mellifluously]; bhR^ingaaH= honeybees; nava utpala= new, costuses [a kind of blackish bluish, nearly peacocks blue lotuses]; aashayaa= solicitously; muuDhaa= those that cannot distinguish, muddle-headed ones vastu vibhaaga j~naana shuunya ; pra nR^ityataam = well [twitch,] dancing; shikhiinaam= of peacocks; kalaapa= plumage; cakreSu= on circular [fanlike]; patanti= falling [swarming.]
"Rains denuded the flowers of their petals, therefor on abandoning the petal-less lotuses the honeybees, solicitous of nectar and desirous to swarm the newborn peacock-coloured costuses, buzzing mellifluously they are muddle-headedly swarming on the circular fanlike plumages of peacocks, that are twitch-dancing in the rain... [2-14]
वनद्विपानाम् नववारिदस्वनैर्
मदान्वितानाम् ध्वनताम् मुहुर् मुहुः।
कपोलदेशा विमलोत्पलप्रभाः
सभृङ्गयूथैर् मदवारिभिश् चिता॥ २-१५
vanadvipānām navavāridasvanair
madānvitānām dhvanatām muhur muhuḥ |
kapoladeśā vimalotpalaprabhāḥ
sabhṛṅgayūthair madavāribhiś citā || 2-15
vanadvipAnAm navavAridasvanair
madAnvitAnAm dhvanatAm muhur muhuH |
kapoladeshA vimalotpalaprabhAH
sabhR^i~NgayUthair madavAribhish citA || 2-15
vana dvipaanaam nava vaarida svanaiH mada anvitaanaam dhvanataam muhur muhuH kapola deshaa vimala utpala prabhaaH sa bhR^inga yuudhaiH mada vaaribhiH citaaH
2-15. nava vaari da= new, water, giver [cloud]; svanaiH= by the sound of [by thunders]; mada anvitaanaam = rut, having [ruttish elephants]; muhuH muhuH= again, again; dhvanataam= trumpeting; vana dvipaanaam= forest [wild,] elephants; vi mala= without, dirt [pristine]; utpala prabhaaH= black lotuses, with the shine of; kapola deshaa= cheek, places of; sa bhR^inga yudhaiH = with, honeybee, hosts of; mada vaaribhiH citaaH= ruttish, water [tallowy fluids,] rife with.
"When dark clouds full with new waters are thundering repeatedly, the ruttish wild elephants are repeatedly responding them with their own trumpeting, on the premiss that the thunders are the trumping of the 'other-she-elephants' in rut, and while the cheeks of those elephants are shining like the shiny black-lotuses, and rife with ruttish tallowy fluids, hordes of honeybees are harrying them, for that tallowy stench... [2-15]
समाचिताः प्रस्रवणैः समन्ततः।
प्रवृत्तनृत्यैः शिखिभिः समाकुलाः
समुत्सुकत्वम् जनयन्ति भूधराः॥ २-१६
samācitāḥ prasravaṇaiḥ samantataḥ |
pravṛttanṛtyaiḥ śikhibhiḥ samākulāḥ
samutsukatvam janayanti bhūdharāḥ || 2-16
samAcitAH prasravaNaiH samantataH |
pravR^ittanR^ityaiH shikhibhiH samAkulAH
samutsukatvam janayanti bhUdharAH || 2-16
sita utpala aabhaa a.mbuda cu.mbita upalaaH samaacitaaH prasravaNaiH sama.ntataH pravR^itta nR^ittaiH shikhibhiH samaakulaaH samutsukatvam janayanti bhuu dharaaH
2-16. sita utpala aabhaa= white, lotus, in shine; ambuda cumbita= by cloud, kissed; upalaaH= boulders [of mountains]; samantataH= everywhere; prasravaNaiH= by rapids; samaacitaaH= bestrewn; pravR^itta nR^ittaiH= started [debuts,] of dancing; shikhibhiH= by peacocks; samaakulaaH = widespread; bhuu dharaaH= earth, borne [mountains]; sam utsukatvam= with, carnival [carnivalesque revelry]; janayanti= inducing.
"The silver clouds that vie with the whiteness of white lotuses are kissing the black boulders of mountains on mountaintops, while the mountainsides are bestrewn with mountain-rapids, and widespread with debut dancing of peacocks, and all this is inducing a carnivalesque visual revelry... [2-16]
विकम्पयंस् तत्कुसुमाधिवासिनः।
समीरणः कम् न करोति सोत्सुकम्॥ २-१७
vikampayaṁs tatkusumādhivāsinaḥ |
samīraṇaḥ kam na karoti sotsukam|| 2-17
vikampayaMs tatkusumAdhivAsinaH |
samIraNaH kam na karoti sotsukam || 2-17
kada.mba sarja arjuna ketakii vanam vika.mpayan tat kusuma adhivaasitaH sasiikara a.mbhodhara sa.nga shiitalaH samiikaraNaH kim na karoti sa utsukam
2-17. kadamba= Kadamba; sarja= Sarja; arjuna= Arjuna; ketakii= Ketaki; vanam= of woodlands; vi kampayan= verily [smoothly,] ruffling [trees at their tops]; tat kusuma= that, of flowers; adhi vaasitaH = muchly, fragranced; sa siikara= with, cool droplets; ambhaH dhara = water, carriers [clouds]; sanga= allied with; shiitalaH= coolant; samiikaraNaH= wind [zephyr, breeze]; sa utsukam= with, ecstasy [affair of the heart]; kim na karoti= why, not, does.
"The zephyr is smoothly ruffling the treetops of Kadamba, Sarja, Arjuna and Ketaki trees in woodlands, and the fragrance of those flowers is wafting windswept, further allied with the coolant clouds that are with cool droplets of rainwater, the breeze in this rainy season is muchly fragranced and coolant as well, then why can't this breeze breath affair of the heat in any heart... [2-17]
शिरोरुहैः श्रोणितटावलम्बिभिः
कृतावतंसैः कुसुमैः सुगन्धिभिः।
स्तनैः सहारैर् वदनैः ससीधुभिः
स्त्रियो रतिम् सञ्जनयन्ति कामिनाम्॥ २-१८
śiroruhaiḥ śroṇitaṭāvalambibhiḥ
kṛtāvataṁsaiḥ kusumaiḥ sugandhibhiḥ |
stanaiḥ sahārair vadanaiḥ sasīdhubhiḥ
striyo ratim sañjanayanti kāminām|| 2-18
shiroruhaiH shroNitaTAvalambibhiH
kR^itAvataMsaiH kusumaiH sugandhibhiH |
stanaiH sahArair vadanaiH sasIdhubhiH
striyo ratim sa~njanayanti kAminAm || 2-18
shiroruhaiH shroNi taTaa avala.mbibhiH kR^ita avata.msaiH kusumaiH suga.ndhibhiH stanaiH sa haaraiH vadanaiH sa siidubhiH striyo ratim sa.mjanayanti kaaminaam
2-18. shroNi taTa= fundaments, surface [convexity]; ava lambibhiH= down, dangling; shiroruhaiH= with head hair [braids]; kR^ita avatamsaiH= made, with head-gears [coroneted with flowers]; sugandhibhiH kusumaiH= of fine fragrance, with flowers; sa haaraiH= with, pearly pendants; stanaiH = with breasts; sa siidubhiH vadanaiH= with, [aroma of] strong drinks, faces; striyaH= women; kaaminaam= in lovers; ratim= arousal; samjanayanti= niftily arousing.
"While the braids are dangling down onto the convexities of the their fundaments, their heads coroneted with flowers of fine fragrance and while the pearly pendants are dangling from upon the convexities of their breasts, and while their gleeful faces are aromatic with strong drinks, thus these voluptuous women are niftily arousing arousal in their lovers...
पयोधरास् तोयभरावलम्बिनः।
स्त्रियश् च काञ्चीमणिकुण्डलोज्ज्वला
हरन्ति चेतो युगपत् प्रवासिनाम्॥ २-१९
payodharās toyabharāvalambinaḥ |
striyaś ca kāñcīmaṇikuṇḍalojjvalā
haranti ceto yugapat pravāsinām || 2-19
payodharAs toyabharAvalambinaaH |
striyash ca kA~ncImaNikuNDalojjvalA
haranti ceto yugapat pravAsinAm || 2-19
taTit lataa shakra dhanuH vibhuuSitaaH payo dharaaH toya bhara avala.mbinaH striyaH ca kaa.ncii maNi kuNDala ujvalaa haranti ceto yugapat pravaasinaam
2-19. taTit lataa= lightning, with creepers [wiry flashes]; shakra dhanuH= Indra's, longbow [rainbow]; vibhuuSitaaH= well decorated with; toya bhara= water, weight of; ava lambinaH = down, dangling; payaH dharaaH= water, bearers [black-clouds]; kaancii= waist-strings; maNi kuNDala= jewelly, ear-hangings; ujvalaa= brightly [vivacious]; striyaH ca = womenfolk, even; pravaasinaam= sojourners'; cetaH= heart; yugapat= instantly; haranti= stealing.
"Well decorated are the water-bearing blackish clouds with the wiry flashes of lightning and with rainbows, and they are flashily dangling down with the weight of water, likewise the jewelly ear-hangings and waist-strings of the womenfolk are dangling down that flashily, thus even those vivacious women are instantly stealing the hearts of sojourners, for these exotic women are reminiscent of the ladyloves of those sojourners... [2-19]
मालाः कदम्बनवकेसरकेतकीभिर्
आयोजिताः शिरसि बिभ्रति योषितोऽद्य।
कर्णान्तरेषु ककुभद्रुममञ्जरीभिर्
इच्चानुकूलरचितान् अवतंसकांश् च॥२-२०
mālāḥ kadambanavakesaraketakībhir
āyojitāḥ śirasi bibhrati yoṣito'dya |
karṇāntareṣu kakubhadrumamañjarībhir
iccānukūlaracitān avataṁsakāṁś ca || 2-20
maalaaH kada.mba nava kesara ketakiibhiH aayojitaaH shirashi bibhrati yoSito adya karNa a.ntareSu kakubha druma ma.njariibhiH icCha anukuula racitaan avata.nsakaan ca
2-20. adya= now; yoSitaH= women; shirashi= on head; kadamba= Kadamba; nava kesara = new, Kesara; ketakiibhiH= Ketaki [flowers]; aayojitaaH maalaaH= concatenated, tassels; karNa antareSu= ear, in glens [at the place of hairslide]; kakubha druma manjariibhiH= Kakubha, tree's, bunches of flowers; icCha anukuula= desire, in tune with [as they like]; racitaan= putting in order; avasantakaan ca bibhrati= ear-hangings, also, wearing.
"Now the women are wearing the concatenated tassels of newborn flowers of Kadamba, Kesara, and Ketaki trees, and at the place of hairslide they are wearing the bunches of flowers of Kakubha trees as their ear-hangings, on concatenating them as they like... [2-20]
श्रुत्वा ध्वनिम् जलमुचाम् त्वरितम् प्रदोषं
शय्यागृहम् गुरुगृहात् प्रदिशन्ति नार्यः॥ २-२१
puṣpāvataṁsasurabhīkṛtakeśapāśāḥ |
śrutvā dhvanim jalamucām tvaritam pradoṣaṁ
śayyāgṛham gurugṛhāt pradiśanti nāryaḥ || 2-21
puShpAvataMsasurabhIkR^itakeshapAshAH |
shrutvA dhvanim jalamucAm tvaritam pradoShaM
shayyAgR^iham gurugR^ihAt pradishanti nAryaH || 2-21
kaala aguru pracura ca.ndana carcita angyaH puSa avatamsa surabhii kR^ita kesha paashaaH shrutvaa dhvanim jala mucaam tvaritam pradoSe shayyaa gR^iham guru gR^ihaat pravisha.nti naaryaH
2-21. kaala aguru= black, aloe vera; pracura candana carcita= quite, sandal-paste, bedaubed; angyaH= with limbs; puSa avatamsa= flowers, as ear-hangings; surabhii kR^ita= fragrance, rendered as; kesha paashaaH= hair, plaited; shrutvaa= on hearing; dhvanim= sound of; jala mucaam= of water, releasers, [rumbles of clouds]; tvaritam= hastily; pradoSe= at nightfall; shayyaa gR^iham= bed, chamber; pravishanti naaryaH= entering, women; guru gR^ihaat= elder's [in-laws] from chambers.
"These days the women are not applying sandal-paste that is mixed with yellow camphor etc., for it will be too coolant, and hence their limbs are quietly bedaubed with the powder of aloe vera and sandal-paste as bodily scents, and with flowers bedecked as ear-hangings at hairslides, their plaited hairdo is rendered fragrant with these flowers and shampoos, such as they are, they are in the service of their in-laws in their chambers, but on hearing the rumbles of clouds, they are hastening themselves to their own bedchambers, where their men are in long wait, though the nightfall has not fallen that deep...[2-21]
कुवलयदलनीलैर् उन्नतैस् तोयनम्रैर्
मृदुपवनैर् मन्दमन्दम् चलद्भिः।
अपहृतम् इव चेतस् तोयदैः सेन्द्रचापैः
पथिकजनवधूनाम् तद्वियोगाकुलानाम्॥ २-२२
kuvalayadalanīlair unnatais toyanamrair
mṛdupavanair mandamandam caladbhiḥ |
apahṛtam iva cetas toyadaiḥ sendracāpaiḥ
pathikajanavadhūnām tadviyogākulānām|| 2-22
kuvalayadalanIlair unnatais toyanamrair
mR^idupavanair mandamandam caladbhiH |
apahR^itam iva cetas toyadaiH sendracApaiH
pathikajanavadhUnAm tadviyogAkulAnAm || 2-22
kuvalaya dala niilaiH unnataiH toya namraiH mR^idu pavana vidhuutaiH manda mandam caladbhiH apahR^ita cetaH toyadaiH sa indra caapaiH padhika jana vadhuunaam tad viyoga aakulaanaam
2-22. kuvalaya dala niilaiH= black lotus, petal like, blackish; unnataiH= far-flung; toya namraiH= by water, stooping; mR^idu pavana vi dhuutaiH= by light [whiffle,] wind, lightly, whiffed; manda mandam= slow, and slowly; caladbhiH= milling around; toyadaiH = by clouds; sa indra caapaiH= with, Indra's, longbows [with rainbows]; tat= by that reason [of separation from wayfarers]; viyoga= by separation; aakulaanaam= disconcerted; padhika jana vadhuunaam= way, farers', young wives; cetaH= heart; apahR^ita [iva]= stolen [as though.]
"The far-flung clouds are blackish like the black-lotus petals, enchased with rainbows, and they are now stooping, as with Manmadha, the Love-god, who stoops to take an aim with his love-bow, and then lightly whiffed by the whiffle of wind these clouds are milling about slowly and slowly, and the young wives of wayfarers, who are disconcerted mainly by the reason of separation from their men, and additionally by these whifflling, milling, stooping archers, called clouds, wielding rainbows as their love-bows, as they seem coming slowly and slowly only to steal the hearts of the lonely young wives of wayfarers... [2-22]
मुदित इव कदम्बैर् जातिपुष्पैः समन्तात्
पवनचलितशाखैः शाखिभिर् नृत्यतीव।
हसितम् इव विधत्ते सूचिभिः केतकीनां
नवसलिलनिषेकच्चिन्नतापो वनान्तः॥ २-२३
mudita iva kadambair jātipuṣpaiḥ samantāt
pavanacalitaśākhaiḥ śākhibhir nṛtyatīva |
hasitam iva vidhatte sūcibhiḥ ketakīnāṁ
navasalilaniṣekaccinnatāpo vanāntaḥ || 2-23
mudita iva kadambair jAtipuShpaiH samantAt
pavanacalitashAkhaiH shAkhibhir nR^ityatIva |
hasitam iva vidhatte sUcibhiH ketakInAM
navasalilaniShekacchinnatApo vanAntaH|| 2-23
mudita iva kadambaiH jaata puSpaiH sama.ntaat pavana calita shaakhaiH shaakhibhiH nR^ityati iva |hasitam iva vidhatte suuciibhiH ketakiinaam nava salila niSekaat shaa.nta taapaH vanaantaH
2-23. nava salila niSekaat= new, water, by sprinkling; shaanta taapaH= abated, is ardour; vana antaH= forest, up to end [endmost parts]; jaata puSpaiH kadambaiH= newborn, with flowers, of Kadamba trees; mudita iva= gladdened, as though; pavana calita shaakhaiH = by wind, whiffled, boughs; shaakhibhiH nR^ityati iva= with boughs, dancing, as though; ketakiinaam suuciibhiH= of Ketaki [Mogra flowers,] with needle-like blades; samantaat= all-over; hasitam [ha= smile, sita= white, whitish smile= with a toothy grin]; vidhatte iva= bear [displaying,] as though [it appears.]
"When new waters are besprinkled abated is the ardour of the forest, up to its endmost parts, that was once caused by the simmering summer, and with the newborn flowers of Kadamba trees that forest appears as though gladdened, and when the wind is whiffling the boughs, whiffled boughs are dancing as though to the tune of rumbling clouds, and in that dance the whitish needle-like blades of Mogra flowers are appearing to be that forest's whitish toothy grins, and all-over the forest it bears those grins and giggles... [2-23]
शिरसि बकुलमालाम् मालतीभिः समेतां
विकसितनवपुष्पैर् यूथिकाकुड्मलैश् च।
विकचनवकदम्बैः कर्णपूरम् वधूनां
रचयति जलदौघः कान्तवत् काल एषः॥ २-२४
śirasi bakulamālām mālatībhiḥ sametāṁ
vikasitanavapuṣpair yūthikākuḍmalaiś ca |
vikacanavakadambaiḥ karṇapūram vadhūnāṁ
racayati jaladaughaḥ kāntavat kāla eṣaḥ || 2-24
shirasi bakulamAlAm mAlatIbhiH sametAM
vikasitanavapuShpair yUthikAkuDmalaish ca |
vikacanavakadambaiH karNapUram vadhUnAM
racayati jaladaughaH kAntavat kAla eShaH || 2-24
shirasi vakula maalaam maalatiibhiH sametaam vikasita nava puSpaiH yudhikaa kuTmalaiH ca vikaca nava kadambaiH karNapuuram vadhuunaam racayati jalada oghaH kaantavat kaala eSa
2-24. jala da= water, givers [clouds]; oghaH= congeries of; eSa kaala= this, time [season]; maalatiibhiH= Maalati flowers; sametaam= together with; vakula= Vakula flowers; maalaam= [their] tassels; racayati= inscribing [embedding]; vikasita= blossomed; nava puSpaiH = with new, flowers; yudhikaa kuTmalaiH ca= with Yudhika, flower buds, also; vikaca nava kadambaiH= with blossomed, new, Kadamba flowers; karNapuuram= ear-hangings; kaanta vat= lover, like; vadhuunaam shirasi= ladyloves, on heads [on hairdos]; [racayati]= [decorating.]
"In this rainy season when congeries of clouds have showered enough, plethoric is the flowery blossom, hence the womenfolk embed their hairdos with the tassels of Maalati flowers together with Vakula flowers, and with other new blossomy flowers, and the tassels of new buds of Kadamba flowers are pinned and pensile like their ear-hangings, and this has all the hallmarks of lovers, that decorate the hairdos of their ladyloves, themselves with their own hands... [2-24]
Here in the simile, upama - upamaana - kaanta, lover; upameya - rainy season; saadhaaraNa dharma - 1] for trees - flowers on treetops; 2] for ladyloves - flowers on hairdos and at temples; racayati - has two connotations; 1] for rainy season - it readies by blossoming new flowers; 2] for womenfolk - they make ready the garlands and tassels for decoration; vaacaka - vat, ten tulyam; alankaara - anugaamitva - shleSa mishraNa - arthi upama. A commixture of explicit, implied, undercurrent in simile.
दधति वरकुचाग्रैर् उन्नतैर् हारयष्टिं
प्रतनुसितदुकूलान्यायतैः श्रोणिबिम्बैः।
नवजलकणसेकाद् उद्गताम् रोमराजीं
ललितवलिविभङ्गैर् मध्यदेशैश् च नार्यः॥ २-२५
dadhati varakucāgrair unnatair hārayaṣṭiṁ
pratanusitadukūlānyāyataiḥ śroṇibimbaiḥ |
navajalakaṇasekād udgatām romarājīṁ
lalitavalivibhaṅgair madhyadeśaiś ca nāryaḥ || 2-25
dadhati varakucAgrair unnatair hArayaShTiM
pratanusitadukUlAnyAyataiH shroNibimbaiH |
navajalakaNasekAd udgatAm romarAjIM
lalitavalivibha~Ngair madhyadeshaish ca nAryaH || 2-25
dadhati vara kuca agraiH unnataiH haara yaSTim pratanu sita dukuulaani aayataiH shroNi bi.mbaiH nava jala sekaat udgataam roma raajim lalita vali vibhangaiH madhya deshaiH ca naaryaH
2-25. naaryaH women; unnataiH vara kuca agraiH= on busty, best, bosoms, tops; haara yaSTim dadhati= pearl, chains, wearing; aayataiH shroNi bimbaiH= beamy, pelvic, roundish [girdles]; madhya deshaiH ca= in middle, of body [on torso,] also; pra tanu= very, thin; sita dukuulaani= white, finery; lalita vali vibhangaiH= delicate, waist-folds [waistlines,] crimps; nava jala sekaat= new, water, on sprinkling; ud gataam roma raajim [dadhati]= up, shot [bristles up,] hair, line, [they are wearing; rather, they have.]
"The women are wearing sets of chains of pearls on the top of their busty bosoms, and on their beamy pelvic girdles and on their torsos a very thin and white finery, and those torsos wear a delicately crimpy triple-waistline, while their belly wears a very fine hairline that suggests their maturity, which bristles up with the sprinkles of new water... [2-25]
नवजलकणसङ्गाच् चीतताम् आददानः
कुसुमभरनतानाम् लासकः पादपानाम्।
जनितरुचिरगन्धः केतकीनाम् रजोभिः
परिहरति नभस्वान् प्रोषितानाम् मनांसि॥ २-२६
navajalakaṇasaṅgāc cītatām ādadānaḥ
kusumabharanatānām lāsakaḥ pādapānām |
janitaruciragandhaḥ ketakīnām rajobhiḥ
pariharati nabhasvān proṣitānām manāṁsi || 2-26
navajalakaNasa~NgAc chItatAm AdadAnaH
kusumabharanatAnAm lAsakaH pAdapAnAm |
janitaruciragandhaH ketakInAm rajobhiH
pariharati nabhasvAn proShitAnAm manAMsi || 2-26
nava jala kaNa sa.ngaat shiitataam aadadhaanaH kusuma bhara nataanaam laasakaH paadapaanaam janita rucira gandhaH ketakiinaam rajobhiH pariharati nabhasvaan proSitaanaam manaa.msi
2-26. nava jala kaNa sangaat= new, water, molecule [droplet,] by association; shiita taam= coolness; aadadhaanaH= collecting; kusuma bhara= by flowers', weight; nata aanaam paadapaanaam= sagging, trees; laasakaH= by nudging; ketakiinaam rajobhiH= of Mogra flowers, with pollen grains; janita rucira gandhaH= caused [blent,] pleasing, fragrance; nabhasvaan= the breeze; proSitaanaam manaamsi pariharati= of itinerants, hearts, absolutely stealing.
"By their association with droplets of new waters, the trees have collected plenteous water from new rains, thus they are aplenty with flowers, and thus their treetops are sagging under the weight of those flowers, thereby they are unfluctuating, but when nudged by the breeze fluctuated are these sagging flowery treetops, and then this breeze is absolutely stealing the hearts of itinerants, which is blent with the pleasing fragrance of those flowers, as well as with the pollen grains of Mogra flowers, for this very fragrance is remindful of their dear ones, back home... [2-26]
जलधरविनतानाम् आशरयोऽस्माकम् उच्चिर्
अयम् इति जलसेकैस् तोयदास् तोयनम्राः।
अतिशयपरुषाभिर् ग्रीष्मवह्नेः शिलाभिः
समुपजनिततापम् ह्लादयन्तीव विन्ध्यम्॥ २-२७
jaladharavinatānām āśarayo'smākam ucciar
ayam iti jalasekais toyadās toyanamrāḥ |
atiśayaparuṣābhir grīṣmavahneḥ śilābhiḥ
samupajanitatāpam hlādayantīva vindhyam || 2-27
jaladharavinatAnAm Asharayo.asmAkam ucciar
ayam iti jalasekais toyadAs toyanamrAH |
atishayaparuShAbhir grIShmavahneH shilAbhiH
samupajanitatApam hlAdayantIva vindhyam|| 2-27
jala dhara vinataanaam aashrayo asmaakam uccaiH ayam iti jala sekaiH toyadaaH toya namraaH atishaya paruSaabhiH griiSma vahneH shikhaabhiH sa.mupajanita taapam hlaadayanti iva vidhyam
2-27. toya namraaH= by water, weighing down; toyadaaH= clouds; ayam= he is; jala dhara vi nataanaam= by water, weight of, verily, drooping; asmaakam= for us; uccaiH aashrayaH iti= highest, mainstay, thus [on thinking]; atishaya paruSaabhiH= exceedingly, severe; griiSma vahneH shikhaabhiH= summer, with fire's, tongues; sam upajanita= caused; taapam= torridity; vidhyam= of Mt. Vindhya; jala sekaiH= with water, torrents; hlaadayanti iva= gladdening, as though.
"When weighed down with waters the clouds thought thus, 'he, this Mt. Vindhya is our highest mainstay, as we are verily drooping with the weight of water...' and then the clouds have descended on Mt. Vindhya and rained on him, thereby the exceedingly severe torridity of Mt. Vindhya, caused by the tongues of fire of the summer, is mollified by those torrents of rainwater, and thus the Mt. Vindhya is as though gladdened, at the good gesture of the clouds of this season... [2-27]
बहुगुणरमणीयः कामिनीचित्तहारी
तरुविटपलतानाम् बान्धवो निर्विकारः।
जलदसमय एव प्राणिनाम् प्राणभूतो
दिशतु तव हितानि प्रायशो वाञ्चितानि॥ २-२८
bahuguṇaramaṇīyaḥ kāminīcittahārī
taruviṭapalatānām bāndhavo nirvikāraḥ |
jaladasamaya eva prāṇinām prāṇabhūto
diśatu tava hitāni prāyaśo vāñcitāni || 2-28
bahuguNaramaNIyaH kAminIcittahArI
taruviTapalatAnAm bAndhavo nirvikAraH |
jaladasamaya eva prANinAm prANabhUto
dishatu tava hitAni prAyasho vA~nchitAni || 2-28
bahu guNa ramaNiiyaH kaaminii citta haarii taru viTapa lataanaam baandhavo nirvikaaraH jalada samaya eSa praaNinaam praaNa bhuuto dishatu tava hitaani praayasho vaanChitaani
2-28. bahu guNa ramaNiiyaH= by many, hallmarks, heart-pleasing; kaaminii citta haarii = voluptuous women's, heart, stealing; taru viTapa lataanaam= for trees, twigs, tendrils; baandhavaH = altar ego; praaNinaam= for living beings; praaNa bhuutaH = life, spirit of [ilan vital]; nir vikaaraH= not, paroxysmal; eSa jala da samaya = water, giving, time [rainy season]; tava= your; hitaani= expedients; vaanChitaani= expectations; praayashaH dishatu= frequently, may endow.
"Heart-pleasing will be this rainy season with its many a hallmark, and this will be heart-stealing for voluptuous women, and this is the altar ego of trees, twigs and tendrils, and the ilan vital of the living beings, and non-paroxysmal in fetching vaata, pitta, kapha aadi vikaara 'air, bile, phlegm etc., disorders, hence may this rainy season endow all your expedients and expectations, frequently. [2-28]
इति महाकवि कालिदासकृत ऋतुसंहार काव्ये वर्षऋतु वर्णणो नाम द्वितीयः सर्गः
iti mahākavi kālidāsakṛta ṛtusaṁhāra kāvye varṣaṛtu varṇaṇo nāma dvitīyaḥ sargaḥ
Thus, this is the portrayal of varSha, rainy season, the second chapter in Ritu samhaaram of kavi kAlidAsa.
desiraju hanumanta rao, April, 2010
desirajuhrao at yahoo.com