Chapter [Sarga] 40


The departure of Rama from Ayodhya for his exile is depicted. When they are charioted through the streets of Ayodhya the citizenry wails and weeps for Rama's disposition. In his unsurpassable affection towards Rama, King Dasharatha follows the chariot like a commoner, but fails to go further and falls down.

Verse Locator

atha rämaù ca sétä ca lakñmaëaù ca kåta anjaliù |
upasamgåhya räjänam cakrur dénäù pradakñiëam || 2-40-1

1. atha= then; raamashcha= Rama; seetaacha= Seetha; lakshmaNascha= as Lakshmana; diinaaH= who felt miserable; upasamgR^ihya= bowed down by touching the feet; raajaanam= of the king; pradakshhiNam chakruH= went round him clockwise; kR^itaanjaliH= with joined palms.

Then, Rama Seetha and Lakshmana, who felt miserable, bowed down by touching the feet of the king and went round him clockwise with joined palms.

Verse Locator

tam ca api samanujïäpya dharmajïaù sétayä saha |
räghavaù çoka sammüòho jananém abhyavädayat || 2-40-2

2. samanujJNaH= after taking leave; tam= of Dasaratha; raaghavaH= Rama; dharmaJNaH= who know what is right; siitayaasaha= along with seetha; abhyavaadayat= bowed; jananiim= to his mother Kausalya; shokasammuudhaH= stupefied by sorrow.

After taking leave of Dasaratha, Rama who knew what is right and stood confounded by sorrow, bowed along with Seetha to Kausalya.

Verse Locator

anvakñam lakñmaëo bhrätuù kausalyäm abhyavädayat |
atha mätuù sumiträyä jagräha caraëau punaù || 2-40-3

3. anvakshham= Immediately following; bhraatuH= his brother; lakshhmanaH= Lakshmana; abhyavaadayat= bowed; kausalyaam= to Kausalya; atha= then; punaH= again; jagraaha= clasped; charaNau= the feet; sumitraayaaH= of Sumintra; maatuH= his mother.

Immediately following his brother, Lakshmana too bowed to Kausalya, then clasped the feet of his mother Sumitra.

Verse Locator

tam vandamänam rudaté mätä saumitrim abravét |
hita kämä mahä bähum mürdhni upäghräya lakñmaëam || 2-40-4

4. upaaghraaya= smelling; muurdhani= the head; lakshmaNam= of Lakshmana; mahaabaahum= the mighty armed; vandamaanam= who was saluting her; maataa= his mother; hitakaamaa= who wished well of him; abraviit= spoke; rudatii= weeping; soumitrim= to that son of hers.

Smelling (as a token of affection) the head of Lakshmana mighty armed, who was saluting her, his mother Sumitra who wished well of him, spoke weeping, to that son of her (as follows)

Verse Locator

såñöaù tvam vana väsäya svanuraktaù suhåj jane |
räme pramädam mä kärñéù putra bhrätari gaccati || 2-40-5

5. svanuraktaH= highly fond; suhR^ijjane= of your kinsman Rama; tvam= you; sR^ishhTaH= have been permitted(by me); vanavaasaaya= to dwell in the forest; putra= Oh son! maa karshhiiH= do not; pramaadam= neglect; bhraatari= your half-brother; raame= Rama; gachchhati= who is going ( to the forest)

"Highly fond of your kinsman Rama, you have been permitted (by me) to dwell in the forest(with your eldest half-brother). Do not neglect your half-brother). Do not neglect your half-brother Rama, who is going to the forest, my son!"

Verse Locator

vyasané vä samåddho vä gatir eña tava anagha |
eña loke satäm dharmaù yaj jyeñöha vaçago bhavet || 2-40-6

6. anagha= "Oh, sinless one! vysaniivaa= whether in adversity; samR^iddhovaa= or in riches, eshhaH= he alne; gatiH= is refuge; tava= to you; tava= to you; bhave yat= it should become; dharmaH= code of conduct; sataam= of the virtuous; loka= in the world; eshhaH= that; jyeshhThavashagaH= younger brother should be subject to the control of his elder brother."

"Oh, sinless one! Whether in adversity or in riches, he alone is refugee to you. It should become the code of conduct in the world, that younger brother should be subject to the control of his elder brother."

Verse Locator

idam hi våttam ucitam kulasya asya sanätanam |
dänam dékñä ca yajïeñu tanu tyägo mådheñu ca || 2-40-7

7. idam= this; vR^ittamhi= is ideed a practice; uchitam= right; sanaatanam= from ancient times; kulasya= in your race; daanam= of making gifts; diikshhaacha= of dedicating oneself to; yajJNeshhu= performance of sacrificial rites; tanutyaagaH cha= and of forsaking the body; mR^idheshhu= in battles.

"It is indeed a practice right from ancient times in your race, to make gifts, to dedicate onself to performance of sacrificial rites and to foresake one's body to fight battles."

Verse Locator

laksmaëam tvevamktvä sä samsiddham priyaräghavam |
sumiträ gaccha gaccheti punaù punaruväca tam || 2-40-8

8. evam= thus; uktvaa= speaking; lakshhmanam= to Lakshmana; samsiddham= who was in readiness (to leave the forest); priya raaghavam= and who loved Rama dearly; saa= that; sumitraa= Sumitra; punaH= punaH= again and again; uvaacha= said; tam= to him; iti= thus; gachchha= "fare forth!"

Thus speaking to Lakshmana, who was in readiness to leave the forest and who loved Rama dearly, Sumitra repeatedly said to him, "fare forth, fare forth!"

Verse Locator

rämam daçaratham viddhi mäm viddhi janaka ätmajäm |
ayodhyäm aöavém viddhi gacca täta yathä sukham || 2-40-9

9. vidhdhhi= know; raamam=Rama; dasharatham= to be Dasaratha; vidhdhhi= look upon; janakaatmajaam= Seetha the daughter of Janaka; maam= as myself; vidhdhhi= consider; aTaviim= forest; ayodhyaam= as Ayodhya; gachchha= depart; yathaasukham= happily; taata= my son!

"Know Rama to be Dasaratha. Look upon Seetha the daughter of Janaka as myself. Consider the forest as Ayodhya and depart happily, my son!"

Verse Locator

tataù sumantraù käkutstham pränjalir väkyam abravét |
vinétaù vinayajïaù ca mätalir väsavam yathä || 2-40-10

10. tataH= then; sumantraH= Sumantra; viniitaH= the humble man; vinayajJNashcha= who was aware of humility; praaJNjaliH= with joined palms; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= (these) words; kaakutthsam= to Rama; vaasavam yathaa= as to Indra (ruler of gods) maatalih= Matali(charioteer of Indra)

Then, Sumantra the humble man, who was aware of humility, joined his palms and spoke these words to Rama even as Matali (charioteer of Indra) would to Indra (the ruler of gods).

Verse Locator

ratham äroha bhadram te räja putra mahä yaçaù |
kñipram tväm präpayiñyämi yatra mäm räma vakñyasi || 2-40-11

11. aaroha= "mount; ratham= the chariot; mahaayashaH= oh, the highly illustrious; raajaputra= prince! bhadram= may al be well; te= with you! praapayishhyaami= I shall take; tvaam= you; kshhipram= speedily; yatra= wherever; vakshhyasi= you tell"

"Mount the chariot, oh the highly illustrious prince! May all be well with you! I shall take you speedily, wherever you direct me to go."

Verse Locator

catur daça hi varñäëi vastavyäni vane tvayä |
täni upakramitavyäni yäni devyä asi coditaù || 2-40-12

12. tvayaa= by you; vastavyaani= to be resided; vane= in the forest; chaturdasha= for fourteen; varshhaaNi= years; yaani= which years; choditaH asi= were directed to you; devyaa= by the queen; taani= those; upakramitavyaani= are considered to have commenced

"You have to reside in the forest for fourteen years. Those years, as directed by the queen, are to be considered having commenced."

Verse Locator

tam ratham sürya samkäçam sétä håñöena cetasä |
äruroha vara ärohä kåtvä alamkäram ätmanaù || 2-40-13

13. kR^itvaa= having; alamkaaram= adorned; aatmanaH= herself; siitaa= Seetha; varaarohaa= with her comely buttocks; aaruroha= mounted; hR^ishhTena= with a delighted; chetasaa= mind; ta ratham= that chariot; surya samkaasham= which was shining like the sun.

Having adorned herself, Seetha with her comely buttocks, mounted with a delighted mind, that chariot which was shining like the sun.

Verse Locator

tathaiva äyudha jätäni bhrätåbhyäm kavacäni ca |
ratha upasthe pratinyasya sacarma kaöhinam ca tat || 2-40-14

14. atho= thereafter; raamalakshhmaNau= Rama and Lakshmana; bhraatarau= the brothers; tuurNam= quickly; aaruruhatuH= mounted; tam= that chariot; jvalasamkaasham= which was resplendent like fire; chaamiikara vibhuushhitam= and decked with gold.

Thereafter, Rama and Lakshmana the brothers quickly mounted that chariot, which was replendent like fire and decked with gold.

Verse Locator

vanaväsam hi samkhyaya väsämsyäbharaëäni ca |
bhartäramanugacchantyai sétäyai çvaçuro dadau || 2-40-15

15. siitaayai= for Seetha; anugachchhantyai= who was accompanying; bhartaaram= her husband; shvashuraH= the father in law(Dasaratha); dadau= gave away; vaasaamsi= garments; aabharaNaanicha= and jewellery; samkhyaaya= taking into enumeration; vana vaasam= her stay in the forest.

For Seetha who was accompanying with her husband, Dasaratha gave away garments and jewellery, taking into consideration the period for which she had to stay in the forest.

Verse Locator

tathaiväyudhajäläni bhrätåbhyäm kavacäni ca |
rathopasthe pratinyasya sacarma kaöhinam ca tat || 2-40-16
sétä tåtéyän ärüòhän dåñövä dhåñöam acodayat |
sumantraù sammatän açvän väyu vega samän jave || 2-40-17

16-17. tathaiva= In like manner; bhraatR^ithyaam= for the brother; aayudha; pratinyasya= keeping; jaalaani= the sets of weapons; kavachaanicha= armour; kaThinamcha= of hard make; sacharma= with leather= cover; rathopasthe= in the middle of the chariot; sumantraH= Sumantra; dR^ishhTvaa= saw; sitaatR^itiiyaan= the three of whom Seetha constituted the third; aaruudhaan= mounted; aachodayat= drove; dhR^ishhTam= quickly; ashvaan= the horses; sammataan= which were highly admired; jave= with swiftness; vaaynvega samaan= like velocity of wind.

Even so for the two brothers, keeping the sets of weapon, an armour of hard make with leather-cover in the midst of the chariot, Sumantra saw the three of whom Seetha constituted the third mounted and quickly drove the horses which were highly admired, with their swiftness resembling the velocity of wind.

Verse Locator

prayäte tu mahä araëyam cira räträya räghave |
babhüva nagare mürccä bala mürccä janasya ca || 2-40-18

18. raaghave= Rama; pratiyaate= after departing; mahaaraNye= to the great forest; chiraraatraaya= for a long term; muurchchhaa= unconsciousness; babhuuva= prevailed; nagare= in the city; balamuurchchhaacha= (there was) faintness in strength; janasya= of people.

Rama after departing to the great forest for a long term, unconsciousness prevailed in the city. There was faintness in the strength of people.

Verse Locator

tat samäkula sambhräntam matta samkupita dvipam |
haya çinjita nirghoñam puram äsén mahä svanam || 2-40-19

19. tat puram= that city; aasiit= became; aakula sambhraantam= filled with flurry; matta sankupita dvipam= with its elephants intoxicated in rut and highly excited (as they were) layashiNjita nirghoshham= resonant with tinkling of ornaments of horses

The city ( of Ayodhya) is filled with flurry, with its elephants intoxicated in rut and highly excited and resonant with tinkling of ornaments of horses.

Verse Locator

tataù sabäla våddhä sä puré parama péòitä |
rämam eva abhidudräva gharma ärtaù salilam yathä || 2-40-20

20. tataH= thereafter; saa purii= that city; sabaala vR^iddhaa= including the youngsters and the old; parama piiDitaa= stricken with, extreme agony; abhidudraava= ran towards; raamam eva= Rama alone; salilam yathaa= like towards water; gharmaartah= the one afflicted with heat (of the sun).

That city, including the youngsters and the old, stricken with extreme agony, ran towards Rama alone, in the same way as the one afflicted with heat of the sun rushes towards water.

Verse Locator

pärçvataù påñöhataù ca api lambamänäù tat unmukhäù |
bäñpa pürëa mukhäù sarve tam ücur bhåça duhkhitäù || 2-40-21

21. lambaamaanaaH= having down toards; paarshvataH= sides; pR^ishhThatashchaiva= and back; sarve= all those people; tadanmukhaaH= with their faces turned towards him; bhaashhpapuurNamukhaaH= with their faces filled with tears; bhR^ishanisvanaah= with loud voices; uuchuH= said; tam= to him(Sumantra)

Having down towards sides and back of the chariot with their faces turned towards Rama and with their faces filled with tears, all those people said with loud voices to Sumantra thus:

Verse Locator

samyacca väjinäm raçmén süta yähi çanaiù çanaiù |
mukham drakñyämi rämasya durdarçam no bhaviñyati || 2-40-22

22. suuta= Oh, Charioteer! samayachchha= hold in; rashmiin= the reins; vaajinaam= of the horses; yaahi= (and) go; shanaiH shanaiH= slowly and slowly; drakshhyaamaH= we would behold; mukham= the face; raamasya= Rama; bhavishhyati= which would be; durdarsham= difficult to behold; saH= for us.

"Hold in the reins of the horses and go slowly and slowly, Oh charioteer! We would behold the face of Rama, which would be henceforth difficult to behold for us"

Verse Locator

äyasam hådayam nünam räma mätur asamçayam |
yad deva garbha pratime vanam yäti na bhidyate || 2-40-23

23. hR^idayam= the heart; raama maatuH= of Rama's mother(Kausaly) nuunam= surely asamshayam= undoubtedely; aayasam= is made of iron; yat= since; na bhidyat= it does not get broken; deva garbha pratime= (when) Rama resembling an affspring of gods; yaati= is going; vanam= to the forest.

"The heart of Rama's mother (Kausalya) is surely and undoubtedly made of iron, since it does not get broken when Rama resembling an offspring of gods is going to the forest"

Verse Locator

kåta kåtyä hi vaidehé cäyä iva anugatä patim |
na jahäti ratä dharme merum arka prabhä yathä || 2-40-24

24. vaidehii= Seetha (the princess of Videha kingdom) kR^ita kR^ityaa= has done what ought to be done; anugataa= by going after; chhayaiva= like a shadow; rataa= delighted; dharme= in virtue; na jahaati= does not leave; patim= her husband; yathaa meru= like Mount Meru; arka prabhaa= the effulgence of the sun.

"Seetha (the princess of Videha kingdom) has done what ought to be done, by going along with him like a shadow, delighted in virtue as she was and does not leave her husband in the same way as Mount Meru does not leave the effulgence of sun"

Verse Locator

aho lakñmaëa siddha arthaù satatäm priya vädinam |
bhrätaram deva samkäçam yaù tvam paricariñyasi || 2-40-25

25. lakshhmaNa= Oh, Lakshmana! yaH tvam= since you; paracharishhyasi= are attending; satatam= ever; bhraataram= to your brother, priyavaadinam= who speaks affectionately; devasamkaasham= and in equal to the god; aho= Ah, you are; siddharthaH= the accomplisher of purpose!

"Oh, Lakshmana! You are attending ever to your brother who speaks affectionately and is equal to the god. Ah, you are the accomplisher of purpose!"

Verse Locator

mahati eñä hi te siddhir eña ca abhyudayo mahän |
eña svargasya märgaù ca yad enam anugaccasi || 2-40-26

26. eshhaa= It; mahatii= is immense; siddhi= fulfilment; te= for you; eshhaH= it; mahaan= is tremendous; abhyandayaH= good fortune; eshhaH= it; maargashcha= is even means; svargasya= to heaven; anugachchhasi iti yat= that you are following; enam= this Rama.

"It is an immense fulfilment for you, it is a tremendous good fortune for you, nay, it is even a means to heaven that you are following this Rama"

Verse Locator

evam vadantaù te soòhum na çekur bäñpam ägatam |
atha räjä våtaù strébhir dénäbhir déna cetanaù || 2-40-27

27. vadantaH= saying; evam= so; te naraaH= those people; na shekuH= were not able; sodhum= to restrain; baashhpam= their tears; aagatam= that come; anugachchhantaH= and followed; tam= the Rama; priyam= their beloved; ikshhvaaku nandanam= delight of the Ikshvaakus.

Saying so, those people were not able to restrain their tears that come and followed that Rama, their beloved delight of the Ikshvakus.

Verse Locator

atha räjä våtaù strébhirdénäbhirdénacetanaù |
nirjagäma priyam putram drakñyämi iti bruvan gåhät || 2-40-28

28. atha= then; raajaa= the king; diinachetanaH= with the distressed min; bruvan= saying; dakshhyaaniti= that he would behold; priyam= his beloved; putram= son; nirjagaama= came out; gR^ihaat= of his palace; vR^itaH= surrounded; striibhiH= by women; diinaabhiH= who were dejected.

Then, the king with the distressed mind, saying that he would behold his beloved saw, came out of his palace surrounded by women who were too dejected.

Verse Locator

çuçruve ca agrataù strénäm rudanténäm mahä svanaù |
yathä nädaù kareëünäm baddhe mahati kunjare || 2-40-29

29. agrataH= In front of him; shushruve= was heard; mahaasvanaH= a huge noise; rudantiinaam= of crying; striiNaam= women; naadaH yathaa= echoing like trumpeting; kareNuunaam= of female elephants, mahati kuNjare= (when) a lordly elephant; baddhe= has been pinoned.

In front of him was heard a huge noise of crying women, echoing like trumpeting of female elephants when a lordly elephant has been pinioned.

Verse Locator

pitä ca räjä käkutsthaù çrémän sannaù tadä babhau |
paripürëaù çaçé käle graheëa upaplutaù yathä || 2-40-30

30. tadaa= then, kaale= at that time; pitaa hi= the father as is well known; shriimaan= as a glorious; raajaa= king; kaakutsthaH= Dasaratha( a scion of Kakutstha) abhavat= becoame; sannaH= shrunk; puurNa shashiiyathaa= like a full moon; upaplutaH= overshadowed; graheNa= by an eclipse.

At that time, the father of Rama as is well known as a glorious king Dasaratha (a scion of Kakutstha) looked shrunk, like the full moon over shadowed by an eclipse.

Verse Locator

sa ca çrémänacintyätmä rämo daçarathätmajaù |
sütam samcodayämäsa tvaritam vähyatämiti || 2-40-31

31. saH= then; shriimaan= glorious; dasharathaatmaJaH= son of Dasaratha, Rama; achintyaatmaa= of inconceivable courage; samchodayaamaasa= directed; suutam= the charioteer; iti= thus; vaahyataam= "Let it be driven; tvaritam= fast"

That glorious son of Dasaratha (Rama) of inconceivable courage, directed the charioteer in the words "Let the chariot be driven fast."

Verse Locator

rämo yähéti sütam tam tiñöheti sa janastadä |
ubhayam näçakatsütaù kartumadhvani coditaù || 2-40-32

32. tathaa= then; raamaH= Rama(commanded); tamsuutam= that charioteer; iti= with the words; yaahi= "Move on!" janaH= the people, iti= with the words; tishhTha= "stop!" choditaH= urged; adhvani= on the passage; suutaH= the charioteer; naashakat= could not; kartum= do; ubhayam= both.

Rama commanded that charioteer with the words "Move on!" The people said to him "stop!" Urged on the passage, the charioteer could not do both.

Verse Locator

nirgacchati mahäbähau räme paurajanäçrubhiù |
patitairabhyavahitam praçaçäma mahérajaù || 2-40-33

33. mahiirajaH= the dust; abhyavahitam= raised on the road; nirgachchhati= due to moving out; raame= of Rama; mahaabaahau= the mighty armed; prashashaama= was suppressed; patitaiH= by the falling; paurajanaashrubhiH= tears of the citizens.

The dust raised on the road due to moving out of mighty armed Rama, was suppressed by the falling tears of the citizens.

Verse Locator

ruditäçruparidyünam hähäkåtamacetanam |
prayäëe räghavasyäsétpuram paramapéòitam || 2-40-34

34. rudiraashru paridyuunam= Wet with wailing tears; haahaakR^itam= (and) loud cries; puram= the city (of Ayodhya) prayaaNe= at that time of departure; raaghavasya= of Rama; aasiit= became; achetanam= unconscious; paramapiiditam= with deep agony.

With full of wailing tears, the citizens of after making loud cries became unconscious with deep agony, at the time of departure of Rama.

Verse Locator

susräva nayanaiù stréëämasramäyäsasambhavam |
ménasamkçobhacalitaiù salilam paìkajairiva || 2-40-35

35. asram= Tears; aayaasasambhavam= born of anguish; susraava= flowed; nayanaiH= from the eyes; striiNaam= of women; salilamiva= like(drops of) water; paNkajaiH= from lotuses; miina samkshhobhachalitaiH= by the commation of fist.

Tears born of anguish flowed from the eyes of women like(drops of) water falling from lotuses by the commotion of fish.

Verse Locator

dåñövä tu nåpatiù çrémänekacittagatam puram |
nipapätaiva duùkhena hatamüla iva drumaù || 2-40-36

36. dR^ishhTvaa= Seeing; puram= the city; ekachittagatam= with singleness of mind; shriimaan= the glorious; nR^ipatiH= monarch; nipapaataiva= fell down; duHkhena= with agony; drumaH iva= like a tree; hatamuulaH= sain at its root.

Seeing the city with singleness of mind, the glorious monarch Dasaratha fell down with agony, like a tree slain at its root.

Verse Locator

tatao hala halä çabdo jajïe rämasya påñöhataù |
naräëäm prekñya räjänam sédantam bhåça duhkhitam || 2-40-37

37. tataH= thereafter; prekshhya= seeing; raajaanam= the king; siidantam= becoming feeble; bR^ishaduHkhitam= and much distress; halahalashabdaH= the out cry; naraaNam= of the people; jaJNe= rose; pR^ishhTataH= from the rear; raamasya= of Rama.

Thereafter, seeing the king becoming feeble and much distressed, the outery of the people rose from the rear of Rama.

Verse Locator

hä räma iti janäù kecit räma mätä iti ca apare |
antaù puram samåddham ca kroçantam paryadevayan || 2-40-38

38. kachit= some; janaaH= poeple; kroshantaH= crying; haa raameti= "Oh Rama!" apare= and some others, raamamaateti= "Oh Rama's mother!" paryadevayan antHpuram samR^iddhamcha= and made the entire gynaecium to weap.

Some people crying "Oh, Rama!" and some others crying "Oh, Rama's mother!", made the entire women in the gynaecium to weep.

Verse Locator

anvékñamäëo rämaù tu viñaëëam bhränta cetasam |
räjänam mätaram caiva dadarça anugatau pathi || 2-40-39

39. anviikshhamaanaH= looking back; raamastu= Rama; dadarsha= saw; raajaanam= the king; vishhaNNam= sorrowful; bhraantachetasam= and perplexed in mind; maataram chaiva= as well as his mother; anugatau= following(him) pathi= on the road.

Looking back, Rama saw the king sorrowful and perplexed in mind, as well as his mother following (him) on the road.

Verse Locator

sa baddha iva päçena kiçoro mätaram yathä |
dharmapäçena samkçiptaù prakäçam näbhudaikçata || 2-40-40

40. saH= Rama; samkshhiptaH= bound; dharmapaashena= by the chord of righteousness, naabhyudaikshhata= could not behold those parents; prakaasham= openly; kishoraH iva= as a (foal); baddhaH= caught; paashena= in a snare; maataram yathaa= its dam.

Rama, bound by the chord of righteousness, could not gaze openly at his parents, as a foal caught in a snare would not properly look at its dam.

Verse Locator

padätinau ca yäna arhäv aduhkha arhau sukha ucitau |
dåñövä samcodayäm äsa çéghram yähi iti särathim || 2-40-41

41. dR^ishhTvaa= seeing(then) padaatinau= coming by foot; yaanaarhau= (through) worthy of a chariot; sukhochitau= habituated to comfort; avaduHkhaarhau= unworthy of suffering; samchodayaamaasa= commanded; sarathim= the charioteer; iti= thus; yaahi= "Drive; shiighram= fast!"

Seeing them coming by foot, though worthy of a chariot, habituated to comfort and unworthy of suffering, Rama commanded the charioteer with words: "Drive fast!"

Verse Locator

na hi tat puruña vyäghraù duhkhadam darçanam pituù |
mätuù ca sahitum çaktaù totra arditaiva dvipaù || 2-40-42

42. purushhvyaaghraH= Rama, the tiger among men; duHkhadam= feeling pained; dvipaH iva= as an elephant; totraarditaH= pricked by a good; na shaktaH hi= was indeed not able; sahitum= to bear; tat= that; darshanam= sight; pituH= of his father; maatushcha= and his mother.

Rama the tiger among men, feeling pained, as an elephant being pricked by a good, indeed was not able to bear that plight of his father and his mother.

Verse Locator

pratyagäramiväyänté vatsalä vatsakäraëät |
baddhavatsä yathä dhenü rämamätäbhyädhävata || 2-40-43

43. raamamaataa= Rama's mother(Kausalya) abhyadhaavata= ran towards her son; dhanuH iva= as a cow; dhanuH iva= as a cow; baddha vatsaa= whose calf stands tied; vatsalaa= fond of her calf; aayaantii= coming; agaaram prati= home; vatsa kaaraNaat yathaa= for her calf.

Rama's mother (Kausalya) ran towards her son, as a cow fond of her calf and whose calf is tied (in a stall), runs home for her calf.

Verse Locator

tathä rudantém kausalyäm ratham tam anudhävatém |
kroçantém räma räma iti hä séte lakñmaëa iti ca || 2-40-44
rämalakçmaëasétärtham sravantém väri netrajam |
asakåt praikñata tadä nåtyantém iva mätaram || 2-40-45

44-45. saH= Rama; askR^it= again and again; praikshhata= saw; taam kausalyaam= that Kausalya; maataram= his mother; rudantiim= who was crying; tathaa= thus; anudhaavantiim= running after; tam ratham= that chariot; mR^ityantiim iva= as though dancing; kroshantiim= shouting; raama raameti= Oh, Rama, Rama!; haa siite= Oh, Seetha! lakshmaNeticha= and Oh, Lakshmana; sravantiim= trickling; vaari= tears; netrajam= descended from the eyes; raamalakshmaNa siitaartham= for the sake of Rama, Lakshmana and Seetha.

Rama again and again saw that Kausalya, his mother who was crying thus, running after that chariot as though dancing, shouting "Oh, Rama, Rama!" "Oh, Seetha!" and "Oh, Lakshmana!" trickling tears descending from her eyes for the sake of Rama Lakshmana and Seetha.

Verse Locator

tiñöha iti räjä cukroña yähi yähi iti räghavaù |
sumantrasya babhüva ätmä cakrayoù iva ca antarä || 2-40-46

46. dasharatha= Dasaratha; chukrosha= exclaimed saying; tishheti= "Stop!" raaghavaH= Rama; yaahiyaahi iti= "go on, proceed!" aatmaa= the mind; sumantrasya= of Sumantra; babhuuya= became; antaraa iva= as in between; chakrayoH= two whirl-pools.

Dasaratha exclaimed saying "Stop!" while Rama called out "Go on, proceed!" (In that way) Sumantra's mind became confused, as in between two (opposing) whirl pools.

Verse Locator

na açrauñam iti räjänam upälabdho api vakñyasi |
ciram duhkhasya päpiñöham iti rämaù tam abravét || 2-40-47

47. raamaH= Rama; abraviit= said; tam= to him; iti= thus; vakshhyasi= "you can say; rajaanaam= to the king; naashraushhamiti= that you did not hear; upaalabdho.api= even when scolded; duHkham= (seeing) their gief; chiram= for a long tiem; paapishhTam= is a very wicked thing.

Rama said to him: "You can say to the king that you did not hear (his call), even when scolded (later). Seeing their grief for a long time is quite unbearbale."

Verse Locator

rämasya sa vacaù kurvann anujïäpya ca tam janam |
vrajataù api hayän çéghram codayäm äsa särathiù || 2-40-48

48. saarathiH= the charioteer; kurvan= doing; raamasya= (as per) Rama's; vachaH= words; anuJNaapya= taking leave of; tam= those; janam= citizens; chodayaamaasa= driven; hayaan= the horses; shiighram= (more) speedily; vrajoto.api= even when they are proceeding.

The charioteer, doing as per Rama's words, took leave of those citizens and drive the horses more speedily even while they are going.

Verse Locator

nyavartata jano räjïo rämam kåtvä pradakñiëam |
manasä api açru vegaiù ca na nyavartata mänuñam || 2-40-49

49. raaJNaH= the king's ; janaH= people; nyavartata= returned; pradakshhiNam kR^itvaa; after (mentally) going round; raamam= Rama; maamshham= the mankind; nanyavartata= did not return; manasaa.api= with their mind; ashruvegishcha= or the impulse of their tears.

The king's people returned after (mentally) going round Rama. Their minds did not return. Their impulse of tears also did not get reduced.

Verse Locator

yam iccet punar äyäntam na enam düram anuvrajet |
iti amätyä mahä räjam ücur daçaratham vacaù || 2-40-50

50. amaatyaaH= the ministers; uuchuH= spoke; vachaH= these words; maahaarajam= to the king; dasharatham= Dasaratha; iti= thus; yam= to who; ichchhet=(we) desire(him) aayantam= to come; punaH= again; enam= to him; naanuprajet= we; should not follow, duuram= to a long distance.

The ministers spoke to king Dasaratha as follows:" We should not follow to a long distance him whom we wish to see come back."

Verse Locator

teñäm vacaù sarva guëa upapannam |
prasvinna gätraù praviñaëëa rüpaù |
niçamya räjä kåpaëaù sabhäryo |
vyavasthitaù tam sutam ékñamäëaù || 2-40-51

51. nishamya= hearing; teshhaam= their; vachaH= words, sarvaguNopapannam= which were befitting with all virtues; raajaa= the king; kR^ipaNaH= felt miserable; vyasthitaH= stopped short; iikshhamaaNaH= gazing; sa bhaaryaH= along with his wife; tam sutam= at that son(Rama); prasvinnagaatraH= with his body pesspiring; pravishhaNNaruupaH= and wearing a dejected appearance.

Hearing their words, which were befitting with all virtues, the king Dasaratha felt miserable, stopped short, gazing along with his wife, at his son Rama, with his whole body perspiring and wearing a dejected look.


iti välméki rämäyaëe ädi kävye ayodhya käëòe catväriàçaù sargaù

Thus completes 40th chapter in the AyodhyaKanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Verse Locator for Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya : Chapter 40


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