Desiraju Hanumanta Rao...
....... was a personality in Telugu Theatre, TV, Film and literary circles, of Andhra Pradesh State of India. Encouraging many a writer, actor, director into Theatre, TV & films, he launched novices into stardom. Well-read in classical and traditional literature, his interests remain in Vedanta, literature and other performing arts.
...... retiring from service and the active theatre, he was participating in digitalizing Indian classics and culture. The good saying of "Every generation shall have its own translation..." has enthused us to takeup this work in this way....
......with an intention to reach the very casual readers, besides scholars, Valmiki Ramayana the first epic poem of India, is being rendered for an easy readability and comprehension for all those, including the present day Indians, to whom the Sanskrit has become an antique language.

He passed away in 2010.

The e-text is available at .... Let Hanuma take you there... Valmiki

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